Bodybuilding Lifestyle good or bad

Hey friends Please give your suggestions and help me to know is bodybuilding is a good lifestyle or is bad for normal life,
And does it creates any problem in normal life.


  • ark98
    it can be healthy, it depends on how you do it!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hey friends Please give your suggestions and help me to know is bodybuilding is a good lifestyle or is bad for normal life,
    And does it creates any problem in normal life.

    i think that depends on what you do in your 'normal life' to begin with!
  • ScottJTyler
    ScottJTyler Posts: 72 Member
    Competitive bodybuilding is pretty unhealthy, they get down to bare minimum survival levels of bodyfat 3-4%. For everyone else, building muscle is very beneficial for health. Muscle mass and bone density are strongly linked with longevity and also disease and injury prevention.