Smoking and Metabolism


I've been losing more than I'd like per week. Couldn't explain it because I was eating within range, and sometimes even a little over. But I'm still losing almost a pound a day. Then I read this article. Turns out that smoking a pack a day puts the same amount of stress (makes it pump harder) on your heart as being 90 pounds heavier than you actually are.

I'm not posting this as a "go start smoking!" thing. In fact quitting is most assuredly on my to do list. I hate it more than you can possibly know.

I'm both a smoker and morbidly obese and I knew I couldn't do both at the same time (I'd just fail at both) so I'm working on one, and then the other. but I'm posting this in case anyone else is going through this. I'm adjusting my calorie intake to reflect the extra "90 pounds" so that I'll lose the weight at a safer pace and then address the smoking.


  • sim_moore
    sim_moore Posts: 23 Member

    Just wanted to weigh in on this :) Haha like my pun. :O Anyway I quit smoking and started eating healthy at the same time.. I found that the improvement in my taste buds made vegies and foods I did not like before seem more palatable..

    Also I think when we smoke we often eat/drink to get rid of the taste and I was often craving something sweet/sour/spicy to have before my cigarette to improve the taste.

    Might sound weird but in the past I have tried to eat healthy whilst smoking and it has never worked.. Now I am starting to exercise a small amount, walking around 20KM a week and have lost 20KG as of this morning (will update the log on monday if i keep it off) all since the start of July..

    Try both.. you may be surprised how well it works.. I used that excuse and it really is just a crutch..

    good luck
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I'm feeling really good about my lifestyle changes so you know what. I think I will! Thanks for the support!
  • NetflixAndChocolate
    Really interesting fact. What about people who smoke the e-cigarette
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Really interesting fact. What about people who smoke the e-cigarette

    not sure, its smokeless, just vapor. But the nicotine does go to your bloodstream. Hard to tell.
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    I used to smoke a lot and diet and actually didn't loose any weight until i quit smoking so i think its irrelevant the more weight you have to loose generally the faster you loose weight in the beginning. But after i quit a month later i noticed my air while i was running felt CLEAN and COLD it was crazy was smoking was doing to me without me even noticing it.
  • sim_moore
    sim_moore Posts: 23 Member
    Maybe the sayings "smoking boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight" was a rumour "fact" produced by the drug companies to sell more ciggies and ensure they don't lose their overweight customers...

    Have I stumbled onto a conspiracy haha.... Anyway yes I am for the quitting... You will find your general lung capacity improves and makes you more active from the get go...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    thats why you are more likely to gain weight when you stop smoking...
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Interesting. I'm 1mth into quitting smoking (after 21yrs). I'm still losing weight consistently, but I'm using an e cig for nicotine replacement. I've started running & my lung function surprised me with how quickly its recovering.

    I've read it can take up to a year for the metabolism to reset after you lose the nicotine. My plan is to taper off till Xmas & get as near to goal as I can. If I regain some then well so be it.

    **Adding I also have on going perio issues & even after 3wks non smoking the dentist said I've had dramatic improvements in that area too. Nicotine contracts the vascular system still so whilst it's not exactly great for you. It's still obviously a damn sight better than smoking cigarettes.
  • sim_moore
    sim_moore Posts: 23 Member
    See in my opinion I think this could be wrong. The difference is psychological perhaps.. People gain weight when they quit because they replace smoking with Food.. EG: Keeping the hands busy..

    All to do with the cravings and not metabolism.. I think the drug companies are happy to perpetuate this rumour..
  • jamesdavidy
    Watched my Mpther in Law die of Lung Cancer…please don't smoke you are loved
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    See in my opinion I think this could be wrong. The difference is psychological perhaps.. People gain weight when they quit because they replace smoking with Food.. EG: Keeping the hands busy..

    All to do with the cravings and not metabolism.. I think the drug companies are happy to perpetuate this rumour..

    I'm on my phone so can't link sites - but both the NHS & Mayo Clinic sites state that yes it can have an impact on metabolism. However the usual amount is 4-15lbs on average gained. Anything else over would be purely through caloric increase. I don't know whether it's correct or not, but it's interesting regardless.

    At the end of the day even a slight weight increase is far easier to remedy than a smoking related disease though.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I don't agree. I quit smoking 8 weeks ago after 30 years and I haven't gained a pound. It can be done!
  • mandimahoney5
    If you really want you can do both at the same time. I quit smoking I quit for the second time when i started dieting. I got over the I am going to scream at you raging i need a cig, think and fight with my self about if i should stop at the store and get just one more pack Phase, and hit the gym in place of smoking. It took me replacing my smoking addiction with something else, and will power.

    It has been 5- 6 weeks now since i have smoked. I realized the other day after i had smelled a smoker behind me in the store, that i hadnt thought about wanting to smoke for over a week. then i thought, wow they need a bath.

    I've been losing more than I'd like per week. Couldn't explain it because I was eating within range, and sometimes even a little over. But I'm still losing almost a pound a day. Then I read this article. Turns out that smoking a pack a day puts the same amount of stress (makes it pump harder) on your heart as being 90 pounds heavier than you actually are.

    I'm not posting this as a "go start smoking!" thing. In fact quitting is most assuredly on my to do list. I hate it more than you can possibly know.

    I'm both a smoker and morbidly obese and I knew I couldn't do both at the same time (I'd just fail at both) so I'm working on one, and then the other. but I'm posting this in case anyone else is going through this. I'm adjusting my calorie intake to reflect the extra "90 pounds" so that I'll lose the weight at a safer pace and then address the smoking.
  • LaVie13
    LaVie13 Posts: 143 Member
    Im not sure this is better, but i replaced my cigars with the e-cig. It took about 2 weeks to get over the wanting to light one. Now , when I want nicotine , I take a puff off the e-cig. I hope to eventually not pick it up anymore. I have noticed that I am puffing on it less and less.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    First off, congrats on the decision to to change your life! Reading the above posts, I guess quitting smoking has different effects. Btw, I quit very easily by using prescription drugs written out by my doctor. The pills just made me NOT WANT a cigarette anymore.

    But it turned out that quitting smoking was the easy part. After I quit, I got the usual cravings for more food etc. No need to repeat those stories. What it did after more than 4 years after I quit is that it totally ruined my metabolism. I've never had weight problems before. Last 3 years I started exercising. Since october 2013 I've been on a 1200-1500 kcal diet, going to the gym 3 times a week - WITH SLOWLY GAINING WEIGHT.

    I'm not saying this to scare you, just to inform you that this can happen. I'm finally loosing weight by using the 5:2 method:)

    Good luck:)

    Edit: Want to add that there ofc are other factors too for not loosing weight, like age, not logging completely accurately. Those factors still doesn't explain why my metabolism stopped working in the first place.