Add people who comment on this thread, make MFP friends!!



  • helen195
    helen195 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I'm Helen mid 40's working mum of 2 from UK.

    I have about 60lb to lose, been gradually putting it on over the last 9 years. Spent my teenage years and 20's around 130lb and never need to worry about my weight, finding it had to stay on track.

    My fitness aim is to be able to run 5k none stop and build up from there.

    Feel free to add me.
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi. Friends are slowly diminishing as year goes on.

    I like to run. (when I am not injured) Long story short, I am coming off an injury. My goal last year this time was to run an ENTIRE half marathon. I unfortunately got hip bursitis and sidelined. My goal continues. So far I have done 3 half marathons with a 4th in 2 weeks (walking d/t hip). I am on the mend though and I would like more support.

    A little about me: 39, single mom of one (beautiful) daughter. I start grad school next Monday! (I am a bit intimidated about the time management thing). I also work a full-time job.

    I occasionally forget to log on days I work 12 hour shifts but for the most part I log in every day.

    Please feel free to add me: young, old, fit, fat, somewhere in between, it doesn't matter! : )
  • laurenweird
    laurenweird Posts: 11 Member

    I am Lauren from the UK! I am a mother to two and a full time University Student (Primary school teaching) I am due to be married this coming August and that is my motivation to lose weight!

    I started out at just over 17 stone and want to try get down to 13/12 stone for my wedding? WILL I DO IT? AHH!

    I've always struggled with food as I love it so much and use it to calm ALL my emotions so this is really challenging to me. I've only been doing it a week but lost 4pounds so far and more motivated than I have ever been. I'm mainly trying to change my lifestyle than diet :)

    Anyway, more friends on here will definitely motivate me too!

    If you want to know more feel free to message me/add me/look at my profile! I like to think of myself as a friendly person :)

    Bye for now!
    Lauren x
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member

    Su here, 51 next month, based in Northamptonshire in the UK. Nearly hit my target last year (1lb off!) then gained some back by relaxing / trying to maintain. Back on track and running my second half marathon at the end of this month. Always happy to add mutually supportive friends.
  • Choboman
    Choboman Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, I'm James. I'm 47, 5'11", and currently about 209 pounds (down from a high of about 225). Target weight would be around 180. Would appreciate any support you can give.
  • wwstewart
    wwstewart Posts: 135 Member
    Sup everyone, I'm Wess. I'm in Texas, and I've been on MFP for a long time, but haven't been the most dedicated to tracking. I've got a long way to go.
  • manderthegreat
    manderthegreat Posts: 30 Member
    Hello MFPers. I have tried this twice. Once I lost 85 pounds and then within two years I gained it all back. Starting again, 27 pounds down. I have about 150 pounds to go to my goal. I am 34, married mom, and dealing with PCOS is one of my biggest struggle. I log daily and am very supportive friend!. Good luck to all!!!
  • HEY MFP,

    Well, it was a tough summer. I lost 30 pounds last year, but spent this summer putting it all back on (bulk gone bad :D)

    I am going to use the fall and winter to cut the 30 pounds so I can get back to my original weight right in time for spring!

    I am currently 203. Looking for friends to help motivate!

    Let's Do This!
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    HI MFP!

    I'm Rayce and I'll be 40 next week.

    I started back in early 2013 and lost some weight. Then I moved from Seattle to Texas and gained it back + some 20 or so pounds! I'm now back lower than I was at my lowest in 2013. :). It's slow going but I am determined to do this. I'm now at 25 pounds lost.

    I follow a strict diet on weekdays and go to the gym without eating back my calories and then on weekends I get to eat back the calories I burned during the week. It keeps me from going crazy from eating just 1400 calories a day 7 days a week and it works for me. It's slow going but it is going.

    I feel this is a life change so I plan to do this forever.
  • zeilenfeind
    zeilenfeind Posts: 2 Member
    Hello and Griaß'enk. I´m Patrick, a 43 years old german. I subscribed to MFP a year ago but I wasn't addicted until 2 weeks ago. I already lost some kilos without MFP but I want to speed things up.

    I moved from Berlin to Innsbruck last autumn with my girlfriend. That´s in the alps and I want to make the most out of it. There are some peaks I want to climb, some alpine club huts I want to visit and some deep powder I want to ride. For that I want to improve my Fitness.

    I like to run, hike, bike, ski but I hate strength exercises. I have to work on the latter. That´s why I´m here: To gain support and be supportive.

    Well, english is not my native language, please be lenient.
  • Tiranoua
    Tiranoua Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I'm Aimee, looking to find some friends on here :)
    I'm trying to lose weight/become healthier, easier said than done! I've been with MFP for a while, but I stopped tracking and gained some weight back due to a traumatic family event.
    So, I'm starting fresh and hoping this time I'll go even further!
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Daily loggers feel free to add me

  • Hi! Wow its so cool to see all the comments from people all over the world! I would love to get some more MFP friends, so add me. I am a 35 y/o, living in St. Paul, MN, USA. Married, no kids, except a fur baby (dog). I have lost 50 pounds so far (one year) looking to lose another 25 before next spring. I started doing P90 last fall, moved to p90x3 this winter (which I love!). I have not as much time to devote to p90x3 this summer because of softball two nights a week, but I try to get in at least 10,000 steps on my fitbit each day.
  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    I'm also training to do a 5K, and eventually a half-marathon. Couch to 5K is a great program! I hate every second of my slow running, but I just keep reminding myself that it's better than not getting off the couch. I also get really excited when I see the inches & pounds fall off!

    From Montana. Excited to have some people to help me stay motivated. I've always been heavy-ish, but I'm working very hard to change that.

    It snows & gets rather cold in MT in the winter, so I'd love any advice people have for running in the cold. I'm going to invest in UnderAmour for a base layer, but this is the first time I've been this committed to my fitness & I will not fall of the bandwagon when the snow falls. I do have access to a treatmill for when it's icy, but I prefer to be outside.
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm 32, and a stay at home mum, I live in Australia, I'm fairly new to mfp, but I log daily. My first goal is to lose 15kg (33lbs) by Christmas but my ultimate goal is to lose 45kg (99lbs). I love the friends I have here on mfp, its so great to help motivate each other, anyone is welcome to add me :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 24 and live in London England. I am here to loose a few pounds.! Has been slowly creeping on over the years and need the motivation to loose it now. Anyone want to be my work out buddy.?

  • Medivh73
    Medivh73 Posts: 140 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm 23 and I started my weight loss journey back in June when I was closing in on close to 400 lbs. I'm currently at 340.2 and have a goal weight of 200 lbs.

    Would love to find more friends on here to help motivate one another.
  • Hey, i'm the worst dieter! I find I have a good day and spend the next patting myself on the back for it. But since joining MFP I've found it much easier to see what I'm actually consuming, it's making a difference to my attitude towards dieting.

    Feel free to add me, I'd love the support.

    So many of you are doing so well, between how long you have committed and how much you are loosing it's definitely something to be proud of.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Hey everyone!
    My name is Tracy and I am a 36 year old mother of 2 boys. I am from Montreal Quebec.

    I am working on loosing the 28lbs I gained after I quit smoking. I have lost 7 so far, and keep bouncing around the same weight now for the past month.

    Getting tiresome!!!
  • felinasbeads
    felinasbeads Posts: 75 Member
    My goal is to get healthy and to feel sexy. There, I said it. I feel frumpy and old. I'm only going to be 37 next month but I feel like I'm letting my time fly by and not enjoying it. I find that being so overweight makes me reserved and cautious. I feel silly thinking I'm beautiful and I feel like my husband only wants me because has to. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I know I'm pretty, I know I'm a great mom and an ok wife. But I want to shine. So I'm working on losing 80 pounds. It's a long road, but I'm finally on it. I also have a goal of a Spartan Race trifecta next year because by procrastinating and being lazy I had to give up that goal this year. And I'm currently running again so I can train for my marathon in October next year. I'm on here to become accountable and hopefully make some new friends along the way who can both encourage me, and let me encourage them. :)