Medium calorie - low sugar breakfast ideas?

HMKan Posts: 472 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Hello all. I'm trying to eat a substantial amount of calories at breakfast since I always have a lot leftover at the end of the night. I'm not a breakfast person but I've learned from many of you that it is essential to weight loss. I've been eating breakfast for the last 2 days. I've noticed that when entering my breakfast, I am way over on my sugar for THE DAY. I had a VitaTop, which I don't think I'll give up because it is the only thing that gets me all my vitamins from food. I was going to also have a medium banana and 1.5 packets of oatmeal. If I had that, I'd have almost doubled my sugar in take for the day in just breakfast alone. I eat my breakfast at my desk usually, since i don't have time to cook before I leave in the morning (especially on days I workout before work). Are there any good, low sugar but higher in calories that I can eat at my desk? Different fruits, or even store-bought items I can keep in my office?

Thanks in advance!


  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    you have to be careful with cereal BUT there are some great ones. for me the best is all-bran, it fills me up til lunch which is UNHEARD of for me when i eat anything else even porridge etc. and it's healthy. not very high in calories though at all so you might want to eat something like a banana or low fat yogurt too :) dr oetker is a great brand. i eat the fat free strawb and fat free vanilla all the time
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    you have to be careful with cereal BUT there are some great ones. for me the best is all-bran, it fills me up til lunch which is UNHEARD of for me when i eat anything else even porridge etc. and it's healthy. not very high in calories though at all so you might want to eat something like a banana or low fat yogurt too :) dr oetker is a great brand. i eat the fat free strawb and fat free vanilla all the time

    Thanks for this. It's funny, I drink a lot of green tea and water in the morning (because it's readily available to me) so I'm never hungry until lunchtime, which is why I wasn't eating breakfast. But there's a trader joes near me so maybe I should pick up some cereal. I just know that if I use my sugar up at breakfast, I will be over on my sugar every single day and that can't be good for weight loss.
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    I like Zone bars for breakfast cause they are quick, easy, nutritious, and yummy! Kashi cereal with fruit or oatmeal with fruit is good too. It's best to eat small meal several times a day and never go more than 3 or 4 hours without eating something. Hope this helps!
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    Scramble eggs or egg substitute with turkey sausage and fresh baby spinach; add some fat-free feta cheese. It's yummy, less than 200 cal (using the egg substitute), and full of protein.

    Greek yogurt with fruit?

    Peanut butter on whole grain bread?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Maybe hardboil some eggs in advance and then bring them with you in the morning? Lots of protein, 80ish calories each & no carbs/sugars. Even some of the bacons aren't bad (esp. turkey bacon) and they have microwavable stuff (if you have a microwave in your office).
  • renaconnor
    renaconnor Posts: 38 Member
    Lots of Oatmeal brands have a sugar free option!!!
  • Have you tried the low sugar oatmeal? It's really good. Another quick item I do on some mornings is a turkey sausage patti on bread or in a tortilla. I'm diabetic so I have to watch my sugar intake so I only drink zero calorie beverages (other than 1% milk). If I'm limited in carbs/sugar I don't want to waste it on a beverage.
  • bbonney
    bbonney Posts: 18 Member
    SmartOnes breakfast muffins or Jimmy Dean D'lights...lots of protein too and really good.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    We make up a bunch of scrambled egg whites in egg rings with whatever we like in them. For me its green pepper and green onion, for my hubby its mushrooms and a dash of hot sauce. Then we just toast an english muffin, put a premade egg ring and slice of cheese on it and pop it in the microwave for a few seconds to warm the egg and melt the cheese.
    We also have a Facebook page where we post a healthy recipe daily. They're in the "notes" tab. We've got several breakfast ones on there. If you're interested, let me know and I'll message you the link:smile:
  • cnegbuonu
    cnegbuonu Posts: 4 Member
    Try Kashi Bars. They are low in sugar and around 140 calories. I stock my office with them and have them for a quick breakfast or snack.
  • gmom81158
    gmom81158 Posts: 64 Member
    Fruits are always high in natural sugar. Have you tried egg beaters . turkey sausage, hard boile deggs( lots of protein!), low sugar or natural oatmeal?. Even a high fiber bread or engish muffin with natural peanut butter. I myself make a nice big protein shake because I too have to watch the sugar content. Tasty, easy for work and keeps me full! snack on protein or veggies mostly.
  • If you are a oatmeal person try adding some whey protien to it. I add one that is vanilla flavored to mine it adds calories and protien without adding on the surgar. In fact I use less sugar because of the Vanilla flavor.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • singingmom
    singingmom Posts: 29 Member
    I eat a bowl of total with blueberries sprinkled in or sometimes I make a fried egg using Pam just 1 egg and 1 piece of toast and turkey bacon its not too high in calories especially if you use the healthy life 35 cal bread! :)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks everyone, this is really helpful. I guess I need to go out and find some sugar free oatmeal. Does anyone have a favorite brand or store they buy it from?

    I have some of those Jimmy Dean D'lights at home. I totally forgot I bought them last week. I will grab one of them to eat on the way in tomorrow morning.

    I've never tried Kashi anything. I will have to look into their bars because I can keep those in my desk and have them at the ready. What flavors are good?
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Kashi Golean is my FAVORITE breakfast - One cup (a larger serving than most cereals give you) has 6 grams of sugar, 140 calories, 13 grams of protein, 10 grams of fiber. I usually have it with a 1/2 cup original almond milk.
  • msmopar
    msmopar Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds good! What are egg rings??
  • I make a bangin' French toast with light wheat bread (2 slices), dipped in a mixture of egg beaters and unsweetened almond milk, topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon and 2 tbsp light Cool Whip (you could do the sugar free whip, too).

  • msmopar
    msmopar Posts: 9 Member
    We make up a bunch of scrambled egg whites in egg rings with whatever we like in them. For me its green pepper and green onion, for my hubby its mushrooms and a dash of hot sauce. Then we just toast an english muffin, put a premade egg ring and slice of cheese on it and pop it in the microwave for a few seconds to warm the egg and melt the cheese.
    We also have a Facebook page where we post a healthy recipe daily. They're in the "notes" tab. We've got several breakfast ones on there. If you're interested, let me know and I'll message you the link:smile:
    Sorry, I'm just getting use to using the posting feature of this site... I meant to respond to this post about "egg rings"... what are they?:blushing:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I like to make a scrambled egg and veggie wrap with a whole wheat tortilla. Add some cheese if you like, and you can reheat it in the microwave at work if you dont' have time to eat at home.
  • LinPax
    LinPax Posts: 1
    I think it's important to make the time for breakfast. I've found waking up that extra 10 minutes early makes a big different. My fav breakfast is 2 egg whites scrambled with fresh chive, or just black pepper, a sm/med grapefruit, a smoothie (made with a small frozen banana...I throw it in the freezer, peeled, the night before, and 4-6 ounces of unsweetened almond milk). This breakfast has about 20-25 grams of protein, enough carbs to get you going, no processed sugar at all. It's wonderful.
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