Are calories just calories?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Like I stated in a previous post I am new to MFP, but I am not all that new to fitness and nutrition. Well, I am new enough to nutrition and clean eating that I needed to get a nutritionist to help me gain weight in a good way :wink:

    Anyway I see quite a few post were a reply is "as long as you are under your calories it doesn't matter what you eat" or words very similar to that. I am sorry, but I will have to politely disagree with those statements. I think it is a disservice to people starting out to make a statement along those lines. Not all calories are the same. A thousand calories from say sugar are not the same a 1000 calories from a healhty source. Maybe I am all wet, but to me, it is vitally important as to what calories we put in our bodies compared to just the amount.

    Now don't jump all over me about being holier than thou or 100% clean eater, I am far from it. I just see those types of statements and it concerns me than conflicting messages to folks just starting out.

    Sorry for the rant.

    I totally agree! There are ways to eat that are much healthier and still stick to a calorie goal. Weather you're trying to gain or lose weight.. the WHAT you put in your body matters just as much as HOW MUCH.

    Especially for those of us who are Diabetic, Pre Diabetic, Hypoglycemic, high cholestoral etc (a growing part of the population..duh) telling us to eat our 1500 calories in cake and potato chips is not only wrong its dangerous.

    Who has ever said that?

    Now we're looking at the whole debate in extremes (as usually), so I fully expect shenanigans and gifs.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    OP - basically yes.
    No one just eats 1000 calories of one thing.
    In terms of weight loss and general health - eat variety, et you veggies but there is no need to cut out any one thing.

    Generally speaking, calories are just calories. There are a few cases were exceptions need to be made but they are rare.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Like I stated in a previous post I am new to MFP, but I am not all that new to fitness and nutrition. Well, I am new enough to nutrition and clean eating that I needed to get a nutritionist to help me gain weight in a good way :wink:

    Anyway I see quite a few post were a reply is "as long as you are under your calories it doesn't matter what you eat" or words very similar to that. I am sorry, but I will have to politely disagree with those statements. I think it is a disservice to people starting out to make a statement along those lines. Not all calories are the same. A thousand calories from say sugar are not the same a 1000 calories from a healhty source. Maybe I am all wet, but to me, it is vitally important as to what calories we put in our bodies compared to just the amount.

    Now don't jump all over me about being holier than thou or 100% clean eater, I am far from it. I just see those types of statements and it concerns me than conflicting messages to folks just starting out.

    Sorry for the rant.

    I totally agree! There are ways to eat that are much healthier and still stick to a calorie goal. Weather you're trying to gain or lose weight.. the WHAT you put in your body matters just as much as HOW MUCH.

    Especially for those of us who are Diabetic, Pre Diabetic, Hypoglycemic, high cholestoral etc (a growing part of the population..duh) telling us to eat our 1500 calories in cake and potato chips is not only wrong its dangerous.

    Who has ever said that?

    Now we're looking at the whole debate in extremes (as usually), so I fully expect shenanigans and gifs.

    1500 calories of cake and chips. Please when you debate use more believable information. Debates using extremes usually turn out to suck.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member


    i bet you say that to all the girls... :wink:

    I do....
    it's how I get them to drop their panties. :noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    But if they've got their mouth open you don't need to worry about their panties, surely?! :bigsmile:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member


    i bet you say that to all the girls... :wink:

    I do....
    it's how I get them to drop their panties. :noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    But if they've got their mouth open you don't need to worry about their panties, surely?! :bigsmile:

    It adds to the excitement. :wink:
  • lizarddev
    lizarddev Posts: 100 Member

    That article was awful, the logic is flawed, no studies or references, and ends in an ad for his detox program. C'mon! Just awful.

    Well here is another link you can sort through that will be educational in the edeavors and knowledge to give the right adives. Which I would recommend you not give. First be informative before you say something about clean eating. The term Clean eating is going back to the way you should eat since we all eat like crap at times. So dont distiquish the term based on flawed thoughts and advise..

    This will give you the dumb down version and also lead you to other research from people in the field.

    Also use google't+matter+

    Just my thoughts.. For the OP please do what you feel is right for you and I would at least get some blood work done to make sure you will not be doing more harm than good by what you eat or need to eat.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Yep, calorie is a calorie when it comes to weight loss
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Unfortunately, you are mixing up different topics. And everyone agreeing with you is also confused.

    Health and weight loss. They are distinctly different things. This is primarily a weight loss site. So, for weight loss, what you eat doesn't matter one iota. Just maintain a calorie deficit, and you will lose.

    To be heathy, however, there are many things to consider. But, please don't talk about clean eating. It is completely meaningless. A well-rounded diet, including cheeseburgers, beer, and ice cream is well within the bounds of being heathy.

    Fat, carbs, and protein are the essential macronutrients our body needs. Eat those in the right combination, along with ensuring you are getting your micronutrients too, and you will be healthy. So, in essence, it doesn't matter what you eat if you achieve this. You can do this by including red wine and cheese, and McD's. Clean is a silly way to describe a healthy diet. It misses some important elements of what being healthy means.

    yep :smile:
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    [img] for Forums/ed1e6498-53c1-4f22-85f6-b912c158d667_zpsc4d9c03f.png[/img]

    ^^^ This
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member

    That article was awful, the logic is flawed, no studies or references, and ends in an ad for his detox program. C'mon! Just awful.

    Well here is another link you can sort through that will be educational in the edeavors and knowledge to give the right adives. Which I would recommend you not give. First be informative before you say something about clean eating. The term Clean eating is going back to the way you should eat since we all eat like crap at times. So dont distiquish the term based on flawed thoughts and advise..

    This will give you the dumb down version and also lead you to other research from people in the field.

    Also use google't+matter+

    Just my thoughts.. For the OP please do what you feel is right for you and I would at least get some blood work done to make sure you will not be doing more harm than good by what you eat or need to eat.

    Great article. With links to reputable references and studies, no less. :-)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Now don't jump all over me about being holier than thou or 100% clean eater, I am far from it. I just see those types of statements and it concerns me than conflicting messages to folks just starting out.

    I agree. Sure in a lab a calorie is a calorie, for the most part. And yes, for weight loss alone, a calorie deficit is what is needed to lose weight.

    But for satiety, sanity, health and fitness the statement is not true.

    For determining how many calories one should eat for weight loss, it's often not true. The exact same diet, exact same calories, will do different things in different bodies.

    So, yeah, calories are just calories if we are talking word definitions. But for health, fitness and weight loss, it's a misleading statement.

    Edited: Oops! I just realized I typed surplus where I meant deficit.
  • lizarddev
    lizarddev Posts: 100 Member

    That article was awful, the logic is flawed, no studies or references, and ends in an ad for his detox program. C'mon! Just awful.

    Well here is another link you can sort through that will be educational in the edeavors and knowledge to give the right adives. Which I would recommend you not give. First be informative before you say something about clean eating. The term Clean eating is going back to the way you should eat since we all eat like crap at times. So dont distiquish the term based on flawed thoughts and advise..

    This will give you the dumb down version and also lead you to other research from people in the field.

    Also use google't+matter+

    Just my thoughts.. For the OP please do what you feel is right for you and I would at least get some blood work done to make sure you will not be doing more harm than good by what you eat or need to eat.

    Great article. With links to reputable references and studies, no less. :-)

    Your welcome. I just hate some of these threads where facts on clean eating or calories in and calories out is something of a fad which its not, it is the way we should be looking at weight loss and health as one cycle for our bodies. I like what one poster put as to the loss may be there but the wiring will be flawed (Or something to that nature). As adults we have to think and support each other in the right way or then we become more out of whack on flawed advice and knowing truth from falseness ourselves.

    In general this is a weight loss site but we have to do it in a healthy way also.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    I think you misunderstand. It's possible to lose weight and eat junk. Healthy is a broad term. For me it is defined for my by my doctor and nutritionist. Low sugar and fat. High protein and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. I am diabetic so I do have to watch fast food and processed foods. These foods contain higher salt, calories, fat, sugar, and carbs. We all need to share our experience and advice in a non judgemental way. I have tried to eat clean. Since I consume splendid. , I am not a clean eater. I am trying every day to make better choices and to eat better. It is an ongoing battle. I eat more organic food in last year than in the past I also eat more home prepared meals. One thing I need to work on is when I eat. I work 2 jobs and help my husband with his job on the weekend. It's hard to find time to go to the gym. I am making an effort to go every day. I also stop at at for lunch. I'll eat a half sandwich of ham and Swiss on wheat. Hard boiled egg, cheese and an Apple. Not organic. Probably not even clean. It is healthy, right amount of calories and carbs. It also taste good. I also tried to switch to tea instead of diet soda. So it's better for me than say a diet soda , chicken sandwich and fruit from chick film a. Also cheaper.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Now don't jump all over me about being holier than thou or 100% clean eater, I am far from it. I just see those types of statements and it concerns me than conflicting messages to folks just starting out.

    I agree. Sure in a lab a calorie is a calorie, for the most part. And yes, for weight loss alone, a calorie surplus is what is needed to lose weight.

    But for satiety, sanity, health and fitness the statement is not true.

    For determining how many calories one should eat for weight loss, it's often not true. The exact same diet, exact same calories, will do different things in different bodies.

    So, yeah, calories are just calories if we are talking word definitions. But for health, fitness and weight loss, it's a misleading statement.

    Hmm. I don't think MFP asks you all the other factors to consider like how is your stress right now. MFP seems to be working though right.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    [img] for Forums/ed1e6498-53c1-4f22-85f6-b912c158d667_zpsc4d9c03f.png[/img]

    This guy lost 27 lbs eating only Twinkies

    in respect to weight loss a calorie is a calorie. Overall good health is a different conversation.

    Would I want to do it this way? No......
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member

    This guy lost 27 lbs eating only Twinkies

  • p_emmel5
    p_emmel5 Posts: 39 Member
    Sorry if all this has been thrown about on other post(s). I got that with the Dexter shot. We probably ought to let this topic die a sudden dead since it has been covered numerous times in the past. Admin if you want to lock or delete my post you won't hurt my feelings. Beating a dead horse serves no purpose but to pick the scab off old wounds. Since I am new to MFP I glanced thru previous posts looking for something like this but I guess I missed it.

    I know about units of energy etc... and that technically a calorie is a calorie no matter where is comes from. My concern came from seeing replies about just staying below the calorie goal. To me that is in no way sage advice for the novice. I guess that , in my mind, there is more to losing/ gaining weight than just cutting/ adding calories. But, cutting/ adding calories is a starting point to a healthier life. Just don't think that it is all that is necessary for a healthy life.

    Unless I am completely off base, in the majority of cases, if somebody is trying to lose or gain weight they are typically doing so to get healthier. And pointing out the 1000 calorie example was just that an example :wink:

    In one of the replies it was mentioned this is primarily a weight loss forum so I am sorry if I over stepped my bounds.

    "Just my thoughts. For the OP please do what you feel is right for you and I would at least get some blood work done to make sure you will not be doing more harm than good by what you eat or need to eat." < Thanks for the concern, but I eat clean and don't have any glaring health issues a side from from being blessed with Atrial Fib and semi-high colesterol (due to my genes, thanks family :grumble: ) As my cardiologist says "A heart like a race horse, it just receives screwed up signals".

    Thanks for all the replies and again I am sorry for posting a numerously posted topic.
  • lizarddev
    lizarddev Posts: 100 Member
    Now don't jump all over me about being holier than thou or 100% clean eater, I am far from it. I just see those types of statements and it concerns me than conflicting messages to folks just starting out.

    I agree. Sure in a lab a calorie is a calorie, for the most part. And yes, for weight loss alone, a calorie surplus is what is needed to lose weight.

    But for satiety, sanity, health and fitness the statement is not true.

    For determining how many calories one should eat for weight loss, it's often not true. The exact same diet, exact same calories, will do different things in different bodies.

    So, yeah, calories are just calories if we are talking word definitions. But for health, fitness and weight loss, it's a misleading statement.

    Yes I agree that it is misleading at times for people. Also I ahve done some other research and hopefully some of these people can see this.

    A link to discuss the study in general terms
  • hortensehildegarde
    Nor do I think you should eat 1200 calories of broccoli, even if you could manage it.

    Challenge accepted!

    I agree about the willful misunderstanding part too. That or someone thinks a lot of people are REALLY incapable of doing basic information gathering. Is there really this mass of people out there trying to lose weight who have no concept of the difference between a steak, potato, milk, twinkie etc? Really?!?
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