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  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey, i'm the worst dieter! I find I have a good day and spend the next patting myself on the back for it. But since joining MFP I've found it much easier to see what I'm actually consuming, it's making a difference to my attitude towards dieting.

    Feel free to add me, I'd love the support.

    So many of you are doing so well, between how long you have committed and how much you are loosing it's definitely something to be proud of.

    This is me too. That is why I no longer weigh myself. :laugh:

    Hello All! :flowerforyou: I'm Spicy from South Florida.:laugh: Originally from Brooklyn, NY. I'm 46 y/o :happy:

    I've been on MFP for a few years and log on every weekday. Weekends is another story. Trying to be better :happy:

    I lost 30 lbs. a few years ago and gained it all back in about 3 years. :cry: That's because I met the Love of my Life :love:

    Anyway, I'm trying Intermittent Fasting (16:8) and hoping this will help me stay within my calories. So far, it's working, but I will find out how well, when my clothes start fitting better. :wink:

    Edited to say: Add me too!!!
    edited again cause I forgot to mention. I'm a "liker", not a constant "commenter", don't hold it against me. :flowerforyou:
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi, my name is Jennie. I live in Ontario, Canada. I've been dieting most of my life. I gained a lot of weight when I was sick for most of a year, and have been struggling to get it off. I recently joined Jenny Craig cuz it worked for me in the past, and I've been trying to lose this weight for over a year. I've been going almost 2 weeks. I lost 0.4 last week, and have my next way in later on today. I love having friend on here because I need all the help, encouragement and inspiration I can get. I've also been sick for almost two weeks, so I will be more active in logging my exercise when I get back to it hopefully next week. Anyone please feel free to add me, I love making new friends! :smile:
  • lovecomputers
    Hi I'm David.. currently residing in Texas. I wanted to drop a few pounds to feel better. I am near my goal, going slowly in the hopes I can retain that goal weight and not slip back upwards again. Always happy to meet new people here.
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    Hi I'm Heidi from Cape Town South Africa
    I'm 36, married, with two kids and DH works in another country on a 9/3 rotation ( that's 9 weeks there, 3 weeks home)
    I'm a stay at home mom who has another 16 kg to shed, I log daily and am an interactive mfp-er
  • WillDidIt
    Hi my name is William 29 years old. Would like to lose 15 to 20lbs Became a member of MFP yesterday but enjoy it so far would love to make some friends on here for sure. I am from Austin, Tx. Single Father to a beautiful 5 year old daughter. Just trying to better myself in everyway forher and my family and friends that way I am around hopefully a long long time for them all.
  • ArgyleWerewolf
    ArgyleWerewolf Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Angela! I'm 33, MTF trans, live in Vancouver Canada, and have been on MFP for a few years. I'm on a big push to lose fat over the next six months, and this site/app and Fitbit are the tools I'm using to run my life during that effort!

    I lost 40 lbs three years ago and then spent a year putting most of it back on. I'm currently at 204lbs and my goal is 170. I've been doing weights and cardio since January and saw a big boost in endurance, but not much in the way of fat loss. Then in July I cut carbs and sugar (not completely, but to less than 60g carbs / 25g sugar per day and I've lost 15 pounds! I'm combining that with cardio and the current Whole Life Challenge and I think I'll be in good form to reach my goal by springtime.
  • gvhunterollie
    gvhunterollie Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, I'm Ollie from California. I'm just getting started with a loooong way to go. I'm married with one daughter and want to be around to spend lots of time with her. We love archery and even compete locally. It would be great to have friends to encourage and to get encouragement from! Feel free to add me.
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    I'm Alynda, 43, Texas. Getting back into life after a pretty rough year or so. I'd done really well with MFP in 2011-12, but life got in the way once I got to maintenance mode. My long term goal is to lose a bit over thirty pounds and consistently go to the gym, walk or run three to four times per week! Feel free to add. I'm planning to be here every day:)
  • Staceyo1991
    Hey there,

    My name is Stacey, 23, live in the UK, England. I was originally 212 pounds, lost a stone in 2013 then put it all back on again due to a family member passing away.

    Now I am ready to kick some serious butt! :D I am on Hip Hop Abs been on it for 13 days and feel awesome, lost inches around my whole body, don't know how much exactly I weigh but I am hoping it will be around 14 stone :D Feel free to add me guys! :D
  • Breezybrie504
    Breezybrie504 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm Brittany, I'm 25 and I am new to MFP. I would love to make some new motivational friends. I love to cook so I would love to try some new recipes and perhaps swap some with someone. I live in New orleans, LA USA
  • Its2esAgain
    I'm Whitnee. 25, Mother of a 3 year old boy. Started insanity a few days ago. Looking to drop 30lbs. I post everyday and try my best to provide encouragement for everybody!!!
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I like adding friends :)

    I'm Michelle. 39 years old, 4'11" and I'm almost to my goal weight.

    I'm focusing right now on trying to get a strength training routine (at home) because I lost all the weight without exercising much, and I'm not satisfied with how I look yet. I feel great though!

    My diary is open to only friends so add me if you want to check it out! :)
  • LanceDuvall
    LanceDuvall Posts: 66 Member
    My current weight is 204....looking to break the 200 mark....the last time I was under 200 was 1982......
  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    Hi I'm Stephanie I'm 41yrs old, married with 2 kids and live in Louisiana. I've been overweight since my teens. Something has finally clicked and I've been changing my eating habits since June. I have PCOS, a bad knee, and lots of back problems. The back and knee make it hard to exercise but I'm not letting that stop me anymore. I've lost 34 lbs so far.

    In my everyday life I think people are getting tired of me always talking about food and health but that is my life right now. lol

    Looking to make friends who can relate and I want to give and receive support through this journey.
  • LabAgility
    LabAgility Posts: 120 Member
    I am Heather... I am 38, mother of two little boys, full time science teacher and I run dog agility with my labrador in my "spare" time. I have been overweight my whole life and am trying to make major changes that will stick with me forever. I want desperately to avoid passing on my food issues to my boys. I would actually like to weigh less than my husband for a change.

    I CAN DO THIS!!!!

    I would love more friends on this journey!
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi i'm Tisch. I'm a mom of 2 kids and married. I live in Holland. I have pcos and gained over 45 pounds in 2 years after i stoped using birth controle.
    I have lost about 30 pound and want to lose at least an other 18.
    I run and want to start with heavy lifting at home.

    I'm looking for more friends that are active and want to interact.
  • luna323
    luna323 Posts: 25 Member
    HI I'm Damaris from Florida. I'm married with wonderful children. After I had my second child, I gained more than 60 pounds. I have lost a lot of weight but have been "stuck" at the same weight for almost 2 years now. My goal is to be at least 15 pounds lighter by the end of the year. I started crossfit recently and love it! I also love running, I am just not very fast but I love it nonetheless.
  • pethelpersfindahome
    HI my name is Joyce and I live in Orlando, FL. US I am 47 and even though I live a very active outdoors live my desk job has helped me gain 40 lbs and I am not happy about it at all!!!! I saw a recent wake up picture of myself when I did the bucket challenge and that Ice water really brought me too my senses in alot of ways. My profile picture is the one that I saw, so I post it as a reminder and I have not yet reached my journeys end to post an after picture YET :) sign me up for all the friends I can get.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    Hiya Peoples! :flowerforyou:

    I'm Tricia, 29, from sunny Southern California. Wife. Mother to 4. I've lost the weight before and somehow it found it's way back once I got pregnant (high-risk/bed-ridden) and I just want to get RID of it for good. (Unless, hubby wants MORE kids, ugh!)

    I'm a SAHM/WFHM who writes recipes, cookbooks and runs a food blog. So, obvi. I like food. I don't follow a "diet" I don't "fast" I don't "juice" and I don't do "meal replacements" of any sorts.

    I cook, I eat, I exercise. I repeat. I'm not a quick fixer, and I don't do "instant gratification". I'm not looking to lose 2-10 pounds per week, I'm cool with 2-10 pounds per MONTH, if that means I don't have to deprive myself of deliciousness.

    My Food Diary is Public/Open. Everything I make to eat, I also post a picture of on Instagram, double accountability! :wink:

    I log on daily, even when I'm on "vacation" or it happens to be a ridiculously busy day. You'll notice my diary list are FULL and LONG, because I track everything, because I track both macros AND micros. So yes, I even log "zero calorie" foods, because some have carbs, sodium, etc.

  • IronBelote
    IronBelote Posts: 14 Member
    Here I am!