Does it get easier?

I know that weight loss is a journey and it's a lifestyle. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if it gets easier the more the weight comes off? Are you more motivated when the weight comes off? When you see progress does it seem like the weight comes off faster?


  • TaraHancock827
    TaraHancock827 Posts: 37 Member
    I sure wish it was easier but It seems for me to be harder. My body gets use to the amount of calories and exercise I do everyday and unless I up my exercise (which I have little time for) or lower my calories then my weight stays the same. I have a goal in mind and if I ever get there (20lbs from now) I will have a really hard time maintaining it. It really is a lifestyle change and not a diet. Good luck to you!!
  • It absolutely gets easier! You become accustomed to the things you know you need to avoid, and you get a feel for where you are as far as calorie consumption is concerned. Once the weight starts coming off, and other people start complimenting you, you can't wait to loose more, or go down another dress size. Hang in there! It gets better!
  • Thank you! I seriously needed the motivation today.
  • ainarsraciks
    ainarsraciks Posts: 166 Member
    It becomes easier to do stuff, like eating right and exercising. You get the momentum going. After a while good things become habits and bad habits goes away and loses momentum because you stop pushing them. As of progress, no, if anything I would say is seems slower and slower.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    It becomes easier to do stuff, like eating right and exercising. You get the momentum going. After a while good things become habits and bad habits goes away and loses momentum because you stop pushing them. As of progress, no, if anything I would say is seems slower and slower.


    Momentum....or in the zone. I start a diet, have several good days, falter a bit, then go back to it. The key is going back to it! Eventually I find a place where I can just keep going. But, weight loss definitely slows down as you get closer to goal.
  • zacalu
    zacalu Posts: 3 Member
    not really. you become wiser and more conscious of what you should do and what you need to do. i lost 85 lbs but got complacent this summer and just gained 20 back. i am one of the people who always have to be on my game. that is why you must see it as a lifestyle change! for me it is work and always will be :-)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    My experience from past weight loss is it's easy until I get to my goal. Then gradually, I begin to get lax about workouts, make the treats too often, then one day I realize, I need to get back on track and lose again.

    Maintaining weight loss is the hard part. Only a small percentage can do it long term.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I've found it becomes easier. Bad habits fade. Hard, new behaviour becomes habit. But to be honest, the most motivating thing is seeing and feeling my body change for the better.
  • dwozniak16
    dwozniak16 Posts: 146 Member
    I don't necessarily think it gets "easy", I think you just become wiser to what needs to be done to be successful.
    I also think once you start seeing the results, it further motivates you to keep going or even step up your game.

    I know 60 days ago when I started this journey that it was going to be extremely difficult to get used to,
    But honestly after the two week mark is felt so normal, and it became ordinary to me to live healthier.

    After 60 days, I hit my first goal of 35 pounds lost, and I couldn't feel happier, healthier, or more motivated to hit my goal weight.
    The journey there is still long, but I'm ready to take back my life, and charge through these next few goals and focus the rest of my life on maintaining and being happy.

    I wish you the best of luck on your lifestyle change. I also recommend taking progress photos of yourself once a month on the same day, and in the same clothes. Seeing the results in picture form make it so much more real that your body is changing.

    Myself and many people here feel we've lost a decent amount of weight, but can't see the difference just looking at ourselves in the mirror. The pictures will definitely give you the focus, energy and drive to keep going and power through those workouts, and those sometimes not so good healthier options at dinners and stuff.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    It gets different.

    The weight fell off faster than expected at first. This was supposed to be a short assignment, it has turned into a campaign.

    Now I seem to be working at it, but my motivation has become pretty strong.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yes, you can build new good habits and work on getting rid of the old bad habits. Just remember to be patient though becuase some of the bad habits are very hard to break and can come back on you when you least expect it.

    Results can definitely be motivation but I think you need to use more than just the scale to show success because weigh loss isn't linear and fluctuations happen for a variety of reasons (monthly hormones, salt intake, workouts, etc). Pay attention to how clothes are fitting you, take progress pictures, set fitness and healthy eating goals, take body measurements, etc. I had a period a couple years ago where I lost 8 pounds but lost about 10 inches. I've also set fitness goals like starting to run, doing more strength training. And I try to track those, at least mentally - like last week, I started back on a strength circuit I hadn't done much over the summer. I was in pain for 3 days afterwards so that tells you how out of shape I'd gotten. Did it again this week and although I'm a bit sore, it's nothing like last week. Progress!

    If doing a true lifestyle change, and not just using that as an alternative word to "diet", that will help you a lot. Every time you make a change, think about whether it's really something you can do long term. Can you really cut out chocolate or pizza or chips forever? Maybe. I know I couldn't. But moderation, portion control and healthier choices regarding those types of food is part of the change. I try to eat pizza less often and get veg only toppings and definitely eat fewer slices than I used to. I only eat chocolate when I'm REALLY craving it. And I eat fruit or pickles with my sandwich instead of chips - but I still have them now and then.

    Hope that helps. Good luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I would say no- not really.

    you just get better at doing the things that need doing.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    We all go through days where we feel like we've failed. I personally believe you only fail if you give up. You have to set your mind that this goal is worth fighting for, and making the conscious choices needed to reach it. Eventually those choices become habits. The one thing that I keep reading and hearing is that whatever you're doing needs to be needs to be your lifestyle. So, if you're limiting yourself to 1,500 calories and working out 5 days a week, and know that you can't maintain that, then you adjust things.

    For me, I have days during my week that are less active, but I have now planned for more active days....and I stick to it! Am I dropping 3-4 pounds a week now? No, but I'm still losing, and I know that I can keep it going.

    You asked if it gets easier....I find that there are certain aspects of my life that are "easier" (not always EASY, but easier than they were before I dropped my 36 pounds). Picking healthier food for my days, getting in a walk at the end of a work day, bending/stretching/lifting, and more.

    I hope you're getting the motivation you needed. You can do this!!
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    For me the losing was easy, but maintenance was a nightmare as I didn't focus on my relationship with food or eating habits enough throughout the process. Gained 20 lbs back in 6 months and back on it again with a different outlook this time around!!
  • Nope - it doesn't get easier.

    You get better.
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