Fed up of doing this



  • jal92475
    jal92475 Posts: 53 Member
    Think of weight as a roll of toilet paper: When it's full, a lot of pieces taken off won't changed the size of the roll much. But when the roll is closer to empty, a few pieces will change it a lot.

    I love this analogy! I never thought of it before! Believe me OP, you are not alone. I started this journey a year ago and lost 20 lbs in 4 mths. I just felt it wasn't enough so I quit. Well I came back 2 mths ago having gained the 20 lbs back and now I'm starting all over again. I still feel the same way, like the weight should come off faster but if I don't do this, it won't come off at all and I'll just gain it back again. If I had kept going the first time, I would be at goal already!

    I also share your thought about thinking about food all day. It's all I think about. When can I eat next, what can I eat, will it be good?

    Just keep going! We got this. Little by little and inch by inch!
  • itayah
    itayah Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not alone with feeling the same way you do. I'm not obsessed with food - until I try focusing on weight loss. Then it's all I think about. And the waiting is the WORST. Waiting for your body to drop pounds is the most frustrating. Especially for people like me who have never actually succeeded. All I know is failure in this area. I'm also really, REALLY bad at reaching out to other people about it. The "find a friend" thing is so easy for me when I'm helping them with their problems, but so hard when I'm talking about my most intimate failure.

    You're down 8 pounds, though - that doesn't feel like much, but it is. Don't discount that loss - that's a great start as your body adjusts to new habits. They always say you've gotta start somewhere. And we're in for a LOT more frustration on this road. But so many people have succeeded through nutrition/exercise. We've just gotta hang in there. I'll bet you'll see another drop again soon. And until you do, at least know you're not as alone as you feel. Hang in there and try to keep your chin up.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Just give up. You are not worth it. Whatever it was that made you want to lose weight in the first place is just trivial nonsense. You know, the fear of diabetes or heart disease. Perhaps feeling inadequate and self-loathing. A desire to be more mobile, to walk a few flights of stairs without being short of breath or having the ability to walk further than from the parking lot to a store front. A desire to wear more fashionable clothing. Any of those desires were just idealistic fantasies that are way too lofty for reasonable expectations. Just eat the food and accept the hand you've been dealt. That is a way better alternative. /sarcasm.

    The principles are basic and fundamental: have a lower Caloric intake than you expend and you'll lose weight. Unfortunately, the execution sure as hell isn't easy. That is the case for many things. When others start to think that you make it look easy, it probably means you've been working on it for years to develop the skills necessary for it to be second nature. Stay persistent and know that a bad day or two is not catastrophic.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Lots of good advice already. I'll just add one thing: if you find yourself thinking about food when it's not time to eat, redirect the thought to something else. Maybe it will be something you can do when you've lost more weight. Maybe it's the vacation you are planning to take. Maybe it's soaking in a hot tub after a long run. The point is, you can obsess about food even if you know, intellectually, that you are making good progress. Try to obsess about something else that's healthier. :smile:
  • Everyone's given you great advice. I think you're doing great, and the key thing is that you are not only not gaining more weight; but you've taken 8 lbs off. So, it's definitely helping. Please stick with it, as you will be glad in the long run. Take care
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I have been where you are and it is hard to stay motivated when you feel the progress is slow. Take it from me though don't give up on yourself. Are you logging everything you eat on MFP? My progress has been better this time because I log everything every day. I found that in the past I was not counting everything and eating over the calorie range causes problems for me. I don't beat myself up if I eat over I just track it so if I'm not losing I can look back and say I can make a better food choice. It also helps me if I do have a special day like a birthday party and "overeat" I know exactly what I did and stop it after only one day rather than making an entire week of it.
    Good luck to you. YOU CAN DO THIS YOU ARE DOING IT!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're doing great. I know exactly what you mean though... that's why I still have cheat days (and try to eat less the rest of the time to make up for them). It's tough and the truth is that it's just never going to get easier (at least it hasn't for me and it's been over 1.5 year). But it's worth it... you just have to try and focus on the big picture and take it one day at a time.
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    thank you so much for your kind words everybody :flowerforyou: I'm having a cheat day today but I'll be back on the wagon on Monday (always a bit naughty on weekends)
  • Go to the store, buy 8 one pound boxes of butter. There are 4 sticks in each box. You'll have 32 sticks of butter total. Line them up in a row. That's how much weight you've lost. That's a wonderful thing.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I've only lost 8lbs in 2 months

    Hey - that's pretty much a pound a week, which is a very healthy weight-loss :wink: