No more progress... any advice?

Well let me start off with the basics. I am in my late 30's, around 6'2" and around 252lbs as of this morning. When I started I was just over 300lbs, so progress has been good since starting earlier this summer.

However, due to a work injury to my knee, I am off work and now very inactive during the day (coming from a very physical job). The injury is why I swelled up to over 300lbs!

Now I have been going to the gym 2-3x a week and doing cardio 6-7x a week (mostly 7x) and alternating HIIT with constant... vary between 30-60mins each time. Cardio is almost always on the recumbent bike because of my knee.

In MFP I have selected 2lbs a week loss, so it's put me around the 1700 cal/day mark. I have been doing well in terms of logging every single little thing (lots of time on my hands now haha) so that's not an issue... and for the most part I do eat well these days (my log isn't open I know). I usually fall short of the 1700 cals each day by a few hundred and I NEVER eat back my exercise calories. Weight has been coming off nice and steady, until the past few weeks.

Now I know it's only been a few weeks, but I am trying to be proactive here and if it's time to change something I'm all for it. Could I be perhaps eating too few calories? As for my macros I am trying to hit 40% protein per day and then split the others.

One weird thing I noticed is that for the longest time I would have a Pepsi everyday. I accounted for it in my calories. When I stopped drinking all soft drinks about a month ago, I thought for sure it'd be noticeable (replaced it with water) but it hasn't seemed to make as much difference as I thought! I'm still not going to go back to drinking it though haha (well maybe one a month as a treat!)

I also know I shouldn't judge everything from the scale - and I don't (for the most part). I take measurements every few weeks and they have dropped, but I still have a fair bit of weight to lose. (would like to hit around 210)

I guess my main question is do you think I am eating too many/few calories per day at the 1600-1700 mark? (especially since not eating any back) Remember too when I am not exercising I'm sitting around at home, so don't need nearly as many calories as the average active person.

Thanks in advance!


  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Lift weights, eat clean and eat more :)
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    What Hart said. I'm a 5'6", 148 lb, 45 yr old and I'm eating a lot more than you and I've lost weight. I would check out the whole TDEE thing on Scooby Workshop Calculator...and don't go for more than a 20% deficit.

    Try a lifting programme - Stronglifts or something else
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    Haha thanks! I do lift weights 2-3x a week (my gym times). Eating more might be hard to do now!
  • pinksafyre
    pinksafyre Posts: 13 Member
    I've been all over the internet regarding slow/no progress. In my case, I was doing gym (and P.T.), but not on MFP! Now MFP has jump-started my weight loss..
    ANyway about you! The more "lean body mass" you have, the more cals you will burn. If youre plateauing, you probably need to go to the gym and do some strength training. As a guy you should be all over this. THen your lean mass will have a higher metabolism...
    The Pepsi, if it was the sugar filled one, SHOULD have made a weight difference.
    I think a lot hinges on your injury; use whatever upper body you can and get your muscle mass up a little bit.
    Congrats on your progress thus far!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Without seeing your diary, it's hard to say. Do you weigh/measure everything? Those calorie counts do sound low, especially if you aren't eating your exercise calories back, but you should be losing if you're in a deficit.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I can't comment on whether or not your calorie goal is appropriate for you, because I'm not going to do the math, but if you aren't losing weight, eating more is not going to make you lose weight. My guess is that you haven't been actually eating 1700 a day, that your portions and food measurements are off. It's hard to say without being able to look at your diary. Try using a food scale if you aren't already, and see how accurate your logging has or hasn't been. From what you say, that would be your best place to start.....find out how many calories you're truly eating.
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    According to that site, my TDEE is around 3579 (and that's selecting moderate exercise of 3-5hrs/week and a 20% reduction).

    So 2863/day accounting for the 20% reduction. Seems rather high?
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Do you weigh and measure all of your food? I just ran your stats and your BMR is 2574 and TDEE is 3089. you could eat at 2800 and still lose weight. So at 1700 you clearly should be losing weight. Make sure you weigh everything using a food scale. You may be eating more than you think.

    eta- yeah i see that i am a little late with this info... :blushing:
  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.


    Right. If you're maintaining and eat more, it equals weight gain, not loss.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.

    You think a 6'2 250 pound man should eat less than 1700 calories a day? I am a 5'2 female and eat 1600-1700 a day.....
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    I can tell you that at 5'10, 175 my BMR is like 1800. So you are definitely eating too little. That being said, I will tell you to eat at a goal that you choose, but don't drop below your BMR or you're just losing muscle in addition to your fat.
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    I do use a food scale and measuring cup for everything - for all my meals (at home anyways). I might eat out once every few weeks (like a 6" sub from Subway).

    A typical day for me would be:

    Breakfast: coffee, protein shake (low cal/carb w/skim milk), small bowl of cereal for fibre
    Snack 1: almonds/some other nut and/or small greek yogurt serving (or a low-cal cereal/fibre bar)
    Lunch: salad with just romaine lettuce, tomatoes, onions and chicken breast - sometimes a bit of garlic from a local shawarma place on the top for taste)
    Snack 2: same as other snack or a protein shake if it's a gym day
    Dinner: I love chicken breast so usually have one or two plain grilled, with some pasta sauce on top (also low-cal). Sometimes dinner is zucchini pasta with sauce
    Snack 3: same as other snacks, plus a protein shake

    I'm the type of person that can eat the same thing every single day and not get bored of it haha
  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.

    You think a 6'2 250 pound man should eat less than 1700 calories a day? I am a 5'2 female and eat 1600-1700 a day.....

    I don't really care what number he thinks he is eating. If I haven't lost any weight in weeks, yes, I eat less. It works.
  • OttRob
    OttRob Posts: 15 Member
    I can tell you that at 5'10, 175 my BMR is like 1800. So you are definitely eating too little. That being said, I will tell you to eat at a goal that you choose, but don't drop below your BMR or you're just losing muscle in addition to your fat.

    Ah ok - that site suggested earlier has my BMR listed at around 2309.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    I do use a food scale and measuring cup for everything - for all my meals (at home anyways). I might eat out once every few weeks (like a 6" sub from Subway).

    A typical day for me would be:

    Breakfast: coffee, protein shake (low cal/carb w/skim milk), small bowl of cereal for fibre
    Snack 1: almonds/some other nut and/or small greek yogurt serving (or a low-cal cereal/fibre bar)
    Lunch: salad with just romaine lettuce, tomatoes, onions and chicken breast - sometimes a bit of garlic from a local shawarma place on the top for taste)
    Snack 2: same as other snack or a protein shake if it's a gym day
    Dinner: I love chicken breast so usually have one or two plain grilled, with some pasta sauce on top (also low-cal). Sometimes dinner is zucchini pasta with sauce
    Snack 3: same as other snacks, plus a protein shake

    I'm the type of person that can eat the same thing every single day and not get bored of it haha

    Ok- well if this is how you eat and you weigh everything, you should be losing. How long has your stall been? Are you getting enough water? Maybe drop one day of cardio for a rest day? Maybe retaining water and masking a pound or two of weight loss?
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.

    You think a 6'2 250 pound man should eat less than 1700 calories a day? I am a 5'2 female and eat 1600-1700 a day.....

    I don't really care what number he thinks he is eating. If I haven't lost any weight in weeks, yes, I eat less. It works.

    yeah i get that. obviously at 1700 he would lose. so either something is medically wrong or he is eating more than he thinks.
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    I can tell you that at 5'10, 175 my BMR is like 1800. So you are definitely eating too little. That being said, I will tell you to eat at a goal that you choose, but don't drop below your BMR or you're just losing muscle in addition to your fat.

    Ah ok - that site suggested earlier has my BMR listed at around 2309.

    Also equally important, if you're eating less that your BMR you're going to be HUNGRY! and you can hurt yourself for the future. Pick a goal (50lbs, maybe 15lbs) Eat at the TDEE for that weight for a while, then once you get close to it, pick your next goal. Yes your weight loss might be a little slower, but it'll be healthier, and also MUCH more enjoyable and easier to maintain.
  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.

    You think a 6'2 250 pound man should eat less than 1700 calories a day? I am a 5'2 female and eat 1600-1700 a day.....

    I don't really care what number he thinks he is eating. If I haven't lost any weight in weeks, yes, I eat less. It works.

    yeah i get that. obviously at 1700 he would lose. so either something is medically wrong or he is eating more than he thinks.

    Sorry, just boggles my mind how some people think you should eat more to lose weight...
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    my .02...I disagree with the "eat more to lose weight" I say cut back on some of the cardio, and eat less.

    You think a 6'2 250 pound man should eat less than 1700 calories a day? I am a 5'2 female and eat 1600-1700 a day.....

    I don't really care what number he thinks he is eating. If I haven't lost any weight in weeks, yes, I eat less. It works.

    yeah i get that. obviously at 1700 he would lose. so either something is medically wrong or he is eating more than he thinks.

    Sorry, just boggles my mind how some people think you should eat more to lose weight...

    no i get that. i stalled my weight loss out at 75 pounds back in march. i was told to eat more too. i laughed. i know i am not a special snowflake (although i have been told i am unicorn...) but i knew i was eating more than i thought. and well since then i have fought for the next 11 pounds.