Starting tomorrow......again!



  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Good Luck on your journey. I am the father of 7. You just have to make it a priority.

    good luck

  • Feel free to add me. I can use the support as well:)
  • claragilman
    claragilman Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, I'm with you for sure! I'm only 5'1" and should be at 130 pounds (I come from a large-build family), so I'm looking at 58 pounds I need to lose. I admit that I'm great at the exercise portion, but my eating is terrible. I always do well in the mornings, but it's in the evenings that I fail.

    I'm an exercise and sports science/nutrition double major with only a year left until I get my degree, so things are looking up on my end and I know they will for you, too!
    MFP is such a great site, but the 1,200 calorie goal is something that really irritates me. It's a set amount and though a good goal for weight loss, it's too extreme to begin with. 1,200 calories is what the average human needs to function. Let me say that again. to SURVIVE. please, please please please eat more than that if you are exercising at ALL. To add to that, do you know how many calories you were eating before you decided to make this lifestyle change? 1,200 calories might be too little in the sense that it might not stick. If you restrict yourself too much in the beginning instead of letting yourself eat less more slowly, your weight loss is less likely to stay off.

    So sorry for the rant, lol. I hope all goes well for you! you've got my support! :)
  • Bean333333
    Bean333333 Posts: 10 Member
    GirlyFrankie, they are great motivators. I feel so much better knowing that I'm not alone in this falling off the waggon. This time I'm going to see this through. I need a future focus I think too which I don't currently have. I don't like the thought of a never ending target although I don't want to rush but give myself a realistic smaller target date.
  • GirlyFrankie
    GirlyFrankie Posts: 16 Member
    @ Bean333333, You've got this. We've got this. It will take time, so we must be kind to ourselves.
    @ Jrline - You're right also. I think making a schedule will be best. Working gull time and attending classes full time is tough, but if you can do it then so can I. Thanks! :)
  • Bean333333
    Bean333333 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh Claragilman, I'm 5' 2.5" and half Spanish. My younger female cousins are exactly like I was and then, after a certain age we all end up turning into little, round Spanish ladies (we are all vertically challenged). My Mother is 4'11". This is something I could never understand but I do now. I won't accept it's just genetics. It's something I need to do something about with the support of all of you.
    I will definitely review my calories following everyone's advice.
    Thank you
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i think setting target dates has potential to be detrimental.
    this process is not linear, so seeing a looming date and experiencing fluctuations could prove to have some negative impacts.
    just my opinion.

    good luck to you!
    you CAN do this.

    also, why start tomorrow?
    start NOW.
  • Bean333333
    Bean333333 Posts: 10 Member
    Please help!!
    How do I change my MFP allocated kcal from 1200?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    i'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet, maybe I just missed it. Usually the 1,200 calorie goal that MFP provides is based on the rate at which you want to lose weight, not just the total amount you have to lose. The common logic is that a deficit of 3,500 cals will result in the loss of 1 lb. That is a deficit of 500 cals/day and pretty reasonable for most people Many people however enter that they want to lose 2 lb/week when they set up their MFP profile, so it calculates a deficit of 1000 cals/day, but with the caveat that 1,200 is the lowest setting that MFP will recommend. It is subtracting your deficit from its estimate of your maintenance calories based on your height, weight, age, and activity level.

    The links provided to you, particularly the Sexypants thread, and setting your calories/macros targets - are great reading.

    I think that one of the challenges people have with adhering to MFP is they jump right in with extreme deficits, an aggressive exercise regime, and unnecessary food restrictions. Setting reasonable goals for yourself and taking things slowly is the best way to ensure long term success. I know you are eager to lose the weight, but doing it at a sustainable pace and in a way that you can maintain for the rest of your life is usually advisable for achieving the best (ie sustainable) results.

    Good luck!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Hi Bean, I'm 5'1" too!
    Short and round. LOL.
    I need to lose about 30 lbs. a couple years ago I lost about 20lbs. I did well with netting between1300-1400/day
    1200 was very hard to maintain. just that extra 200 cals makes a huge difference in performance and hunger AND weight loss!

    I've not heard of this book you mention, but I hope it is helpful. Learning to eat properly just in general was a huge change for me.

    Dieting is great and all to lose weight. but if we go back to eating/living like before then, TADA! We get chubby again.

    Everyone in my family is very round too. I used to think "oh it's just how we are" but found out it is not. Just had to change up my lifestyle a little.

    I could use any extra support now too as I'm starting back with 'dieting' uuugghhh

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    My advice for all of the starting over threads (and there are many!) is to look at what you did the first time and not do that again. If you abandoned that plan, it obviously doesn't work for you. A sustainable, small deficit and moderate exercise will last longer. At the end of the day, ask yourself. . . can I do what I did today for the rest of my life?