How did I get here?

We all know what makes up a healthy lifestyle - eating within our caloric budget and keeping active. So, why haven't I done that? Why have I let myself get to a state of obesity? Because I eat too much and don't like to move. But I am tired of living with all this excess weight on me. I just turned 30 and I would like to know what life is like in a healthy body. So, on the recommendation of a wonderful and motivating friend, I have joined this website. Yesterday was my first day and I was under my calorie goal AND I did a kickboxing workout (thanks free OnDemand).

I started running last summer and ran a 5k in November of 2010. I haven't been running since Thanskgiving and gained 10 pounds over the holidays :noway: This tool is just what I need to chart my progress. Good luck to everyone and let's keep each other motivated!


  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    I absolutely love this site!! I can't believe how motivated it has kept me :) Best of luck to you!
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Welcome! I hope you'll soon get addicted to how your body feels with good fuel and extra activity. On the mornings when I just do NOT want to work out, I remind myself of how incredible and strong and energetic I feel afterwards. It's an amazing feeling. =D
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    :happy: Welcome to the site. I hope you'll find the support and motivation you need from this great site with some really great people.
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Many people can have many reasons to "Let themselfs go", maybe im still trying to figure out mine, all my life ive lived a seditary lifestyle, even as a kid i was never into physical fitness, and ate what i wanted and as much as i wanted and wouldnt listen to my folks when they said, youve had enouph to eat. Now at 50, i think back and maybe? am comming to reolise some things about myself?? Ive been married 3 times, ya i know shocker hah!? i met my first husband at the only time in my life when i was slim and he would be adiment about my NOT gaining weight, (He was very controlling), hubby #2 came from a family of obese people and was big himself, and actually wanted a plump wife, so yes i let myself go! i figured what the heck i got my man, and he loves my bulk, so why should i even try to loose weight. Now im on my 3rd, (And last!) marriage, and my husband loves me for me, big or small, he wants me to do what i think is best for me, be i big or not, although he has suggested maybe looseing a little weight, but it was still up to me. looking at my life, ive gone to both extremes, and perhaps have found my "Ah ha" moment, all these years its been about my pleaseing the man in my life, but what about me, what about what I want! We all need to find that "Ah ha" moment and do what WE want and whats in OUR best interests. i hope you can/have found yours.
  • californiagramma
    I also joined to lose those last stubborn pounds, why is it so hard , any suggestions.
  • odaatsue
    At 55 joining MFP is the BEST thing I have done for myself. I am approaching 35 days (a BIG deal for me!) of maintaining desire AND focus to be on this journey. I normally would lose both in about 3 days...and hence, never succeeded in reaching my goals. I can now SEE myself achieving both my weight and fitness goals. That it might take a year, or more, matters to me not one bit. I am having so much fun "DIETING" and "EXERCISING" that I'm amazed. Even more amazed that I am 100% okay with my goal of losing a mere 1 pound per week. I still enjoy my life, I'm not obsessed with food anymore, and I know I'm going to reach my goals.

    Woo hoo, and yay me! And yay, you for your openness and listening to your supportive friend!
