I've plateaued but not plateaued

This has happened before - I've stayed at the same weight, or even gone over it, but not lost anything for a few weeks, but then somehow managed to just shift it. Yesterday and the day before, I worked so hard to measure out food and exercise like a mad thing, but only really managed to get to the low end of where I plateaued. I'm pretty sure it is not an actual plateau, as these are pretty rare - rather, that I've been slack in some areas. Which I have fixed now! But really, what I'm asking is if anyone has any wise words or advice to prevent me to from getting to this frustrating stage, and preferably (although I know this is not often the case) stay at a businesslike rate of loss? Any tips welcome please!


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Unfortunately weight loss is not linear. Many people will have weeks where there is no scale loss, but will then have a big loss another week. There's not really anything you can do to prevent this - it's just the way the body lets go of the fat. Just keep to your calorie deficit and you'll get there.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Just hang in there.

    Remember this is not a diet, this is not a phase, this is a lifestyle change.

    Some weeks we will see huge progress, others we will miss ye boat for whatever reason. It's all about hanging in there and remembering that every day is a new opportunity to get it right and fuel your body.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Just keep weighing and measuring and remember, the closer to goal the more critical the deficit it. Patience, it will come.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I plateaued every time I cut. Six weeks can go by while I'm on a deficit without any weight loss then woosh! One day I'm back on track. There's a theory that the fat cells release the fat then replace with water for a while, just to be sure, then, one day they let go of the water. May be true, may be a fairy tale, but I believe in it!
  • AmrOnTop
    AmrOnTop Posts: 52 Member
    Try including an extra HIIT session everyweek and see if it makes any difference. We all go through these weeks :)
  • jambo101
    My weight loss seems to be tied to the level of personal dietary discipline i'm willing to endure,
    Couple of months ago i went to a plant based diet rather than a meat based diet, to date i've lost 20lbs however i've plateaued at that 20lbs for the past 6 weeks, i'm feeling if i want to lose more weight personal discipline on what i eat has to be more adhered to.
    While going vegetarian seems to be no problem there is much room for improvement, cutting out bread and dairy products seem to be the next hurdle if i want to get to my goal of losing 100lbs.
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    I've found weight loss for me to be so weird. Over the past week I was dropping a pound every day, lost 6 pounds. Then woke up the next morning with a 3lb gain. Today one of those pounds is gone. As long as you are truly measuring and weighing your food, eating at a deficit, and don't have some medical condition (that the doctor diagnosed) you will lose weight. It will trend downward.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I plateaued every time I cut. Six weeks can go by while I'm on a deficit without any weight loss then woosh! One day I'm back on track. There's a theory that the fat cells release the fat then replace with water for a while, just to be sure, then, one day they let go of the water. May be true, may be a fairy tale, but I believe in it!

    Same thing happens to me - although in my case it usually only lasts 2 or 3 weeks so technically not a plateau but can still be frustrating. It's even called the "whoosh" effect. Hormone cycle, water weight from working out or sodium intake or whatever else can cause fluctuations. Then one day, for whatever reason, it all catches up and you're doing a happy dance on the scale. Patience!!

    Also, OP, you mentioned weighing and measuring like a mad thing just one day. Try being more consistent with that, it might help.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Read this - it will tell you what's going on:

    It's frustrating - weight loss is not linear and so many things can be masking the true weight loss. But if you're consistent, keep making sure you are in a deficit (you're logging accurately and not overestimating your burns) and you drink plenty of water to keep the sodium retention down, you will see it come off, eventually.

    I've noticed as I'm getting closer to goal, the fluctuations are more marked. I'll barely not lose anything for three weeks and then, bam - 3-4 lb in a week or two.
  • ashleygeorgina24
    I have been on a strict diet and exercise plan since May of this year. I started at 13 stone and I am now on 11 stone exactly. I am extremely proud of what I have achieved so far but have stopped losing weight and have stayed on 11 stone for nearly 4 weeks now. I want to lose another stone in weight but I don't know what to do. I have read (almost obsessively) about ways to get out of this slump I'm in but nothing is happening. My diet before the slump was 1200 calories (5 meals a day, no carbs after 6pm) and one hour of high intensity exercise with and without weights (mostly fitness DVD's). I always make sure I give it my all when I am exercising, the sweat tells it all! I weigh out my food so I make sure I am in my calorie target. Since my weight-loss slump I have been exercising every day, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for 90 minutes. I have also introduced HIIT training which I love. This week I have decided to just eat the 1200 calories and give the exercise a rest (I have also got a small pull on my calf muscle so it made sense to have a rest). I have also read that maybe easing down on the exercise could help. I am not eating back the calories I am burning off, mainly because I didn't before and lost 2 stone. This has not only been a diet change for me, this has been a lifestyle change. I have given up a lot, including wine, one of my favourite things in my mission to feel more confident in myself so I feel very disappointed that all my hard work and sacrifice is not getting me anywhere at the moment. All the advice on the net is so contradictory, but any advice from you would be really helpful.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    As you lose it becomes harder. I started when you did. It was a lot easier losing when I carried 230 lbs. as opposed to 169. We have to learn to adjust our expectations, too. I'm not going to be losing 2 lbs. a week anymore. I'm lucky to make 1 and then it is 2 down one up, 2 down. I watch my intake. Log everyday, and spend between 60-120 minutes working out. I do both cardio and strength training. Can't realistically do more. It is why I admire those people who are so close to goal. It is so hard to lose a pound. The best they can expect is maybe a pound a month and then only if they are perfect!

    Just stick with it and be proud of every loss and of your persistence.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    There's no such thing as a businesslike rate of loss. Everyone plateaus. When, why and for how long are determined by a million things mostly unique to the individual. Just accept it as part of the process because it is.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    If you get some words of advice share them with me. I know I'm in this for the long haul, but I haven't truly lost weight in about 6 weeks. Now, this is my fault. I've been going over my calorie limits pretty regularly. It's hard to weigh and measure after 6 months, the fun wears off. I can destroy a good day with one bad decision.

    Last night I was right around where I should have stopped eating, but I NEEDED bread. Normally, I can resist but I really felt like I had to have it. So I did. With butter. Bad move.

    Working on my willpower.