I've been overweight since I my first pregnancy! (Not that I was ever skinny.....) But my thyroid pretty much shut down during my pregnancy which was only discovered much later.... So I just got fatter and fatter and more and more unhappy as the years went on!

I now have two gorgeous boys!! However I feel like I'm missing out on their lives :( I look through their pictures and I am not in ANY of them! I know it's my own fault for choosing at the time not to be in them but I just look disgusting!

I now have gotten my mindset right I believe to do this! I'm on thyroid meds and new doc is keeping a close eye, so now the rest is up to me!

Time to start living and looking forward to running on the beach with my boys, or an afternoon swim in the pool and smiling the BIGGEST "cheese" smile I can do with my gorgeous hubby and two wonderful sons!!

I'm Lins by the way :D Good luck and well done to everyone on MFP you guys are awesome!!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    And you CAN do this! Add me if you are looking for friend.
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    Great attitude and I know where you're coming from! It starts here and now!!! This is my second time around but this time I've added friends on here and it makes a TON of difference! Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • rlxsn
    rlxsn Posts: 58 Member
    Congrats on making the decision to take control.. You got this! Feel free to add me :o)
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.....your story sounds alot like mine......I have worked hard to raise my 2 wonderful kids, I'm not in many pictures either but the ones I am in.....OMG....we can do this and we will......making the decision is a big step now its time to move forward....I'm Anne ....welcome to MFP Lins :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Cammyfaye
    Cammyfaye Posts: 28 Member
    This is my first time using MFP and I have a different mindset then I have had in the past. My problem has always been that I wanted it to all happen overnight. I never had the patience to lose it slowly so I would do some fly by night crash diet that would end up making me feel worse in the end and if I did lose any weight I would gain it back and then some. I think the main thing is to realize that it will take time and to not get impatient. I am not taking anything away from me..I am simply counting calories..It seems that everytime I put limits on what I can have, I crave them even more. So I think everyday I can have whatever I want as long as I keep it within my calorie limits, but what that seems to do for me so far is that because I know I can have it, I don't think about it so I end up not having it. I lost a little bit before I started on MFP but I do believe that joining here and really utilizing all the resources here along with all the positive motivation will be huge for me to stay on track. I wish you good luck and if you would like to have a new friend here, feel free to add me. I have only been here for a few days so I am happy to make as many friends as possible...They will really help keep the motivation up. You can do this..and so can I :)
  • Linseymout
    Linseymout Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks everyone :bigsmile: Awesome to have support!
  • hrayala
    hrayala Posts: 73 Member
    I hear ya! I started off overweight when I got pregnant and just gained more weight after each of my 2 pregnancies. I'm ready too lose this weight now and looking for support as well!
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    goodluck with your journey!! feel free to add me as i'm looking for support and motivation to.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    I am right there with ya! I looked at pictures from las Christmas and was appalled by how HUGE I was at 250 pounds... I looked bloated and miserable... I couldn't do half of the things I used to do with my hubby and boys... hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, etc., because I was so big and would get winded super easily. Been on my journey since Januray 8th, am down almost 75 pounds, and am really close to my goal weight now. YEA!!! I plan on being out there ALOT more now.

    It's not easy, but it's doable, and soooo worthwhile! Add me if you'd like another friend and cheerleader in your corner!