Friends with Open Diaries (Low Carb/Paleo/grain-free)

I'm trying to get back in the swing of things here and have been directed to avoid grains (at least gluten but preferably all) and try to keep my carbs below 100, if not below 80. (I have mild PCOS and a sluggish yeah). I have 25-30 pounds to lose (I've done it before and I know I can do it again!). I am trying to improve my meal planning skills and would love to be friends with active users with open diaries that follow a very low carb eating plan (keto, paleo welcome). Looking forward to meeting some of you :)


  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    I'm trying to get back in the swing of things here and have been directed to avoid grains (at least gluten but preferably all) and try to keep my carbs below 100, if not below 80. (I have mild PCOS and a sluggish yeah). I have 25-30 pounds to lose (I've done it before and I know I can do it again!). I am trying to improve my meal planning skills and would love to be friends with active users with open diaries that follow a very low carb eating plan (keto, paleo welcome). Looking forward to meeting some of you :)

    After almost hitting my goal weight/body I got pregnant with my 3rd baby & am now 9 months postpartum. I am really struggling to get restarted & have about 30-40lbs I want to lose. I also have a sluggish thyroid (hashimotos) so I avoid gluten because of it. I am also dairy & soy free due to allergy. I am also trying to get my food back in check & logging my food/meals has been a challenge so I am trying to rededicate to logging.
  • MeMeg10
    MeMeg10 Posts: 18 Member
    I am working on becoming grain free and learning more about it. Would love to add you both as friends for support!
  • LisaROGrady
    LisaROGrady Posts: 6 Member
    I was just online looking for discussion groups for grain-free diets and was directed to myfitnesspal -where I have actually been a member but have been really bad about tracking my food and exercise.
    Long story short, I have been having a really tough time with my weight over the last year and after seeing my doctor a few weeks ago she suggested that I go grain free. I had told her very honestly what I had been eating and how often. I truly was not overeating and I was exercising, but not losing any weight.
    Doctor also checked my hormones and thyroid and now I am taking DHEA and using progesterone cream.
    I will add this - a year and a half ago I was in excellent shape. I was seeing a personal trainer once a week and exercising every day. Then I hurt my back and was down for awhile. I haven't gotten back to where I could do the things I was doing then with my trainer, but I am getting back to it, slowly ( I am 55 and was doing things that 35 yr olds have trouble with!) with PT and a lift in my shoe to correct an imbalance we found that I had.
    Since hurting myself, put mom in asst living, dad had heart surgery, then mom passed away unexpectedly in May. Frankly, this past year has been the worst of my entire life. So, I am sure that depression has something to do with this too. I'm feeling much better though.

    With all that said, I am genuinely asking for your friendship, help and advice, ladies. :)
    I am doing everything I can to try and lose weight after putting about 25 lbs back on this past year. I have been seriously doing the grain-free for 3 weeks and I am frustrated because I thought for SURE I'd see changes by now. I haven't.

    How long does it take before I see some weight loss? I am not giving up but sure could use some advise and some "pals" on this journey. LOL

    Thanks much!!