Marathon training Carbo loading failure - help

After two very unsuccessful carb loading ventures (ending in emergency mid-run near-miss carbo unloading bathroom trip) I'm looking for some carb loading tips. Anyone have macro settings they suggest 70/15/15??) for loading? My typical load was just lots and lots of white pasta the day before which I don't think was too strategic. I could use some tips as my long runs are Sunday.


  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    I do my carb heavy meal 2 days before a race, but I've never used the macros you posted. Maybe eat fewer carbs than 70% and on Friday night instead of Saturday?
  • lrichelle
    lrichelle Posts: 54 Member
    I've done several full and half marathons. I eat pasta or pizza the night before a long run because I have found that to work best for my stomach. I don't eat huge amounts though, just a normal size portion or slightly larger. When you find what works best for you, stick to it. You'll want a tried and true plan for your race. You may want to check out Runner's World online as they have a lot of information regarding nutrition, fueling for long runs, etc. From everything I've read though, you should not "carbo load" all at once the day before the race/long run. You'll want the carbs, but gradually over the days leading up to the race.
  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks. I am trying I get the amounts/portions figured out during training rns. Marathon is October 26!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 8,068 Member
    Not a runner but have had the experience of hitting the wall during an ultra distance speed skating event (6+ hours of strenuous exertion). It's important to carry something to raise your blood glucose quickly. Different people use gels, dried apricots, jelly beans. When I hit the wall about 30 minutes from the finish I suddenly got very confused and found it impossible to coordinate. Brings home the saying that your muscles can run on fat, but your brain only runs on carbs. Someone from the organization saw me suddenly struggling and gave me a hotel serving packet of jam to suck on. Within minutes of having the jam, my mind cleared enough to finish the event.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    "night before" carb loading has gone out the window, mostly for the reasons you experienced. I will tend to start carb-loading 3 days before hand, gradually increasing the percentage. My last real carb-heavy meal would be lunch the day before. Dinner the night before the race I eat 'normally' (for me that is usually brown rice and salmon or something of that nature). Then, the morning of, I just need something light to top off the glycogen stores without feeling weighed down. Breakfast 2 hours before the gun, a gel at the starting line, and then another every 45 minutes has worked to keep me from hitting the wall.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I've only run half-marathons, but here's my experience. I spend the 5 days before eating more carbs than usual, but only an extra serving or rice per day kind of levels. And never a new food. Has worked so far for me.