Self motivation

Sometimes we have to tell ourselves “I can do this!”
This is called self-motivation… Don’t wait for nobody to tell you that you can do it! They may never tell you...TELL YOURSELF!
I can is better than I can’t; I will is better than I won’t; I did is better than didn’t.
Don’t end up saying I coulda, shouda, woulda…
True failure is when one fails to try.


  • goldspaula
    I can, and I am! My first plateau has been getting me down, but I know it's just a little rest and adjustment and the scales will move again. :D I can do this, i surely can do this!
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    So true, success comes from always trying and never giving up, love ya Don!
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    Great post! I can always count on you for a little motivation!!
  • delliam
    delliam Posts: 16