Other MFPers with health issues?



  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    I have high blood pressure and I've been struggling since I was 12 to get it under control.

    A family friend of mine is in a similar situation. She's only in her early 20s but has been dealing with high blood pressure and cholesterol issues for years. I hope you are able to find something that helps you.
  • I have IGA Nephropathy diagnosed in 2001. Has been a slow progression up until recently as I am nearing end stage renal disease. Hoping to hold off dialysis as long as possible but know it will come eventually. So I am doing what I can now to try to get myself in the best shape possible so that when the time comes I am healthy enough for a transplant...nice to have the support of others who can relate to the struggles of trying to loose weight and deal with a chronic disease.
  • snowbear1005
    snowbear1005 Posts: 79 Member
    Lupus with myositis is my big one. I was initially diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibro, but that was changed as more symptoms and antibodies in my blood work developed. I’m still not in remission, but feeling pretty good most days. Trying to find what I can and can’t do and when to push myself and when to rest.

    Meds for chronic pain and inflammation have made a train wreck of my GI tract. I have IBS, GERD, gastroparesis, ulcers, inflammation/colitis, and a prolonged ileus last year.

    It is believed that I tore a disc in my lower back in a car accident in my teens and that disc (L5-S1) later ruptured during childbirth. Had surgery to repair it and a second surgery five years later to destroy a nerve root that became entrapped in a bone spur. It’s starting to give me problems again with sciatica – possibly stenosis.

    The past several years have certainly been difficult, but I keep on keeping on.
  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    Spina Bifida, celiac disease, severe food allergies!
  • After reading what everyone else has been through, I feel fairly blessed! I have congenital cardiomyopathy. This has me on beta blockers, but when you combine that with natural hypotension, my BP can be seriously low! (70s/30s at night).

    The only weird thing that ever happened is that 3 years ago I had bilateral hearing loss overnight. They MDs didn't know what caused it. Gave me high doses of prednisone but that didn't help. The diagnosis was Autoimmune Inner Ear disease. I was give hearing aids. FF 2 years. I was unemployed and sitting on my back deck with my laptop looking for jobs. Hubby was in the living room watching TV. I went into the house and stopped dead in my tracks. I could hear the TV and my hearing aids weren't in! Hearing is back for the most part, but still terrified I will lose it again. You never know what you miss until it's gone!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Maybe you ( OP or anyone else) would like to join our fibro group here at MFP?:smile:

  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    Hi! You are a fabulous person for enduring all you have. I have celiac disease and your symptoms seem very familiar to the ones I had before gluten free! Maybe that's a route you could take?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    COPD, hypothyroidism, clinical depression/emotional dysregulation.
  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
    Hashimoto's thyroiditis, asthma, environmental allergies, patellafemoral syndrome, scarred lungs from a really serious case of pneumonia 2 years ago, depression.

    The constant fatigue is the most frustrating thing. Always tired. No matter what I do.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I get "regular" migraines and ocular migraines. I also have diverticular disease that flares up without notice, and I'm 2 flare ups in a 12 month period away from having part of my colon removed. So eating properly, and lots of fiber, is important for me. My GI also found a precancerous polyp, so I get to be scoped out *shudder* every 5 years for the rest of my life.

    I just scheduled an appointment with an endocrinologist to figure out what is up with my body after bloodwork I had done ruled out things like PCOS, thyroid problems, and diabetes. I also had an MRI to rule out a pituitary tumor. If the endocrinologist doesn't figure anything out my eye doctor is requesting that I go see a neuro ophthalmologist to try and figure out why my ocular migraines are worsening.

    Good times. :drinker:
  • Hi, brand new here but yes I have asthma, but my main problem is Hypoglycemia. Its a condition where my blood sugar gets low faster then normal people. So technically i need to eat more often or my blood sugar will plummet. Which could cause a coma. The ways i notice it is i get hot flashes, I get very shaky, then if i let it progress I get weak feeling, tired, then my brain just starts getting loopy and im not thinking right, then i pass out. luckily thats only happened once. But even in the begining stages my brain just starts thinking eat eat eat EVERYTHING, which is terrible but my body is panicking and tells me to eat as much as i can. I bet you can see why ive gained some. But its also my fualt of course, mostly my own fualt. So when i excersise i have to be careful to not over do it because if i excersise my blood sugar goes down even faster, havent had this problem yet but i know i will have to face it soon. I natrually need to eat more then others but i still over do it sometimes.