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  • Valeriepei
    Valeriepei Posts: 14 Member
    Hi my name is Valerie. I am a 52 year old women happily married and retired living in PEi Canada. I joined mfp about a year ago and lost 10 pounds and then quit logging in and in the last year I have gained five pounds back. I have recently started playing golf and I love it! Except that I hate that I can feel all the extra weight I am carrying, and I don't mean my clubs! I weigh 225 and my goal is to reach 140. I was actually at this goal weight about five years through diet and exercise, but then I met my Prince Charming who wined and dined me! Four years later it is time to quit! The over eating that is, I will keep the Prince! I would love some Mfp friends to join in this journey together :)
  • nickyazlan
    nickyazlan Posts: 9 Member
    Hi i'm also doing the 30D shred and getting my butt kicked; but I love it. Feel free to add me ... Nicole London UK
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm in upstate NY.....Syracuse to be exact..........have lost almost 90 and still have a ways to go but am determined to do so this time around.......feel free to add me as a friend
  • cakenedith2
    cakenedith2 Posts: 72 Member
    Sounds like a good idea! My name is Angela, 35 and I've been on MFP on and off for a few years and could never really commit because of my busy life. I now have a beautiful little 2 year old girl and trying to put myself first is the hardest. I also have pcos and would like another child but alot of it depends on weight loss. I'm really struggling to lose weight...would like to lose 30-40 and could use any motivation! I would love to cheer all of you on as well!
  • jonobate
    jonobate Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone, So i'm Jono from England. My goals are basically shed the last bit of flab stopping me from getting ripped but the last bit's the hardest! (doesn't help i'm 20 and like a beer) I have a personal fitness coach which is helping but i have only used MFP for calorie counting so far and not even looked at the community section!

    Good look everyone and Have a good day goal smashing
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hey I'm Lisa. I'm 25, from Georgia. I lost 55 lbs about 4 years ago then gained it all back plus some. Now I'm 21 lbs down since July! I decided enough was enough and I am ready to reach my goal this time. I can always use more motivational/encouraging friends! I try my best to be a motivational friend as well.
  • mogambo206
    mogambo206 Posts: 5 Member
    First of all, sorry if you find my English little bit disturbing.. It is because I don't know much English. So Pardon me if I make some horrible mistake.

    I am from Karachi, Pakistan. I just recently weigh myself and I was shocked to see 200 lbs on the weight machine. So I decided to change my lifestyle. I have lost 12 pound in last month but this month is going little tough. I lost 2 pounds only compared to last month progress it is little depressing. From last two days I started eating normal meals and feels very demotivated seeing my progress.

    So today, I decided to take some help from this app myfitnesspal, the people on this forum seems very motivated and losing weight too. So I think I would be less demotivated if I join this forum.

    Please feel free to add me, because I need some friends who are losing weight so we can motivate each other whenever we feel like leaving the weight loss program.
  • Hi I'm john in North Carolina My plan is to hike part of the appalachian trail next year if i have lost enough weight.
    I walk every day and go to the gym 3 times a week.
  • Bsexi88
    Bsexi88 Posts: 83 Member
    Britney 26 I have a bit of weight to lose. I do cardio and just started lifting (20 lbs) and I love them both. I'm a married mother of two beautiful curly girls and I love them most
  • Winston817
    Winston817 Posts: 1,335 Member
  • skinnyjeans5186
    skinnyjeans5186 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I am Meagan and am 28 years old, currently living in Tennessee. I have struggled with weight all my life. I recently started going to a medical weight loss clinic and have lost 33 lbs in 9 weeks, but still have close to 100lbs to go. I have a son who is 8 years old and want to expand my family soon. I love to exercise but I have a hard time making time for it, between my full time job, 2 hour commute to and from work, taking care of the house, cooking dinner, and helping my son with his homework, and baseball. Just seems like there is always something more pressing to do. Usually I will work out on my lunch hours at the gym, and when I can't get to the gym I walk my dogs around the block several times.

    I am determined to go all the way this time and keep it off!!! I feel so much better already and am much much happier. I feel my confidence and self esteem growing every day. I also see the impact that my good choices are making on my friends and family. I have never been a runner and hope to get to where I can run miles, right now I only jog for about a couple of minutes. I am seriously considering walk/jogging in a 5k for the Susan Komen race for the cure. It will be my first ever. I injured my ankle back in May and will probably be having an MRI done on it soon, because it isn't getting better, so hopefully that won't keep me from participating in that.

    Anyways I am looking for friends to encourage me and help me when I am having "low" times, and I will do the same for you. Add me, please, thanks!
  • afternoon everyone :) im vick , 27 from the uk . ive lost 31lb since January and have another 29lb to go & recently joined the gym .
  • Loluka88
    Loluka88 Posts: 38 Member
    Great thread! I'd rather not say my name. I'm turning 26 in 6 days (yikes). I've lost 25 lbs already and I have another 65ish lbs to go. I've got two adorable daughters and really need to get this weight off so I can play with them without getting tired after 2 minutes.
  • megan116xo
    megan116xo Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I am Megan. I am 23 years old. I have always been out of shape and looking in the mirror i don't want to be in this fat suit anymore! I have lost 17 lbs so far but have a long way to go! I log in everyday. and I have a 1 year old beagle. Please feel free to add me :)
  • feel free to add me as a friend. Ive lost 45#s so far. Still have 90 to go. Hoping to get to onderland this year. well see what happens. I'm a 29 (will be 30 in 2 months... ahh) year old stay at home mom to 3 kids. Always looking for more support!
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi! I am a mom of one. I am currently 163 lbs (5 lbs lost so far!). I have restarted my weight loss journey several times now. I am hoping this is the last time! I am currently doing the 21 Day Fix workouts (not the meal plan). I am watching what I eat and watching my portions. It seems to be working so far.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hi I'm Beth, I'm 25 and I live just outside Glasgow. I've always been big, and I got down to my lowest weight of about 13st 10lbs last year but I've put it all back on and more!!

    I'm in final year of a Social Work degree and that coupled with working shifts has meant my eating habits have been all over the place. It would be nice to join some like minded people for a bit of support and inspiration! Feel free to add me :)
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Just plodding along, hoping to maybe lose 6lbs by end of October when I participate in my 2nd Marathon, long term goal to be content with my body and complete a triathlon whether it be standard, half ironman or full ironman distance.
  • Hi, am Dijerz, 23.. My goal is to shed far I haven't lost any but I've immensely lost inches on my waist and am loving it.
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member

    Benita, 24, Texas.
    I've lost 17 lb so far, looking to lose (rough estimate since I've never been small..) another 30-35 lbs but that could change as I go on. I understand that the number on the scale is not necessarily indicative of how someone will look due to BF% and so as I gain muscle and lose fat I'll be ok with a higher weight as long as I'm happy with how I look.

    I'm into lifting weights, and I run for most of my cardio days. Hoping to be able to complete a 5K eventually, and I also want to do some sort of obstacle course for fun at some point.

    I vant to have maahsuls. (In my best Arnold voice, hahaha.)

    I'd also very much like to delve into pole, parkour, and crossfit. What can I say, I've got lofty ambitions.


    P.s.- I'm one of those crazy folks who don't think it's a sin to have ice cream or a taco, as long as I fit it in my daily allowance.
    Just fair warning.