Am I Crazy?

So I need to know if I am crazy for contemplating do what i am about to do.

I am going to my sister's wedding in Las Vegas in two weeks. i am very excited about seeing my family, most of which l haven't seen in over two years (they live on the West Coast and I live in the Midwest). I love my family, but emotionally they are very hard for me to be around and have been very worried about how I am going to handle it and not let my eating get out of control. I am a binge eater and I am learning that the only way to keep myself under control is to log my food every day. I am willing to go "off" my diet for the three days, but I need to make sure I keep it under control. The only way I can do that is to be able to log my food.

Obviously, I won't have my computer with me to log on everyday. My tablet is broken and sent out for repairs. I am seriously considering going out this weekend and buying a second tablet for about $100.00. It's a lot of money to me, but I do have it, so I wouldn't be charging it or anything.

Help me decide! I need someone to tell me if I am being crazy or not....


  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Can't you just download the mfp app to your phone and log?
  • Raaneve
    Raaneve Posts: 692 Member
    Nah. You're not crazy for wanting to keep on track. Especially in a situation when you're expecting to be under stress. :)

    You *are* crazy for wanting to spend $100 or more on a new tablet just for this occasion though... if you *really* need a new tablet then by all means go get one, but if its *just* to track food/exercise data while you're away from home for a few days then I'd recommend you go get a little purse sized paper notebook and a pen almost anywhere for about $2, and since you'll only be using them for a couple days then you've met your tracking needs and saved a couple bucks too!

    Just add your paper notes to your electronic ones when you get home. :)

    And good for you for wanting to keep true to your goals while traveling!! You can do it!! :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    If you don't have a phone, you could write it down. Almost every hotel and motel has a computer available, so maybe you could use that.

    But if you have he $100 to blow, you can buy a tablet. It's your money. Everyone spends money on something someone else would consider crazy.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Can't you just download the mfp app to your phone and log?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Paper and pencil work great too. It's how people did it before the internet existed...
  • gardengurl62
    gardengurl62 Posts: 18 Member
    Sorry, should have given more info: No smart phone, checked with the hotel - WIFI available, but no computers. Paper & pencil would work to track the food actually eaten, but how to I keep track of the calories?

    I'd probably give my daughter the tablet when I'm done with it as she doesn't have one right now or just keep it as a backup...
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Paper and pencil work great too. It's how people did it before the internet existed...

    ^^^^This. I'm probably one of the last people on the planet that doesn't own a cellphone. I write it down and log when I get home. Good luck, family stuff can be stressful, I hear ya!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Stupid ios 8. The keyboard froze and I lost an entire post.

    Basically I have spent a similar amount on a temporary gym membership because I've got the personality where I like to keep my momentum going and I'm willing to spend money to do it. But personally in this case I wouldn't because while visiting family, chances are I'd have access to about a dozen computers, phones and tablets that I could ask to borrow for a minute or 60 to log my food

    In your case one thing I'd ask myself is if you might have other uses for the extra tablet when done? Maybe leave it in the kitchen to use exclusively for logging and/or entertainment while cooking, or sell it or give it to someone else when you return?
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    Sorry, should have given more info: No smart phone, checked with the hotel - WIFI available, but no computers. Paper & pencil would work to track the food actually eaten, but how to I keep track of the calories?

    I'd probably give my daughter the tablet when I'm done with it as she doesn't have one right now or just keep it as a backup...

    Just log everything you've written down when you get home. It sounds like you're making this more stressful than it needs to be. It's only 3 days. Go, have fun and enjoy yourself!
  • lspop09
    lspop09 Posts: 2 Member
    Go "old school" and write it down on paper. You could even go get a fun notebook and colored pens :-)
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    Paper & pencil would work to track the food actually eaten, but how to I keep track of the calories?
    Get a reference book. They're portable, about the same size and weight as a tablet. Very handy. :)

    If your local public library doesn't have one, two weeks is plenty of time to buy one online. Here's an example from Amazon for a few dollars:
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Paper and pencil and then maybe check to see if there is going to be a local library there or if another family member will have a laptop/tablet with them you could borrow at the end of the day. Or, if you really want the extra tablet, then just go for it. I know I wouldn't, but that's just me. I'd just write it down, add it up when I got home, and move on. The simple act of writing it down would help me be conscious of what I was eating but I wouldn't panic if I went over. It's only 3 days out of 365. Know what I mean? But do what works for you! The tablet could be an early present for your daughter for the holiday or birthday or whatever so no biggie either way.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I just went to las vegas for 4 days and didn't log anything. I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain either. not one single pound.
    eating is not the main focus of being there, even for a wedding. I think you'll find that If you just write it down in a journal, even if you don't know calories, that will keep you accountable to yourself. let's face it, you know that eating 2 large cheeseburgers with a beer isn't in your calorie goal, but maybe one small turkey sandwich with a diet soda & vodka is. (examples...)

    personally, I just had fun and didn't worry about it. usually going to vegas or on vacation is very rare, and I think stressing over 3 days and buying a laptop/tablet is going above and beyond what you need to do. use that $100 to buy healthy foods while you are there (yes, they exist) - keep snacks such as nuts, fruit and bottled water in your room so you can have a healthy snack before meeting your family for a meal. buffets are a GREAT place to eat healthy. they offer broiled or grilled options, plus usually have tons of fruit, oatmeal, fresh seafood and made-to-order omelets.

    HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    If you really feel the need to log while you're in Vegas bring a notebook and pen along with you and input your food when you get home.
    Honestly though, going off of your food plan for 3 days isn't likely to be much of a problem. You'd have to eat an awful lot more than you normally do to actually gain a significant amount of weight in the span of 3 days. Go, enjoy yourself, and get back to your routine when you return home!
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    I feel you about the family stress. My advice: exercise at the hotel each morning, be conscious about what you eat but don't sweat it. It's only 3 days- getting healthy is for life. Take the $100 and put it somewhere safe. When you meet a big goal, treat yourself to a massage or something non-food related.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I feel you about the family stress. My advice: exercise at the hotel each morning, be conscious about what you eat but don't sweat it. It's only 3 days- getting healthy is for life. Take the $100 and put it somewhere safe. When you meet a big goal, treat yourself to a massage or something non-food related.

    wow yes - I had forgotten that - work-out in the hotel weight room each morning. super idea!
    and :heart: LOVE:heart: the idea about saving that money for something to treat yourself - maybe a massage in vegas! try Qua at Caesar's Palace - best spa on the strip!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Sorry, should have given more info: No smart phone, checked with the hotel - WIFI available, but no computers. Paper & pencil would work to track the food actually eaten, but how to I keep track of the calories?

    I'd probably give my daughter the tablet when I'm done with it as she doesn't have one right now or just keep it as a backup...
    Buy the tablet.
    Get any tool that helps you.
    (My family is crazy difficult to be around and I would pay anything to be comfortable while on a trip with them.)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Put the money towards a phone! The app has a scanner and is ALWAYS close at hand for logging!