Fed up with the whole weight loss thing



  • strudell81
    strudell81 Posts: 2 Member
    Agreed. I thought this was a place you go for motivation and support- not judgment over being in a bad mood. Ugh!
  • mjos2
    mjos2 Posts: 1
    No wonder you're fed up. You have such a negative outlook.
    The #1 rule of successful lifestyle change is to change in a way that makes you happy. If you're going to get angry at "the system" for "depriving" you of a sandwich, then you're going about things the wrong way. Nothing you do will stick.
    Change your perspective. YOU are the only person keeping yourself from eating what you want. Think about your reasons for that before becoming angry at 'weight loss' as though it were something out of your control.
    You could eat 1/4 of that sandwich to get your fix. If you really wanted, split that sandwich into several meals. Or order it without cheese or something. There are many ways to eat what you're craving without going over calories.
    Be creative. Find something that works for YOU.

    Best thing I've ever read. Great advice!!! Thank you for posting this. :wink:
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