I'm finally back

It's been a long time since I have taken advantage of my fitness pal and I have really neglected myself. I need to lose about 70 pounds and get my health back. I hope to make new friends and find the support from people who understand the difficulties in losing weight. I am 51 years old and have an awesome 16 year old son who really wants his mom to get healthy. Thank you for taking a minute to read this and I hope that this time I can find the strength to stick to it and become the healthy person I need to be!


  • IrishPenny
    I just got back after a few years of absence. I had lost a lot of weight and suddenly boom, I was neglecting myself and letting myself go like I didn't care. Glad you have a son who can help support you. I just started on Monday and one thing I gave up was diet soda. Been drinking a lot of water and give myself one cheat day a week. This is how I did it the last time. You can do it. Feel free to add me.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Losing a lot takes time, patience and commitment! Add me and I'll cheer you on!