What After losing weight using Herbalife

I see one can lose weight pretty quickly using herbalife products. I just want to know that after i stop taking shakes,how do i maintain the weight.. are there any sucesss stories in this regard..i plan to use herbalife for few months and then come back to regular diet...and maintain the weight


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    The trouble with meal-replacement diets is that they do not teach about portion control. Most people lose weight fairly easily on such diets but the vast majority re-gain the weight once 'normal' meals are resumed. In order to be successful long term you need to have a solid plan for maintenance. You'll need to increase calories up to maintenance slowly in order to determine what your maintenance level really is. It'd be advisable to accurately log your calories for long enough to learn appropriate portion sizes.

    Also be prepared for an up to 5lb regain once you start eating more which is just your glycogen/water stores replenishing. It is best to set a maintenance 'range' rather than a set number because weight will still fluctuate day to day.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    My husband is on a medically supervised diet that includes meal replacement shakes, but they are not Herbalife. He has a way to go before he obtains his goal weight, and then he will be on a transition plan and then a maintenance plan. I am sure Herbalife has something similar, right? His plan takes him from 2 shakes and a snack bar to eating portion controlled food, but it reduces him from the plan shakes and bar to whole foods and I gotta say, the slower that goes the better I will feel about it.
  • jaija1
    Herbalife is a way of life for many ,i do it 3/4 days a week
    I also exersize so i can eat what i want most of the time .
    Im trying to do maintenance right now and the problem i have is feeling guilty about eating more .
    Like for the last 7 days im around 3500 in deficit and i feel like ive been eating like a pig
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Eat some real food.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I see one can lose weight pretty quickly using herbalife products. I just want to know that after i stop taking shakes,how do i maintain the weight.. are there any sucesss stories in this regard..i plan to use herbalife for few months and then come back to regular diet...and maintain the weight
    You can lose a lot of weight quickly by not eating as well doesn't mean its a good ides

    Maybe have a look at this thread if you want to eat food lose weight and maintain it

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I see one can lose weight pretty quickly using herbalife products. I just want to know that after i stop taking shakes,how do i maintain the weight.. are there any sucesss stories in this regard..i plan to use herbalife for few months and then come back to regular diet...and maintain the weight

    Echoing what was said above.
    To actually address your question, it will be eating at your maintenance level. You will need to learn how to portion out your calories to meet your caloric needs at maintenance. I would recommend buying a food scale, so you can learn how to portion out your foods accurately. I would also recommend starting this while you are on Herbalife, so you aren't having to learn all of this once you have lost all the weight.

    Also, prepare for water weight fluctuations once you are off the shakes, and resuming a normal diet.
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    Faddy diets only work for a quick fix. You lose the weight quickly but then you put the weight back on and more besides.
    You are not learning how to eat sensibly, portion sizes etc. Get rid of the shakes and start eating proper food ????