Just wondering if anyone can help, please? I was fiddling around with my MFP page yesterday and somehow changed my 'allowable calorie goal/intake' from 1935/day to 1200 cals. I can't seem to change it back to 1935, which is a much more reasonable number for me, and certainly will be more sustainable. Can anyone offer a solution, please? The only thing I really changed was putting in my new weight, which was less than my previous weight. Not sure if that had anything to do with it but thought I'd mention it.
Thanks very much for any help.
Lizzie (Australia)


  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    It did. You can change your pounds to lose per week to lose less shich will set it higher or change your cals manually.
  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    Go to my home
    Change your settings
  • Lizziecro
    Lizziecro Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Janet. But why would it reduce the amount of calories I require? Wouldn't I still need the same calories? I haven't changed the amount I wish to lose at all, which is 1kg/week, which doesn't seem like a very big ask.

    I appreciate your help very much. I did try to change my settings - repeatedly, but even adjusting various figures didn't alter it.
  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    They set your cals needed based on height, weight and activity level combined. For example a taller, heavier, or more active person will require more calories than a smaller, lighter or less active person. A change in any of these will result in a change in your calorie requirements.
  • Lizziecro
    Lizziecro Posts: 6 Member
    Oh, OK. How would I change them manually then?
  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    Also the more exercise you do during the day gives you extra calories to use. Some chose not to "eat back" those calories.
  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    Hold on ill try to find a link for you :smile:
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    also have you entered in your weight correctly. This can really screw it up if you enter a 1 instead of a 2 or whatever in the wrong place
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Hold on ill try to find a link for you :smile:

    Got it:
  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    These articles are WELL worth the time it takes to read them! Hope this helps!



  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    Hold on ill try to find a link for you :smile:

    Got it:

  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Hold on ill try to find a link for you :smile:

    Got it:


    Bleh, wrong link. I'm a dummy.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Correct link:


    Towards bottom of page, change selection for "What is your goal?"
  • Lizziecro
    Lizziecro Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks very much everyone. I think what's happened is.... I put in that I'd lost weight (1kg over my first week), but the fact that I actually haven't done any exercise (as i'd stated I would, 3 x 40mins/week), has caused the calculator to say, "Well buddy, you're not doing what you said you would, so you'll just have to have less calories to achieve your goal". I'll try the link, but if necessary will just reduce the figure to desired weight loss, less than what I already have. (ie already chose 1kg/week, but will reduce it to 0.25/week). That should do it. I'm doing the 5:2 diet/WOL, so this should work well. I can manage 1400 cals, I think.

    Thanks so much everyone! Looking forward to reading your posts. Cheers, Lizzie. :)
  • Janet72285
    Janet72285 Posts: 230 Member
    Correct link:


    Towrads bottom of page, change selection for "What is your goal?"

  • Lizziecro
    Lizziecro Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks. I had done that, but was still not playing the game right! :) We newbies have a lot to learn! Ha ha. Thanks so much for your help. Have a great day/night, depending on where you are! :)
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    To lose 1 kg per week is 2.2 pounds, which seems reasonable with a 1200 calorie allowance to me. I am 5'8.5, 160 lbs and to lose .5 lbs per week, MFP has me at 1580 calories per day. If I were to aim for 2 lbs per week, it would drop drastically from there.
  • Lizziecro
    Lizziecro Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks. I agree, 1200 cal restriction would enable that weight loss, no doubt at all. My problem is that I'm not sure I could stay with such a calorie restriction. I think I'd probably do better with a few more calories allowed and thus a slower weight loss. I could be wrong, so I'll see how it pans out I suppose. We can surprise ourselves when we try, so you never know.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Lizzie, as I said, I have mine set at .5 lb per week, and then exercise on top of that and don't eat back my calories. It seems to be working well for me, I am down 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I am allowed to eat up to 1580 calories, but usually come in around 1350, and average around 300 calorie burn a day on top of that.