Anyone else do more than one thing ?

I am currently almost done 1/3 of the Supreme 90. Last week I slowly started adding in going to the gym.
Next week I'll be going gym x3 at lunch and the supreme 90 before work ( 5am workout! woot! )

Anyone else do more than one workout in a day? Running then gym later? Workout DVD then cycling?

How do you guys find it? How did you body react and how was your energy level?

I want to hear the good with the bad :wink:


  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I sometimes do two workouts in a day because it is the only way I can fit it in around kids/work etc. for example I would often do 40 mins cross trainer at lunch then 30day shred late afternoon. They are both short though and the cross trainer is only medium intensity. I would never do two "hard" workouts in one day. If I am running 5k or doing kettlebells I don't add a second workout. That would definitely lead to injury for me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    No, I don't. But I think that is hardcore and sexy. This guy at my gym was finishing up his leg workout and said he'd be back later, at 10:30 pm for abs and I'm like... "What? I wanna do that"
  • Bu1l
    Bu1l Posts: 19 Member
    My work out routine is basic but burns a lot of calories. Mon - Fri, I do two session on a treadmill, on level 15 incline. first 10mins is at 4.0 next ten mins is at 4.2, last ten mins, is at 4.5. I usually burn 1000 cal each session. i do them at lunch, and after work. after the treadmill session after work i hop on the stationary bike, do 30 mins on there.. moderate effort, burns roughly 300 cal.. i do another 30 min session at night before i wash up and hit the sack. so i put in a total of 2 hrs of cardio , 2600 cal burn a day, mon thru fri.. i break up my work outs so i do not really feel exhausted. but iam ready to mix in some weight lifting so we shall see how this goes..
  • bimmerjt9
    I will do a cardio workout and strength training in one day. Be careful of overdoing strength type stuff and not giving enough time to recover.
  • ledachick
    Sometimes I do a strength training session (30 minute boot camp) in the morning then go back in the evening for some cardio (either the elliptical or treadmill) for 30-60 minutes. I feel great energy when I do it. I've read that in order to get the best metabolism boost that the sessions should be at least 6 hours a part. Don't try to do too much too fast or you'll risk injury and burning yourself out. Good luck!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I do high intensity cardio 5 x a week including my heavy lifting days so yes
  • suzybee30
    suzybee30 Posts: 30 Member
    Because my work schedule has me out of the house by 6 am and back at around 8 pm, I end up doing mini sessions of exercise all day long and then an hour of walking every night (if it rains I do this on the treadmill). My mini sessions include walking for 5 - 10 minutes at a time up and down the hallways at work, jumping on my rebounder for 5 minutes (6 -10 times), pacing while I watch tv or talk on the phone, and 10 minutes in the morning and night of toning & stretching. By the end of the day I get in an average of 15,000 steps on my Fitbit and over an hour of cardio.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I do two (or three) workouts in a day.. ;-) 3 or 4 days a week I run commute to work pushing my daughter in the jogger. That's a 5 mile run in the a.m. and a 4 mile run in the p.m. And on Wednesdays I'll go to the 40 min yoga class at the gym in my office building.This is the only way I'd ever get enough miles in for marathon training. But obviously I worked up to this over time.
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    Weights, then I go running.