I refuse stay a lazy fatty forever!

Today I am pumped... Yesterday I felt sorry for my self... I have come to the realization that I am not gonna wake up one day fit and healthy living the way I have been living. I am commited to track what I eat, exercize, and hopefully help others.. All this time I have had an elliptical trainer, a gazelle, 3 Jillian Michaels videos, Slim in 6 videos, p90x videos, a dance exercize video, Turbo Jam videos, and a staircase in my house..... So there is no darn good excuse why I keep getting fatter! I WILL WORK OUT . I will eat alot less, and probably not drink many calories. I will succeed. This will be my new obsession. I always have to have something to be obsessed with but the things that I've been obsessing over have done me more harm than good. This new obsession will get me fit, happy, and something to be proud of. I burned 600 cal. on my elliptical, and I will eat healthy today. OOOOh Yeah!!!!!!!


  • jalovec
    jalovec Posts: 62
    Good luck! You'll do it. I've found it helpful to have short term goals, when I allow myself a 'treat' (a weekend away, some new clothes, etc.)
  • chicablanca26
    yeah that's the best way.