New here - need support


I am a 30 year old female. I have used MFP to track my food off and on, but this is my first time on the boards. I have been having a hard time staying on track with my eating and figured I could use your support to keep me going. Years ago I lost 35-40 lbs by tracking everything I ate and hitting the gym, but now I struggle with various injuries (shoulder, knee, back) that keep setting me back from losing another 10 lbs.

Not sure exactly how these board work, but am looking forward to chatting with you!


  • Hello
    I'M A 60 YR OLD MALE, I'VBE ONLY BEEN ON MYFITNESSPAL.COM FOR 12 days now, i think i'm doing good, 13lbs. so far by mild exercise and tracking everything I eat, I have to lose weight so I can have the bariatric sleeve surgery done !
    thank you
  • Chls122
    Chls122 Posts: 22 Member
    Markstankevic, if you have lost 13 Ibs in 12 days then why not just stick with tracking your food and mild-medium exercising? You seem to be on the right track as is, I'd say you don't need that surgery, you can do it the natural way and save yourself money! And not deal with the potential dangerous side effects!
  • Mark, you should be proud of yourself. I wonder as well why you choose the surgery if you can lose the weight as well as you are doing. Even after the surgery one has to watch their food intake. I know several people, in fact, about 10 people that have had the surgery. Most of them began gaining their weight back after 5 years because they didn't really adopt a new way of eating and they stopped the exercise they were required to do in the first place. I don't intend for this to be discouraging. I am just thinking that if you can do it on your own without the invasive surgery, I would pick the natural way. Good going though. YOu're doing better than me. I lost 5 lbs the first week and didn't lose any this week.
  • I sure can relate to your story. I would lose 30-35 lbs and for some reason stop the proper eating habits and exercise and gain it back. I have lost 50 lbs in the last 8 years and kept it off, but now I want to get rid of 65 more lbs. I did well the first week, losing five lbs. This week, nothing lost, but I know why. I went out with friends for a dinner last night, breakfast yesterday, and dinner meeting for work on Friday. I ate :healthy" the serving portions were more than they should have been yesterday. I did I push the plate aside. Nope, which is why I didn't lose any and today and I upset with myself. Getting back on track today is my goal.
  • I am also a previous user of MFP. Was good for a while in tracking my food / water intake. I was using my phone to log when I was at work or away from home. Sometimes got frustrated were my phone app would slow down or freeze up. By the time I got home and tried to remember what I had (not that good at physically good at writing it down) eaten, I would be way off. I'm ready to try this again. I thought about using Ian Smiths Shredd program. Has anyone on here used it and had sucess?