Tower Garden by Juice Plus: Has anyone used this?



  • rocky120
    rocky120 Posts: 1
    I am a 6th year Juice Plus distributor. I just got my Tower Garden up and running this week. I am so excited!! I got one for my daughter-in-law last year for their family of 5. I didn't think I could justify the cost for just the two of us. My husband said, "Let's get it!" That's all I needed to hear.
  • PupillaCharites
    Interesting product
  • sixftlion
    sixftlion Posts: 1 Member
    I just got this different kind of Garden Tower... it is more affordable and self-sufficient with the worms doing all the composting as well. You can have 50 produces/flowers in it. Use code SIXFTLION for a discount on shipping, if you wish to buy one.
  • SherryFritz
    SherryFritz Posts: 4 Member
    I have one and I definitely love it! I used to spend $20 a week at the farmers market, so buying my tower garden for $50 a month was money ahead in the first month! In 3 weeks I was harvesting lettuce!
    One year later it is paid for and now my costs are $60 a year for the plant nutrients, and seeds and rock wool to replant!
    If you have ever purchased lettuce, vegetables and then thrown them away after they rotted in your fridge -- that is money thrown away!
    I decided to plant what I buy every week anyway, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cantaloupe, then I added pak choy, swiss chard, leeks, and kale! Now I eat a lot of green smoothies and have fresh and organic produce!
  • RayMi
    RayMi Posts: 1 Member
    HI there! It's so COOL that you have 19 Tower Gardens up + running. I'm looking to buy one myself but I live in a 1 floor apartment complex in Texas. I think I will have enough space outside my apt for the tower, but we have a LOT of deer. Do you have any ideas on how to keep the deer + the bugs off my veggies? I had a garden this past summer + squash bugs totally killed all 4 types of squash I planted. :( Thank you for sharing your experience!
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    It's kind of cool, but I would compare it to other available hydroponic/aeroponic systems before you invest. And don't be so quick to dismiss the pot growers--they know their sh** :wink:
  • MaryaJauregui
    Yes....we have one...and love it. It's going CRAZY with tomatoes...and we love tomatoes....We have to buy a second grow all our other stuff we want for our family of 5.
  • tkinnc
    tkinnc Posts: 2
    I love the feedback on this post!
    We started taking Juice Plus and their Complete Protein Powder in Jan and love it! And now we are buying a Tower Garden with our refund and it can't get here fast enough!! :)
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    So many people with 1 or 2 posts find it amazing........I am sold!
  • Jkarayan
    Jkarayan Posts: 1
    The insects don't seem to be an issue for me on my towers like they were with traditional gardening. As for the deer if you can some how fence it in or I think I saw a guy that has designed a system of after market attachments like plastic covering like a green house effect and also netting to protect the crop. I may be able to put you in touch with him for his accessories. I think he even does solar systems for people interested in that option. I do have pictures of several tower gardens at various stages of growth I am happy to share.

  • kermiehiho
    kermiehiho Posts: 193 Member
    I have several more questions:
    1. The pump needs to be plugged in. How much more electricity is it going to cost each month?
    2. The food liquid thing lasts around 8 weeks. How much is it going to cost to buy more (+ shipping)?
    3. Do the plans such as tomato, cucumber, and kale last forever, the way they do in conventional gardens, where you just pick the produce off to eat, and the plants keep growing? I live in Hawaii, so I can keep it outdoors all year long.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I admit to having to google your tower garden...

    I found this thread and thought you might want to read it.