Anyone doing the Low carb/ High fat & protien "diet"?



  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    the way i see it, everyone has a diet. a diet is the way you eat. going on so-called fad diets do not work, just like everyone says, because once you quit doing them, the weight comes back. the reason i am interested in the keto is because it is a lifestyle choice (so is paleo) - it isn't a fad. it is something to stick to for the rest of your life and has the ability to incorporate everything at one point. (such as, if i eat a cupcake once a year on my birthday, i am not going to gain back all my weight)

    saying that eating keto does not have a higher success rate would require more information and research. i would be interested to see why someone would say that. ANYTHING that you stick to for the rest of your life can be successful. putting a blanket "it won't work" on it just isn't fair, IMO.

    I completely agree... I just hate seeing people shut things down but not have any counter suggestions.... Well said :love: :love: :love:
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    A typical banana has like 29 carbs ..

    Go on YouTube and see about the girl that ate 51 banana's at once .. guess what, she is super fit and strong. Oh and skinny too.

    And she does it all the time.

    Do the math .. that should make the low carb people have a coronary just looking at that number.

    The whole low carb thing is just a stupid *** idea someone cooked up. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carbs.

    I would be more worried about all the unhealthy low carb foods that you are forced to eat when trying to avoid carbs and what they will do to your body over time.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    the reason i am interested in the keto is because it is a lifestyle choice (so is paleo) - it isn't a fad.

    99.99% of people who start down the keto path quickly fall off of it, so it clearly is a fad and not a "lifestyle change" for the vast, overwhelming majority of people. Because it is demonstrably a very very very very difficult path to stick to, that should tell you right away that it runs contrary to our biological makeup.
    ...saying that eating keto does not have a higher success rate would require more information and research.

    It's been done and widely circulated.
  • pltjess
    pltjess Posts: 101 Member
    A typical banana has like 29 carbs ..

    Go on YouTube and see about the girl that ate 51 banana's at once .. guess what, she is super fit and strong. Oh and skinny too.

    And she does it all the time.

    Do the math .. that should make the low carb people have a coronary just looking at that number.

    The whole low carb thing is just a stupid *** idea someone cooked up. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carbs.

    I would be more worried about all the unhealthy low carb foods that you are forced to eat when trying to avoid carbs and what they will do to your body over time.

    And there are plenty of videos of people who eat low carb who are ripped and fit. So what? There is no cookie-cutter diet for everyone. Just because this girl eats tons of bananas means nothing for everyone else. Oh, and what low carb foods? You mean things that I eat regularly like spinach, asparagus, and eggs? Yes, there are terribly processed low carb "diet" foods, and I do not eat them. Basically anything I eat I prepare myself. There's no need for the hate.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    A typical banana has like 29 carbs ..

    Go on YouTube and see about the girl that ate 51 banana's at once .. guess what, she is super fit and strong. Oh and skinny too.

    And she does it all the time.

    Do the math .. that should make the low carb people have a coronary just looking at that number.

    The whole low carb thing is just a stupid *** idea someone cooked up. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carbs.

    I would be more worried about all the unhealthy low carb foods that you are forced to eat when trying to avoid carbs and what they will do to your body over time.

    first of all, i totally agree with you as far as the low carb foods that are pre-packaged. i am replacing carbs with healthy alternatives.

    second, i do not know why people have to call what someone else does a "stupid @ss idea"
    my daughter is gluten intolerant, so she naturally eats fewer carbs because of this. i have a mental health issue, so carbs ARE bad for me. there IS something wrong with carbs FOR ME. i do eat carbs, i just do not chow down on 1000g/carbs per day like i used to. i eat HEALTHY carbs which are good for me.

    and by the way, eating 51 bananas isn't healthy either. and people have died from drinking too much water. don't say what we are doing is stupid and then site an example of someone else doing something stupid.
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    A typical banana has like 29 carbs ..

    Go on YouTube and see about the girl that ate 51 banana's at once .. guess what, she is super fit and strong. Oh and skinny too.

    And she does it all the time.

    Do the math .. that should make the low carb people have a coronary just looking at that number.

    The whole low carb thing is just a stupid *** idea someone cooked up. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carbs.

    I would be more worried about all the unhealthy low carb foods that you are forced to eat when trying to avoid carbs and what they will do to your body over time.

    Just because you dont think something would work for you and you have different beliefs doesnt make it stupid.... just like you pointed out banana girl im sure someone who practices a low carb lifestyle can point out someone super fit.... to each their own. No where in the diet plan that i have read so far while looking on line did it say eliminate ALL CARBS... but it does say to minimize them and replace bad carbs with carbs from veggies... I dont know but that doesnt sound stupid to me.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Because it is demonstrably a very very very very difficult path to stick to, that should tell you right away that it runs contrary to our biological makeup.

    you can see my post above
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member

    And there are plenty of videos of people who eat low carb who are ripped and fit. So what? There is no cookie-cutter diet for everyone. Just because this girl eats tons of bananas means nothing for everyone else. Oh, and what low carb foods? You mean things that I eat regularly like spinach, asparagus, and eggs? Yes, there are terribly processed low carb "diet" foods, and I do not eat them. Basically anything I eat I prepare myself. There's no need for the hate.

    hooray! agree!!!
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    A typical banana has like 29 carbs ..

    Go on YouTube and see about the girl that ate 51 banana's at once .. guess what, she is super fit and strong. Oh and skinny too.

    And she does it all the time.

    Do the math .. that should make the low carb people have a coronary just looking at that number.

    The whole low carb thing is just a stupid *** idea someone cooked up. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carbs.

    I would be more worried about all the unhealthy low carb foods that you are forced to eat when trying to avoid carbs and what they will do to your body over time.

    And there are plenty of videos of people who eat low carb who are ripped and fit. So what? There is no cookie-cutter diet for everyone. Just because this girl eats tons of bananas means nothing for everyone else. Oh, and what low carb foods? You mean things that I eat regularly like spinach, asparagus, and eggs? Yes, there are terribly processed low carb "diet" foods, and I do not eat them. Basically anything I eat I prepare myself. There's no need for the hate.

    THIS.... and as a child I was hospitalized for having too much potassium and basically watched to see if I would die for a week so make sure u tell banana girl that I said good luck.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    And there are plenty of videos of people who eat low carb who are ripped and fit.

    Low carb diets for athletes are an entirely different proposition than the <20g/day extremism seen so often on here. When Lebron does "low carb", he's doing 200+ grams/day.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Nope because it doesn't pay off in the long run-- it will eventually trash your heart and arteries.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Nope because it doesn't pay off in the long run-- it will eventually trash your heart and arteries.

    not necessarily. my mother has trashed her arteries pretty easily with carbs. 2 heart attacks is proof. and she has been on a low-fat diet for almost her whole life.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    And there are plenty of videos of people who eat low carb who are ripped and fit.

    Low carb diets for athletes are an entirely different proposition than the <20g/day extremism seen so often on here. When Lebron does "low carb", he's doing 200+ grams/day.

    yes, this is true.

    ... but that is not the point that was being made. the point was, a video of a girl downing 50+ bananas does not mean that a keto diet is stupid.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    You guys really don't like banana's.

    To each their own I guess .. low carb may work for some (and is fine for those with medical issues), but for most people it is just so unnecessary. It is not the nirvana diet answer that it is made out to be. You can lose weight just fine not doing it .. as long as you are in a deficit. That is the real answer here.

    Oh .. I eat banana's all the time. :flowerforyou:
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    . low carb may work for some (and is fine for those with medical issues), but for most people it is just so unnecessary. It is not the nirvana diet answer that it is made out to be. You can lose weight just fine not doing it .. as long as you are in a deficit. That is the real answer here.

    i think this is a much more appropriate and ! kind ! answer than the one you gave before. thanks :smile:
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Good morning I never really post on her but i am curious about something.... Im in a facebook group and their purpose is helping people maintain a low carb high fat/ protein WOE. The things that they post on there seems very unhealthy. They use pork grinds in everything, load up on heavy cream, they love butter and a host of other things. As long as they dont eat anything over 20g of carbs a day (for some people a lower amount). Is this healthy? Is this a successful way to drop pounds. Wouldn't adding all of that fat to ones diet increase other problems ( heart problems etc)? And they dont eat fruit.... I was always tought that fruit was good? Im not trying to look down on anyones WOE i am just a little confused and wanted to know if this method is effective. Thanks in advance.

    Oh thats great... I would kill to loose 20lbs in a month......

    I aim for a low carb/high fat and/or protein diet and have done for the past few years. I find myself more alert, energetic and my skin doesn't break out when I stick to it.

    When I do eat more than a single serving of refined carb heavy foods such as pasta, bread or baked goods, I get very sleepy, bloated and gassy.

    When I eat really sugary food such as sweets and chocolate, I generally break out within 48 hours.

    I find it easier to stick to calorie goals eating low carb - I can easily inhale 1/2kg of candy or a packet of cookies but would struggle to eat more than a couple of servings of eggs, bacon or cheese.

    I don't eat that much fruit or vegetables but I really love meat, cheese, eggs, coconut oil and cream and feel better eating those for the reasons outlined above.

    As for losing 20lb in a month.....whats the rush? :noway: You didn't gain it in a month.
    But if you severely restrict your eating for so much for one month that you binge the next - you might!
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    And there are plenty of videos of people who eat low carb who are ripped and fit.

    Low carb diets for athletes are an entirely different proposition than the <20g/day extremism seen so often on here. When Lebron does "low carb", he's doing 200+ grams/day.

    He seems to be eating the same 50/30/20 ratio many every day non athlete low carbers use
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Nowhere in that article does it suggest Lebron follows that breakdown, nor does it suggest the Lakers did, either. The ratios are from the book the author is peddling, which is an entirely different matter.

    The official word from the Lakers is that carb intake is "moderate". Basically, he has them doing South Beach (which is low-GI, not low carb) + pastured for meats/dairy.

    Also keep in mind that even at 20%, on 4000 calorie diet you're talking about 200 carb-grams/day.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    That is great that you dont have to rely on blood pressure meds anymore!! I think the fact that the people stated that they lost with minimal exercise and eating this way had me intrigued.

    i don't know how anyone could lose without working-out or doing some type of exercise. my husband goes to the gym 5 times a week and he is VERY fit. he has been working-out for 3 years, and didn't start losing the bulk of his weight until he started eating this way.
    keep up the good work! :happy:

    I'm a keto guy.
    I never work out. I'm loosing about 1.8 pounds a week. I hate the gym. It sucks.

    do you never do any exercise at all??? you don't have to go to the gym to work-out or get exercise. my point is, i think exercise of some type is a requirement for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss.
    I walk at work. And I backpack a couple times a year. I'm not inactive, but I don't set time aside to ruin my day at the gym, or even "exercise" at home. Yet. It is in the plan tho. As soon as I convince myself to start, I'll be all good. But honestly, aside from people's normal everyday activities, extra exercise generally isn't REQUIRED to lose weight.

    Also, I hate that I typed the word "loosing" above. :smile:
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Nowhere in that article does it suggest Lebron follows that breakdown, nor does it suggest the Lakers did, either. The ratios are from the book the author is peddling, which is an entirely different matter.

    The official word from the Lakers is that carb intake is "moderate". Basically, he has them doing South Beach (which is low-GI, not low carb) + pastured for meats/dairy.

    Also keep in mind that even at 20%, on 4000 calorie diet you're talking about 200 carb-grams/day.

    What ? Labron and now Kobe and the Lakers ? when will the low carb madness stop ? LOL