How do you take your coffee?



  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I'll drink any and all coffee, but black and strong enough to stand a spoon up in is my favourite.
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    I don't. I never acquired the taste for it. I've wanted to, I've tried it many ways, but I don't care for coffee at all. I don't even like the smell of it.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Italian roast from Peet's. Two shots of espresso.
    Another mid-morning.
    Last one before dinner.
  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    in a diet pepsi can!
  • guilty pleasure - and one I have absolutely no intention of giving up.

    I've had percolators, drip machines, K cups, French presses, steamers.
    I'll drink it plain, flavored, hot or iced, strong or not, Irish once in awhile.
    For breakfast, I'll take mine perked straight up.
    I have K cups on hand for quickies.
    I also love tea.
    I'm Southern. What can I say. We love our caffeine.
    I no longer use Sugar and I'm partial to Da Vinci sugarless syrups.
    Oh, and I'm told I make a better latte than Coffeebucks...mmmhmmm.
    Come on by...I'll fix ya
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I make half-caf coffee and add a good amount of plain half-and-half to it (about 2-3 tablespoons per 8 oz of coffee). I love how the richness of the real half-and-half sweetens the coffee.

    I used to put a couple teaspoons of sugar in there too, but I think that was one thing that contributed to my gaining a bunch of weight in grad school, since I was having coffee frequently and those 2 teaspoons of sugar were giving me 60 empty calories each time! When I first started losing weight, I struggled with coffee since it is an effective appetite suppressant for me, which I badly needed for the first month or so as I slowly got used to eating less. I knew the sugar was hogging space food could take up, so I slowly used less and less sugar and then found that coffee without it is much yummier! It was a funny transformation, because I used to hate coffee without sugar!
  • CinthyN
    CinthyN Posts: 64 Member
    Coffee & Creamer and NO sugar.
  • Iced Starbucks or Peet's Coffe w/ 2 cream and 4 packets of Splenda! :)
  • sino19
    sino19 Posts: 50 Member
    I never understood why 250g of one brand of coffee was R26, while 200g of another brand was R100....until I started taking my coffee plain (black no sugar). :
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    Organic half and half or a spoonful of coconut oil. No sugar and no artificial sweeteners.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    Straight!!! or maybe with some FAT FREE/SUGARFREE Hazel nut creamer.
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
    I drink my coffee with 1 sugar cube and 250ml semi skimmed milk.
  • nitrospop
    nitrospop Posts: 122 Member
    I take mine with two tablespoons of Kerrygold butter, 1 tablespoon MCT oil, 1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream, 1 tablespoon sugar free caramel syrup. MMM MMMM!
  • elinegri
    elinegri Posts: 18 Member
    Americano all the way for me!

    (espresso + ice + water)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    In mass quantities! If I could hook up an IV I would

  • White without, unless its the weekend when its cupofchinohoho all the way (no sugar it ruins it, I wouldn't add it to my Ale so why add it to coffee lol). :smile:
  • At home I have it black with some stevia.
    But always get a skim cappuccino (no sugar) at university. Luckily there are few Starbucks in Australia (I think there may one in Sydney) so I'm not so tempted to have anything super creamy like I used to.
  • NikkiJanye73
    NikkiJanye73 Posts: 242 Member
    costa coffee pods with one suger
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I use Nescafé Azera or Carte Noire instinct, with a splash of whole milk.

    When I go out I like a skinny cappuccino. I like Costa or Caffe Nero, UK equivalents of Starbucks. I find Starbucks coffee too weak and tasteless.
  • TestingFun01
    TestingFun01 Posts: 89 Member
    2 teaspoons coffee, 50ml fat free milk, and sweetener.