Fat, lonely, and really over it

Is there anyone here in Australia working this program? I live in NSW (just moved to Southern Highlands) and reality just slapped me in the face when I tried on my jeans (that fit me 5 months ago) and cannot even get them over my hips. By nature I am a loner, but would love to know if there is anyone else nearby (even in the same hemisphere would help) as right now I feel fat, miserable, and really isolated.... :(


  • danielleespin
    danielleespin Posts: 508 Member
    Hey there! I live in Queensland, the Gold Coast, also tend to be more of a loner with only a couple of REAL friends whom I trust :) I also had a shock when I realised in the last 1 1/5 years I'd put on 10kgs! Just because I work in an office, am away from home 12hrs a day and tend to snack on biscuits and don't really feel like exercising.

    I started my motivational weight loss, healthy eating by watching motivational youtube videos of people who've done it :) MFP is an awesome way to track what you're eating! But you have to be very honest with yourself and I like that. Welcome to MFP! I'm sure you can do it!!
  • tashlm123
    tashlm123 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm in Queensland and am determined to get myself back on track first thing tomorrow. I am very familiar with the feelings of fat and miserable. Be patient and take one day at a time. And by the looks of it there are lots of lovely people on MFP to hopefully keep you from feeling isolated ???? good luck