Help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello. I am looking for some people to help me alone my journey. I have decided today that I have got to do something about my weight. I am tired of not feeling good. I am tired of “pretending” to be okay with the way I look. I am tired of looking in the mirror and thinking that I look disgusting. This will be my last attempt to lose weight through diet and exercise. My next step is bariatric surgery (and please do not fill this topic up with reasons I shouldn’t have surgery….trust me I have been through it all, heard everything you are going to say). I have to do this but I CANNOT do it on my own. I need help. I am asking for help.

A little about me:

I am 31 years old. Mother to a 5 year old, step mother to an 11 and a 15 year old. Right now my husband just had shoulder surgery so I have to do a lot more than my usual tasks at home. Currently I get up about 6 am, get me ready for work, get my husband ready for work, get my daughter ready for school (on my days as her father and I have joint custody), am at work sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours a day, typically I get home around 5:30-6:00 and do my house hold tasks (cleaning, cooking, paying bills, ect.) and will soon be doing evening classes to get my Bachelor’s degree in Business administration, normally I am getting to bed around 10-11 pm. When I say it is hard for me to have time to exercise I am not joking. There is no way I would be able to spend an hour in a gym a day, much less 2 hours like some people I know. I do have some workout CDs that I am planning on starting next week (maybe getting up 30 minutes earlier to do them or trying to get them done in the evening before everyone else makes it home). As far as eating is concerned, I do not “eat clean” nor will I ever “eat clean”. I know as good as I am sitting here writing this that if I tell myself I can never have “__________” again than “_________” will forever be on my mind and will ultimately be the death of my journey. I am not writing this to start a war in the forum; I honestly need some help and do not want to “pretend” with whoever would like to help.

Thanks in advance.



  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step. You don't have to eat clean, weight loss is simply calories in vs calories out, you need to consume less calories than you burn. Here is a great site to find out what your calorie limit should be aim for 1-2 pounds per week of loss. You can eat what ever you want as long as it fits in your calorie limit. As for not having time to get to the gym, you don't need a gym. Any additional exercise you get is better than none. Can you take 5 minutes to walk during work? Maybe walk during your lunch break? Even when your at home watching TV, get up and walk laps in your living room during commercials (I go up and down our stairs during commercials). There are great lower calorie recipes out there for almost every type of food (google is a wonderful thing) this can help you keep to foods that you like. Feel free to add me as a friend on here if you wish.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Your in the right place!
    Guess what, I won't ever eat clean either. I eat what I want. All you need to do is create a deficit and you'll lose weight. Start out by getting a food scale, and start weighing and measuring everything you consume. Then figure out how to log it accurately. You don't have to eat clean to lose weight. You can enjoy the foods you love, but in moderation. I learned portion control by using mfp.
    You can do this! Surgery or not, this is definitely something that you can do and be successful for the long term :-)
  • bootcamp85
    bootcamp85 Posts: 64 Member
    See if there is any boot camps in your area.
    I have a sit down job also.
    I do boot camp 4-5 times a week. It is only 30 minutes, but you burn anywhere from 400-600 calories.

    Just a suggestion
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome. There are a lot of really good folks here that are happy to help.

    For the exercise, I get up each morning about 45 minutes earlier than I have to and work out to one of several DVD's that I have.

    I am here most every day and would be happy to help.

    Feel free to send me a FR.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    So awesome that you are deciding to finally do something about your weight and get healthy! Use some of the tools that others have posted, they are great to use to help you on your journey!

    I will say you can do it, and I completely understand the " I am way busier than the normal person thing" I myself have three children, 5, 8, and 11, and just finished my masters degree, have my own business, and a full time job - work 9 hours a day, and a husband who is,, lets just say less than helpful but for different reasons than yours. You CAN do it!

    I had to get up an hour earlier to get in an hour workout for a long time, yes I sacrificed sleep but I want it this time as this too is the last time I do lifestyle change before bariatric surgery was what I was going for. However, I have lost 22 lbs so far so what I am doing is working and I know you can do it too! You just have to find what works for you! If that means getting up an hour earlier, then so be it, if it means working out in the evening, or even just limiting your calories enough to where you don't have to work out,, whatever works for you!!

    Good luck and I know you can do it!!
  • KT193
    KT193 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, my advice would be not to try everything at once as it can feel daunting and it will be harder to keep at it. Maybe try logging food first (not measuring every single thing to start off with) and then start to introduce exercise when you feel ready. I started out reducing my food intake to 1600 calories a day and I ended up losing 1lb a week, then I started exercising half and hour a day five days a week and I was losing 2/3lb a week. Take little steps and it will be far easier. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Reduce your portions. You do not have to change what you eat and you certainly do not have to go to the gym.
    You need some help at home -- housekeeper perhaps so you have time for yourself and your studies.
  • livelaughloveandfitness
    Id be happy to help you on your journey! Im the same way, I dont like how I look when i look into the mirror! I can't tell you how many times ive started over! You can do it! The work out videos are a good start. You dont really need to eat clean you just need have portion control. I eat pretty clean but I still have my treats :) its about finding what works for you. Feel free to send me a friend request.