17lbs and no one notices?



  • tayleigh4
    tayleigh4 Posts: 90 Member
    I've lost 18.4 pounds and no one had said anything to me either! It really made me feel down. 2 nights ago when I was at work one of my supervisors randomly came up to me and said "So how much weight have you lost? You look GREAT!" and also, I told my other friend how much I lost, and he said "I was going to say you look like you lost weight, but I didn't want to be rude." Honestly, people probably have noticed, but don't want to offend you or anything. Congrats on 17 pounds btw, almost 20! You can do it!! :)
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's such a sensitive topic though. Do they ask if you've lost weight and risk hurting your feelings by saying you were "fat"before? Do they let it go until the loss is more noticeable? What if it's not on purpose and their is some illness that is being kept a secret?

    Don't look for validation in the recognition of others. Be happy for yourself because, ultimately that is who you are losing the weight for. You have lost 17 lbs. Great job! Way to go! Keep up the good work.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,752 Member
    It's such a sensitive topic though. Do they ask if you've lost weight and risk hurting your feelings by saying you were "fat"before? Do they let it go until the loss is more noticeable? What if it's not on purpose and their is some illness that is being kept a secret?

    Don't look for validation in the recognition of others. Be happy for yourself because, ultimately that is who you are losing the weight for. You have lost 17 lbs. Great job! Way to go! Keep up the good work.
    This is exactly my view point as well. Reminds me of the other threads we have about all the insensitive comments people receive about their weight and appearance. For those of us who pay attention and care about not offending others, it gets difficult to know what is okay to say and what isn't. Either way, congrats and keep on losing!
  • Okay, this might seem shallow, but I've lost 17 pounds. I can see it and feel it, but not a soul has said to me, "have you lost weight?" Maybe I'm more invisible than I thought. I don't HAVE TO have that affirmation, but it sure would be nice.

    You're 17 lbs less visible, does that count as more invisible?

    Possibilities based on life experience:
    - Some folks don't comment because they've got their own things going on (maybe they're struggling with failure to lose weight).
    - Some folks don't comment because they don't notice.
    - Some folks don't comment because they think it's rude to comment.
    - Some folks don't comment because they're not sure if it's intentional weight loss and not a medical condition/illness, and don't want to put their foot in it.

    I'm doing this for me. If no one comments, that's absolutely fine.
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    People who see you every day will have a hard time noticing. Honestly my husband didn't really notice until he grabbed my butt yesterday. I have lost 13lbs, which is a lot for me (I still have more to go though), but I have always been pretty good about hiding weight changes. Hang in there!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I lost more than 70 lbs and very few people actually told me that I have lost weight. Sometimes people avoid the subject because they think they might hurt you some way.
    I mean... I lost 70 lbs... in 2 years, I agree, but people should have noticed.

    I personally think that it's better this way than getting into weightloss conversations... they always start debates.
  • I empathize. And sometimes it's nice to hear! It's motivation when someone says you look good. I lost over 50lbs and some friends said nothing. I kept thinking: "I lost a toddler... and you don't notice?" But like many people have said, sometimes people don't know how or it may come off as telling you you were so fat before. All that matters is you notice. You're doing great. Keep it up!
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Great responses! It looks like I'll just have to wait a few more pounds. Honestly, I don't need to hear it; it just surprises me a little that I haven't. Now I know some of the reasons why. And honestly, I'm not terribly observant myself, so I don't know why expect other people to be.

    Someone mentioned noticing muscles....I'm working on that too. It is a lifestyle change after all.