Looking for friends with 50+ lbs to lose!

Hello everyone!
I just created my profile today and I am looking for motivation and support to help with my weight loss journey!
Ive been off and on diets a lot and this time im really trying to stick with it. AND I NEED YOUR HELP!!!
Add me so we can help each other through this journey!


  • markjacobs1987
    markjacobs1987 Posts: 162 Member
    Well I don't have 50 pounds to lose, but I have already been on that journey and lost that much weight. I'll be more than happy to support you on your journey.
  • I started a while ago, but have been working on such a goal. Have gone down by 37 lbs since I started dieting and working out.
  • You got this! Keep your head up!
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    Please add me! I'm learning as I go, and fitness is more important to me than how I look. I'm doing this for health, for life, and for good. I log my food every day (31 days today :) ), use a scale when I can (50-75% of the time), and work out 3X a week. Running is my current favorite exercise, but I know I want to build strength with weight training and do yoga or pilates for stretching. I've already lost 17 lbs, but I've got 85 to go.
  • korpinator99
    korpinator99 Posts: 15 Member
    59 lbs down here 89 to go you can definitely add me :D
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Sent you a request, let's motivate each other!
  • I have 52
    to go. I would have had less but gained about half of what Iost back. feel free to add me also. (this is for anyone on the board as long as they arent creepers lol)
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Down 12 with a recent decision to say screw it and try to hit 130 so that bumped me up to just over 60 left to go.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    80 more to lose here
  • DonnaJones7
    DonnaJones7 Posts: 99 Member
    I have LOTS to lose and just started.
    Please add me.
  • dgobbett
    dgobbett Posts: 53 Member
    Its a journey, I started in April after letting myself slip back into old habits at Christmas. Since April I am down 60 with another 130lbs to go so I will be at this for a long time.
  • uppup
    uppup Posts: 12 Member
    Started today, was hoping, MFP would offer suggestions on what to eat. I am going to lose 60 pounds. I've tried everything and end up gaining it back once I'm off their food/shakes, WW works but I can't seem to go back. Tried Fast Metabolism Diet lots of work, like a full time job, and the food mainly tasted horrible after all that effort. Any ideas????
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I hit my highest weight of 210lbs a few months ago, that motivated me to come here and lose this extra 60lbs I've been carrying around. I log every day (not 100% accurate, sometimes I close my diary with 300 calories left, then say eff it and eat a sandwich in bed lol), and I do a variety of exercises depending on my mood, walking, hiking, stationary bike, elliptical, and lifting as heavy as I can pick up :) feel free to add me!
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    And this is directed to uppup: No one needs to tell you what to eat! Eat the things you like, throw in some fresh veggies, and log it all in MFP. Stay in your calorie goal and you'll be fine :)
  • uppup
    uppup Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you onefortyone, right now the chocolate on your weight loss tracker is looking really good :) Better go search out some fresh veggies in the fridge.
  • MsJasmineP
    MsJasmineP Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Good Luck! We've got this!
  • I could use the support too! I have 80 ibs, to lose! We can do this!!!
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    Any of you that are willing to be active and try are more than welcome to add me. Happy to help and motivate
  • snavemom
    snavemom Posts: 56 Member
    I just started. I weighed myself this am and was shocked to see I weighed 174.4 pounds. Actually I started yesterday but joined MFP today. I'm 60 and want to get down to 139 lbs. It would be nice to have some diet partners. :smile:
  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    Only have 40 lbs to go, but have already lost 30 lbs :) So definitely add me! :) We can support each other and provide motivation!