Caloric Intake Question

My partner and I set up accounts today but he got a really odd caloric Intake I was not expecting from the app.

My own stats seemed to comfort properly: 26m, 6'1" 249lbs wishing to loose 1lb per week. Weight goal 190 Received a caloric Intake of ~2100 (which I am way Under).

His: 23m, 5'5" 307lbs same loss/week goal. Goal weight 200. Caloric Intake exactly 1500. This seems really low to me. Is this correct? If so, why so low?

Yes I checked to see if everything was entered right.


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You've you've not mentioned what activity level its set at? To me they both sound about right as there is an 8 inch height difference. MFP can only work on the data given and the calorie amounts do not include exercise calories which are eaten back

    This thread will help you set up goals
  • Sorry both are sedentary. While i understand a height difference, there is also a weight difference of 50 pounds. Other sites placebos caloric intake above mine.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    what was his loss rate selection? if its 2 lbs/week vs your 1lb/week then thats the difference, faster loss takes a larger deficit
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Yeah, it's low. Try this TDEE calculator. Other TDEE calculators will give similar results, within 100 cal or so, which is not a huge diff.

    Really try to move around a bit. Walking. Start at 1 minute and build up to 30 minutes. Log all your food and exercise, and you WILL get there!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Sounds like 2lbs/wk rate, since TDEE for his stats would be ~2700 ... so a daily 1000 deficit would be ~1700 which is close to the 1500 result you got.
    I'd say your friend should not go below 2000. Best bet would be to plan on 2000, and knowing that **** happens and he'll probably go over some days.
    Once he loses the first 20 lbs or so I'd probably recalculate.
  • Drevious
    Drevious Posts: 69 Member
    If you really want the right caloric intake then consult a nutritionist or your doctor. Also, I've found that switching up caloric intake and workouts gets better results. So maybe your partner does 2000 Monday, 1500 Tues, 2100 Wednesday, 1700 Thursday, 2000 Friday (because it's Friday!!!) and then 1700 over the weekend.

    I'd also like to say that it's really sweet that you are on here asking for advice for your partner =)
  • You are right to question the daily calorie intake. It is best to lose weight slowly because losing more than 2lb of weight per week may result in losing muscle tissue rather than fat, which is not the point of the exercise.

    There are 3,500 calories in 1lb of fat therefore reducing your calorie intake by 500 calories per day will result in 1lb loss of fat per week. I would monitor the weight loss and adjust accordingly.
  • They both are 1lb/wknd.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Yeah, something's messed up. Your partner's BMR is a bit above 2300, yours is about 2150, so for the same goals, activity level, etc. I would expect his calorie allocation to be about 150 calories more than yours (for 1 lb a week, I'd put him at 2225 cals / day).. IMHO, 1500 calories is insane for someone with a 2300 BMR.

    Have you made sure his age is input correctly? If MFP thinks he's like 123 years old or something, it's going to give a really low calorie goal.
  • Yeah, something's messed up. Your partner's BMR is a bit above 2300, yours is about 2150.

    Have you made sure his age is input correctly? If MFP thinks he's like 123 years old or something, it's going to give a really low calorie goal.

    His age is correct, im just going to manually add the daily calorie goal. Thanks for your help!
  • I've found that switching up caloric intake and workouts gets better results.

    I'd also like to say that it's really sweet that you are on here asking for advice for your partner =)

    Hehe thanks. The randomized caloric itake keeps your body from setting a "normal, i expect this" metabolic rate. It has to keep guessing.