Hi Everyone

Hello Everyone, my name is Shelia. I am not new to myfitnesspal. I started my weight loss journey last January 14. I went on a lifestyle change that I have 120 carbs per day and 15 sugars per day. To date I have lost 45 pounds. I have just gotten brave enough to blog about my experiences. I think that this is one of the greatest websites around. It has definately helped in my successful weight loss. I decided to share my story to see if I could help anyone else out there who is going through the weight issues that I have had over the last 10 years. Pleases let me know if I can help in any way possible.

Good Luck Everyone!!!!!!


  • mikedraper
    mikedraper Posts: 18 Member
    That is incredible, i'm very interested to learn what foods can I eat to only have 120 carbs and 15 sugars per day. I've only been tracking my foods on here for a few days. I haven't been under 225 carbs and 81 sugars per day. So far I think my main goal has been to be at 1700 calories per day. Plus I'm burning about 800 calories per day working out. Any advise would be great. thanks.