HELP PLEASE! why am I always more hungry on rest days?



  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    There are lots of different ways to set things up. I set my activity level to sedentary, and eat back my calories on the days I work out (currently 5 days). That gives me days when I can eat like a horse (and do!) and days when a little more planning is required. In the end, I suspect we all just have to find the MFP "sweet spot" that allows us to move toward our goals without being stressed about it all the time.

    Good luck!

    thanks! I really should learn not to beat myself up. but the whole eating things seems to get me stuck here. I still workout pretty hard, but once i blow, i blow it domino. I'll work my way through

    If you are very hungry, then something isn't set-up properly. I think Brower47 hit the nail on the head. The key to long term success is to work with a slight deficit and it sounds like yours is very large. Food is your friend! :o)

    And yes, please be kind to yourself. A little patience and perseverance will go a long way!
  • janettles
    janettles Posts: 69 Member
    I had huge amounts of hunger after beginning a new exercise routine. I assumed it was my muscles asking for protein, so I began drinking a protein powder preparation until my hunger felt satisfied.
  • totallyforgiven
    totallyforgiven Posts: 10 Member
    The one other thought I had, as far as the feeling hungrier on your rest days, is because you are not keeping yourself as busy, as you do on your exercise days, so you actually have more time to think about food and whether you are really hungry, or just bored!
  • brownacb
    Hey, did you ever find something that helped with this dilemma? I have the same problem, and it stops me from making any progress!