Them thighs THICK



  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 791 Member
    I've always had fairly large thighs as in waistband is loose but thighs may not fit every time I've lost weight. Even at my littlest it was like that but I was climbing a lot of stairs and when I was in high school I did marching band, and freshman year I was being limited on how much I was allowed to squat and leg press in gym... this also did lovely things for my calves. So I'd say tons of walking with some form of resistance... does having to hold a partially completed step count as resistance?
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Squats, deads, /glute bridges/hip thrusts and also single leg work. So things like lunges, split squats, dumbbell step ups, skater squats, single leg glute bridges/hip thrusts. Good mornings and back extensions also do great things for the posterior chain.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    This is your body type. Keep up with the strength training and you will get smaller and fitter, but you will still have your body shape. The thighs hang on.