Day 2 and I want to quit already



  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I am 5"5...53 years old...and one year ago this week I was 188 pounds. Today, a year later, I'm 154 and within 10 pounds or so of my goal.

    I never starved.

    I learned that I could enjoy exercise again and feel alive...without pain.

    I discovered the joy of looking great in a pair of jeans and giving away all my XL tops and size 16 pants.

    My MFP friends were there for me every day, keeping me focused, motivated and sane (especially during plateaus).

    You have too much life ahead of you to quit on Day 2. I agree with others who suggested changing your weight loss goal so your calorie goal is easier to attain each day. Lose weight steadily and enjoy the ride. If you want to lose weight for the rest of your life and never be the heavy girl again, make changes you can live with every day. You may not be able to put in hard workouts now, but we all start somewhere. Try walking for 15-20 minutes; then longer. Then pick up the pace. That's how I started and you can too. :flowerforyou:

    Sending you a friend request.
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    To the OP: Looking at your diary you had 800 calories remaining today to meet your daily goal to continue losing weight. Even if you ate an additional 400 calories to reduce your cravings, you're still coming in under.

    On days that I exercise, I consume almost 3,000 calories and still meet my daily goals and weekly goal of 1.5 pounds loss. You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.
  • IrishPenny
    I have set my limit to 1200 per day. I know it should be more, but when I log in and saw that I have gone over my limit by 100 - 300 calories, I know I am still under the "real " limit I have. I find if I set myself to the real limit, I'll will blow it by adding extra food I really don't candy bar, cookies, etc. So far it's working for me just fine.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    everyone wants to quit on the second day. keep doing it anyway. find what works for you, and see if you still want to quit in a month. and eat enough food and dont take yourself too seriously.
  • mlyn627
    mlyn627 Posts: 104 Member
    I changed my weight loss to .5 and it bumped my calories up to 1880! I feel like I can do that for sure! I think I will keep it there and see how things go.

  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    My guess is you're at a larger deficit than is realistic for you. Did you choose a 2 pound per week weight loss goal? If so, try cutting it to 1. You need to find a way that you can stick with it.
  • HappyAnna2014
    HappyAnna2014 Posts: 214 Member
    Thank you for all the replies!

    I am 5'4 230lb 40 yo. I set my goal to be 1.5 and my calories are at 1370. I have been trying to get protein in but I'm probably blowing it! I guess I am so used to eating whatever, whenever I want that it's a shock to my system. I haven't exercised yet, last time I tried my knees hurt and I just honestly haven't wanted to again...yet.

    I am a little older, but I set my goal to be 1.5 and my calories are also at 1370. The first, like 12 days, I was having a rough time, but after that time, the hunger went away, I keep only foods I know I won't overeat (i.e., Lays chips are not in my house). That helps a lot. Yesterday, I only had 900 calories at the end of the day, because I wasn't hungry. Knowing that my body needs fuel, I had a bowl of bran flakes with soy milk as a snack before bed, and it was a nice treat...and got my calories to a reasonable place. 3 weeks ago, I would have thought 1/3 package of oreo double stuff cookies was a nice treat. If you just keep plugging along, you will get there, quicker than you think. :) Good luck!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Up goal to 1lb per week

    Choose leaner cuts of meat

    Eat plenty of fibrous veggies

    Pick high volume foods e.g. not peanut butter

    Don't drink any calories
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    This is another one of the million times I've tried loosing weight. I've tried pretty much everything, this is my 2nd time trying MFP. I logged my food yesterday and went over a little bit. Today I thought I would do better, I have been trying to cut carbs and eat more protein. I have done so well today but I am so ridiculously hungry! I have drank so much water all day, doesn't help. I JUST WANT TO EAT!! How can I deal with this feeling everyday, it doesn't seem like it's something I can do! How do you get past this? Does it get better?

    I bet you could increase your calories to at least 1700 or more and still lose like you want to. You can always readjust. Did you use a BMR and TDEE calculator to find your calorie goal?
  • HeyPretty1
    HeyPretty1 Posts: 11 Member
    That carb goal of 247g per day means you're never going to lose anything. You're torturing yourself for no reason right now.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Peanut butter out of the jar is the fit girls ice cream out of the pint. When I am real hungry a tablespoon or two of Skippy all natural peanut butter with honey is the cure, and it keeps you from overeating other foods.

    It's definitely not easy to lose weight, and hunger is the number one issue with weight loss. But there is no such thing as weight loss without getting hungry. It does get better as your stomach and brain get used to the new calorie intake.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    ^^^what chrisdavey said! He's a great friend to have :flowerforyou:
  • gkim210
    I remember after about 4 weeks of hard work and counting every single thing I ate down to the last calorie, I was so mad that I'd only lost 2 lousy lbs. It was then I realized that this is something that I had to keep up if I really wanted to notice some changes. And I also didn't realize that 2 lbs. was actually a big difference! It was nothing to be mad about. Also if there are days you go over by a bit, don't beat yourself up over it! I kept up with logging everything I ate and making sure I cut out a lot of carbs and stuck with a lot of protein and veggies. (I even went semi-paleo diet for a little bit). I also recently moved to a new city where I don't drive and I walk everywhere, so within the last 5 months, I lost 19 lbs since I first joined MFP back in April of this year. As the age old cliche says, slow and steady wins the race. I mean it. You can't already be in this mindset that you want to give up after only 2 days. You can power through it! I literally have the worst discipline in the world when it comes to food. If I can do it, so can you.

    Something to also remember: let yourself have at least 1 cheat day out of the week. That's right, you heard me. Get it out of your system. I let myself always have at least one day where I don't obsessively count every calorie but I also don't go crazy and cram everything into my mouth, which might actually be helpful. If you just absolutely deprive your body completely there's a pretty good chance you might cave in one day and binge, gaining back everything.

    And most importantly, make sure you're eating enough calories that make up for the amount you actually burn throughout the day! I made the mistake first starting out of not eating enough (i was starving almost every hour of the day) and it turns out, I actually GAINED a couple lbs. doing that. So make sure you're eating enough. That's the most common mistake people make right away. When you're feeling that ravenous, that means you're not really putting in enough calories into your body.

    Keep it up! You can do it.
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    the best post here...thanks
  • mlyn627
    mlyn627 Posts: 104 Member
    That carb goal of 247g per day means you're never going to lose anything. You're torturing yourself for no reason right now.

    What should it be at? I have no idea I just put in how much I want to lose per week and it auto populates it I guess.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    That carb goal of 247g per day means you're never going to lose anything. You're torturing yourself for no reason right now.

    Huh? What do carbs have to do with weightloss?
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    This is for life and slow and steady wins the race. Don't be so hard core and ridged on yourself. Enjoy:smile:
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Well Said ! Taking baby steps is a recipe for success. I love that I can still have a Taco Bell crunchwrap, because I adjust what I eat the rest of the day. Focusing on an increase of Protein (or whatever you choose), instead of staying under calorie, is a good way to create new healthy habits. Change only 1 thing per week, so it doesn't feel overwhelming. And accept friend requests, so you can continue to get the support you need and deserve. Also, use the counters to just see the catagories where you are severely over or short, without worrying about the final numbers at first. Maybe you need to increase your calcium, or Vitamin D foods, or whatever. Take your time, and find a balance that works for YOU ! ! !
  • meltedkeys
    meltedkeys Posts: 63 Member
    if i feel extra hungry, i drink more water, workout a little and then eat something very low in calories like peppers or celery. it's hard but it can be done. i'm frustrated too with my hypothyroid fighting me the whole way, but stay focused on the why and keep it in front of you every day.
  • liketobike2
    liketobike2 Posts: 25 Member
    Give yourself lots of fun and stress relieving things in your day that do that don't involve eating: Schedule a massage, buy a new book, have your car detailed, etc.