Looking to find PALS to push me through this goal of mine...

I would love to keep motivating others and have others to get me through. Especially those night time eaters out there... you know who you are !


  • sugaraddict63
    sugaraddict63 Posts: 26 Member
    OMG Im a night time eater. Weird thing is I never used to be now its my worst habit. I would love to go on the journey. I want to lose a total of 35 lbs maybe more.
  • erinjoy002
    erinjoy002 Posts: 55 Member
    I would love to be a motivation buddy! feel free to add me!
  • raglant
    raglant Posts: 16 Member
    It definitly helps to have that accountability partner!
  • deedsy
    deedsy Posts: 13 Member
    Motivation is half the battle. I'm here to keep anyone who wants change motivated!!!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Happy to help motivate you though I'm sure you'll do great regardless. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • agulling
    agulling Posts: 9 Member
    I just started and have a goal of 20 pounds. I would love to have motivational friends too!
  • karentoniette
    "Night time eater" - That seems to have been my topic about myself for the last few years - maybe my whole life!! But the difference is 10 years ago - I weighed 120 pounds and had a wonderful work out routine !!! Life got super busy - lots of changes - getting older, and now I find myself getting my daily gratification through food!!!!
    I just started this week and am wanting (and needing) this to be different!! That's why "This times for real!"
    So far, I love the site and the encouragement - something to tap into during the day!!!
    So here's to us and our success!:drinker:
    I'm trying chromium in the evening - its suppost to be a good natural appetite supressant! I even thought about drinking a big glass of water and eating an apple just before getting home to fill my stomach - and/or taking my handfull of vitamins with my evening meal to feel more satisfied!!! I keep forgetting these tricks - need to write them down and refer to them each night to get in the habit!
    If you have any suggestions or tricks - would love to hear them!
    Hope you have a great day tomorrow!
  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    I'm the most terrible night time eater!! God, it's awful. I can be fine all day, healthy, under my caloric goal and then night o'clock rolls around and I turn into the cookie monster! No good!
  • rme921
    rme921 Posts: 22
    We all need a push and motivation to reach our goals....feel free to add me as a friend.
  • FitMomFunMom
    I am on the weightloss journey myself- just lost 50lbs last year and still have 25lbs I want to lose before July when I plan to get preggo with my 2nd child (going into it fit this time!)

    I am a work from home, workout from home lady. Always looking to motivate others with my past weight loss and have others motivate me to get to my goal. Nothing like a great weight loss story to inspire!!!

    Feel free to add me = would love to help and be helped all the same!
  • Mashisha
    I could use all the help I can get! This is my 3rd trip to MFP...I keep telling myself that this time will be IT! (I think I am going to have to stick to it life long....)
  • sexyjeans
    I'm with you. Stressors in 2010 led me to too many evening snacks & wine... 10 extra pounds on my 5 foot 2 inch body is not working for me. I KNOW what I need to do...it's just a matter of doing it. Support, inspiration, and motivation from others is a huge help.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I am a night time eater too. I do great during the day but I always crave sweets at night. I have been really good lately although I did just finish a bowl of cocoa pebbles. Not good.
  • sirlostalot
    I am a night time eater too, and need some motivation. Failure has been my buddy and I am kicking him out the door this time (except for that time he snuck in that open window today). I need to lose... like 125 pounds, so, I will be on here for a long time.
  • dww63
    dww63 Posts: 10
    Yep! I know exactly what you're talking about.. Eating after 8.. Yikes! If you need me I'm there.
  • ambermabee
    I am so guilty of snacking at night..I really need a hands-on hobby to do instead! I'm definitely here with all of you.
  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    I AM THE WORST AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! i work wierd hours and go to class also, so the only time i get to really eat is night time and i snack alot then