Hunger Pains



  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I hope this doesn't come of as insulting but do you really need a whole cup of cheese with your eggs? That seems excessive and definitely on the all or nothing kind of mindset. There's nothing wrong with having sausage or bacon either, just have less than you used to. A couple eggs, a 1/4 cup of cheese and a few slices of bacon should run you around 400 calories. Even frying al of it up in a whole Tbsp of butter will only add 100 more calories. That's not a ridiculous amount for breakfast (IMHO) especially if you're exercising now.

    For leaner choices, you can go with turkey bacon or sausage or even lean deli ham or canadian bacon. Get medium eggs instead of large to save a few calories if you want. I'd also suggest you start planning your meals for the week as much as you can. It's not always easy but you'll find you won't be stuck with these kinds of dilemmas, being hungry and not sure of what to eat.

  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I'm going to leave a link to an online calculator I've been using. It's working like a charm.

    I leave this because honestly, 1,200 calories a day is probably too low. I would starve if that's all I could eat.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Losing weight doesn't have to involve starving yourself and cutting out foods you enjoy (I have ice cream just about every day for example. I also would never consider cutting out cheese).

    Instead of using the MFP calorie system, I use this system:

    I calculated 1900 calories for myself per day, which is enough to keep me feeling satisfied and full (and I lose weight on that amount). I find that I can fit in just about anything I want to eat into those calories (even stuff like ice cream which I already mentioned and steak). It's all about moderation. I tend to eat a lot of "healthy" foods such as lean meats, vegetables, and fruit.. and then I eat the other more "sinful" foods more sparingly (but I still have them and enjoy them!).

    Perhaps your plan right now is too aggressive. I am happy with a 0.5-1 lb loss per week. I think it's important to stick to a plan that you think you can sustain for the rest of your life. The weight loss may be slower, but if you stick with it, that's what matters!

    ETA: I focus on eating enough protein, fats (Coming from eggs, olive oil, etc), and fiber. That helps keep me nice and full.
  • SpikeTailTurtle
    What does your daily calories look like? I personally eat an egg on toast for breakfast topped with a bit of cheese. I can do that for 250 calories.

    Also if you love some sausage like I do look into the lean turkey sausage. It is actually surprisingly good and healthier than tasty tasty pig. I haven't tried turkey bacon yet but the sausage patties were good.

    Also check into special K 100 calorie snack packs.

    When I first started and my stomach made a fuss I would drink a large glass of water. It helped me make sure I was getting my 8 a day and it stopped the growling. Are you logging your exercise? You might have more calories than you think you do.
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    There is always an adjustment period (varies between people). Mine was 3 days of complete crapiness...then on the fourth day I found I had energy and my mood had stabilized (so had my sugar levels). I find that adding a tbsp. of chia seed to my morning oatmeal or yogurt really helps in the hunger department (chock-full of fiber those wee seeds).

    I know it's tough, but you will see, it will be worth it!! :)
  • chaniluv
    chaniluv Posts: 60 Member
    I tore up the package so I wasn't able to check the calories there, but checking them on the company's website shows that it was only 360 calories. I can't tell you how glad I am that's the case. Thanks for all the calorie calculator links and for the suggestion to double-check! Today would've been really rough otherwise...

    I'm going to try sticking to 1200 calories as best as I can. If it's not enough for me, I'll know in a week. I just need time to get used to counting calories and planning meals.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    You just have to plan ahead better. I eat 1200 calories a day and have for 5 months (eatting back some of my exercise calories some times) and I am not hungry all day. I have just learned what foods fill me up, when to eat them, and I plan plan plan.. Its hard to get started but it will get easier!

    ^^^^ - this, except I eat at least half of my exercise calories back - more if I trust the figures mfp gives me.

    When I started I had to really plan out my menus and pre-log it - usually the night before, so that I knew how much room I had for any extras. Stopped me eating something and then thinking - duh, now I cannot eat dinner!!

    Because you are adjusting to eating less you may feel peckish at the beginning. When this happened to me I quickly learned that it wasn't real hunger (unless I was really undereating that day) and would be eased by drinking water - I take mine with a slice of lemon. No-one starved on 1200 cals a day - but if you want this to be sustainable lifestyle to which you are committed long term then accept that there are no quick fixes and eat the calories you need whilst keeping at a reasonable defecit. While treats are a good thing to keep you happy and smiling eating filling, more nutrient dense foods staves off hunger longer than chocolate or a bag of crisps I find!
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't understand how or why you would start a new healthy lifestyle/diet/ couting calories without actually stocking up on food first? You've just majorly set yourself up to fail? This is what you have done this morning: I'm going on a mission to lose weight, 2 days in.. oh no wait I only have sausages.. I'll just eat those witthout checking the calories.. oh no wait I've eaten all my calories for the day.. Seriously, you just sabotaged yourself!

    Everyone has given you really sound advice. You don't have to cut out all of the tasty foods you like, just fit them into your calories. Having 5 sausages was always going to come back to haunt you, next time have half that amount. Or as others have suggested try leaner meats such as turkey, or even brands like Weight Watchers do reduced fat versions.

    Edited, as just seen OP's latest post just to say, well that is a relief. Next time check before eating! :)
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    I found day 2 the hardest with hunger, headaches, bloating, tiredness, etc, I think day 1 you get through on the food from the day before, novelty, determination, etc, and day 2 the hunger kicks in! You're making big adjustments, and it's natural for your body to react to that. It's also a huge learning curve, and on day 2 you haven't yet learned how to keep those hunger pangs at bay in a way that won't send you catapulting over your daily calorie allowance limit. The good news is things quickly get better, your body adjusts, you learn and adjust and things become easier. You've had some great advice here, so let that help you and just take each day at a time, you'll soon be looking back feeling so much better and wondering what all the fuss was about. Best of luck :)
  • chaniluv
    chaniluv Posts: 60 Member
    @lilyrose2020: Before I decided to start counting calories, I only ate once a day. The only breakfast foods I stock are the ones I fix for my child. I wasn't expecting to feel hungry this morning, but it seems quitting soda and exercising has had something to do with that. Thanks, though. :)

    @NatalieLJ: Thank you!
  • NinstonBiller
    NinstonBiller Posts: 69 Member
    To kick hunger pains in the past what i found to help me out was brewing some hot green tea, Oatmeal in the mornings and drinking a good amount of water.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    All good suggestions. It was hard for me the first couple of weeks because when my blood sugar drops I can get to the point where I vomit and shake so I would eat to keep my blood sugar leveled out. When I tried eating less I assumed the hunger pains would lead to my blood sugar dropping but through trial and error I realized this wasn't the case. It was just a matter of training my body and knowing when I'm hungry if it's because I truly needed food or just because I wanted it. I still sometimes give in and eat out of boredom instead of needing to eat, but I'm sure we all do that from time to time.

    Seriously, if you just ate something you might just have to tell your stomach to shut up and move on to something else. Find something else to do that will consume your time and thoughts.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Didn't really read the replies but for me fruit will never help with hunger. I need a mix of fat, protein and complex carbs (or fiber). Nothing wrong with eggs, cheese and sausage if you have a reasonable portion.

    As about breakfast, I didn't use to have it either, now I'm hungry within 2 hours of waking up.. but I don't eat as late at night either.

    Also, I never had to eat under 1600 calories (including exercise) to lose weight.
  • dj1skywalker
    I HAVE to have cheese with my eggs as well...but have never had a cup. A quarter cup is enough or a slice (80 calories) and the fat will keep you a little full for a bit. Eating a banana and yogurt sounds good. It will fill you if you eat it slowly and enjoy them.
    Love turkey bacon!
    Haven't tried the fiber either, but may be worth checking into.
    Tuna with red pepper flakes or oatmeal keeps me full for awhile as well.

    Agree with the others as far as planning...the first two weeks (or even first month) is the hardest as you are always thinking about food. If you are exercising, 1200 is not much at can do it! xx
  • Dnwindland
    Dnwindland Posts: 3 Member
    Please remember that it will take about 2-3 weeks for your body to adjust to your new eating levels. You will be hungry a LOT during this time. Stay strong, keep on your plan, and remember is it ok to go a little over your goal.

    Focus your hunger on other activities, but if that does not work go for fresh vegetables and lots of water. Stay with it and you will see results soon enough.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Understood your reasoning that you haven't stocked up on breakfast choices. But where in the weight loss manual does it say you have to have "breakfast" foods for breakfast? Cook a chicken breast or make a sandwich. What do you feed your child for breakfast?

    I agree with others that you are sabotaging yourself and you don't need to. You are stubborn about this 1200 calories despite several people who have been doing this much longer than your two days telling you otherwise. Ask yourself if this is working for you? It doesn't seem to be. I hope somebody can link you to the getting started/sexypants guide. It is really very valuable.

    As for food- lose the mindset today that bacon or sausage or cheese doesn't have a place in your diet. It absolutely can. I have consistently been losing an average of 1.5 lbs/week since late May. I eat bacon. Sometimes turkey bacon (I recommend baking it rather than pan-frying) but mostly real bacon. I eat sausage. And turkey sausage. Jimmy Dean has great spices and you can have 3 links in a serving. It is very tasty, filling and low-cal. I usually recommend it to people who like McDonalds sausage as I find the spices similar.

    In my first week here, I read something that resonated with me. I have said it before to my kids in a slightly different context. Keep your ears open wider and more often than your mouth, and you will succeed. There's a ton of great advice here if you are willing to listen to it.

    A sincere good luck.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,513 Member
    I guess I am not understanding. I frequently eat eggs/egg whites scrambled with veggies and cheese and also bacon.

    It does not appear to be hindering my weight loss.

    What will hinder, or halt, your weight loss, is feeling deprived and starving at all times, until you say "screw this, I'm gonna just eat whatever!!" and go crazy.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Eesh. Five links is apparently 1300 calories. I suppose I should've checked before I ate. I knew it'd be bad, but clearing my entire calorie quota for the day? Whoops. Guess I'll be skipping more than lunch today.

    I'll go grocery shopping after my next check and try planning out some meals. Thanks for all the help, guys.

    I don't know how big or small those links are but, FIVE?? You need to make your portions alot smaller if you want to eat hig calorie foods. Like that cup of cheese you one needs a whole cup of cheese on eggs, a 1/4 is plenty.

    I think you need to google around for high volume lower calories meal options.

    ETA: for todays breakfast I had 2 eggs, 2 bacon, a hash brown, mushrooms and a slice of bread it came in at 483cals. Filling but nowhere near your 1300!!
  • jrue1985
    jrue1985 Posts: 191 Member
    @rms22582: The paleo diet looks interesting, for sure. I don't know how well I'd do at avoiding dairy, but I'm willing to try it. :)

    @JTPug1980: I think I have some Benefiber from when I had my gall bladder removed. Is that the same thing? If not I'll have to look into buying some the next time I get into town. Thanks. :)

    @_Zardoz_: Yes, I'm at 1200 calories. I don't think I'm going to fit into the category of people that can get away with eating more. I have read that guide and the other associated with it, but thank you for linking it!

    @timberowl: I don't have any Hoodia. :(

    @20yearsyounger: A cup of shredded cheddar cheese is apparently 300 calories. That's an entire meal. :\ I haven't ever tried turkey bacon, but I suppose I could give it a shot.

    @thread: Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone! Since I don't really have a lot of healthy choices on hand, I guess I'm gonna have to be a pig at breakfast and skip lunch and snacks.

    I make eggs with cheese all the time, and never use a full cup of shredded cheddar! 2 eggs, a quarter cup of cheese, scrambled is great. You can have one piece of bacon or sausage and not throw off you entire day. If you buy these foods, but don't allow yourself to ever have any you will one day snap and binge. If you don't want to eat that sort of food I suggest either not buying it at all, or train yourself to have a little at a time. Balance is key.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    @lilyrose2020: Before I decided to start counting calories, I only ate once a day. The only breakfast foods I stock are the ones I fix for my child. I wasn't expecting to feel hungry this morning, but it seems quitting soda and exercising has had something to do with that. Thanks, though. :)

    @NatalieLJ: Thank you!

    Why were you only eating once a day hun? Obviously I don't know your background but I have read your profile with regards to your other vices.
    I understand your priority is your child and that is the food you keep stocked, but why not prioritise yourself and your own health as well and stock food that is going to help you?
    I quit drinking coca-cola over 5 years ago, as I used to drink several cans a day, it was making my insomnia worse and ruining my teeth. For me the first 2 weeks were the hardest, head aches, mood swings etc. After that initial struggle it was easy, and I enjoy drinking fizzy water instead.