So you think you know what you are doing? #1



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm pretty sure there is a very obvious correlation between rising obesity and more time spent sitting on our rears over the years. Video games, computers, desk jobs, suburban sprawl -- less walking, more driving, people not allowing their children to play outside anymore ...

    Oh yeah -- also hours of homework starting in KINDERGARTEN, no more recess or PE in a lot of schools.

    Shall I go on?

    Basically, we're moving less and eating the same or more as when we used to move a lot.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Get out of here with your logic, we're busy trying to fear monger and unnecessarily demonize things here!
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    To be honest, i don't drink fizzy diet drinks/diet soda because they taste terrible!
    If i feel like having a Coke, i'll just have a regular Coke.
    I've cut back on these types of drinks anyway, cos all they do is bloat me and give me gas. :embarassed:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Get out of here with your logic, we're busy trying to fear monger and unnecessarily demonize things here!

    Sorry .... :embarassed:
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    That article is awful.

    I gained weight without drinking soda or eating low fat - the two principle things mentioned in that article. It simply was too much (mostly homemade, in my case) food, too little moving.

    Blaming it on others is an easy excuse.

    BTW, the MGEN study that he cites on the French cohort is interesting research - it is unfortunate that the author chose the WRONG conclusions to highlight.


    read it.

    notice that the 95% confidence intervals show either no increased risk to 2x risk on SSB, etc. And the reported study model was only partially corrected for obesity - model 3 in their report would be more interesting but less sensational.

    also, given that fruit juice drinking (with significant sugar levels) actually showed a reduction in risk suggests that these are markers for overall diet choice NOT the actual sugar levels...

    furthermore, look at the n data - not to nit pick but... - it's a reported cohort of 66000 but they excluded so many people that their actual cohort of people drinking >603 mL per week is ....34? 34!! What is that? And their table for risk halves the risk from weight gain alone?

    In other words - lose the weight, it's more important than soda. A reasonable consumption of artificially sweetened soda (weight corrected model from their data) has a risk profile of 0.77 to 2.01 in 95% confidence interval. In other words, nopenopenope.

    .... we could go on. Read the research, not the fluff.

    ETA: I'm not pro artificial sweeteners, I hate their taste of sadness and socks. But I hate bad use of research more.

  • randomworldgirl
    randomworldgirl Posts: 106 Member
    all that i've learnt this year about topics i new nothing about


  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    At least the title of that article saved me the bother of reading it. I've read enough studies to know what a load of crap that is, and I can also conveniently ignore anything Dr. Mark Hyman writes. I'll put him in the Dr. Oz circular file.

    I also do not believe most of what I see on the internet (let alone the Huffington Post (I do use the Huffington Post as a source of amusement.)

    You would be surprised on how much you can find out doing your own research through either peer reviewed research or on science blogs.

    Best of luck in your 'journey' OP. If you really want to be successful, emulate the folks here that have been successful.

    Of course, this is just one ole man's opinion.........but I did make to be an old man.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    ETA: I'm not pro artificial sweeteners, I hate their taste of sadness and socks.

    LOL this is the truest thing I've ever read on this forum. ^^^

    Personally I have read a lot of scientific articles on artificial sweeteners. Several studies (you can look them up on Google scholar) do indicate there is a link between weight gain and drinking diet soda. Other studies say it has little impact. I'd encourage you to look them up and see all the data for yourself in the actual words of scientists. Usually articles in newspapers or online news sites do a poor job of capturing the real results.

    For me personally I crave food after drinking diet soda or eating things with artificial sweeteners. I do have hypoglycemia so I may be more sensitive to it than other people. I have lost weight drinking tons of diet mountain dew but I was also constantly hungry.
    I think for some people its an issue (like me) and other people aren't bothered by it.
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 233 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Xylitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Capitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    I'm sure all his problems are because of his diet coke habit.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Capitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    I'd love to see the name of a single toxin that is eliminated from the body in this instance.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    That went well

    You're so funny. I can always count on you to be in the middle of these with a comment. You're my equivalent to Michael eating his popcorn!

    Regarding topic. I pretty much drink a few diet pops a day...down from 7, 8 9 a day. I'm happy with that. And, I'm losing weight.

    It's back to whatever works for you...go for it!
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    What bothers me most about this is not the fact that none of it is backed by scientific proof, which it isn't, but that it's the product not the person. When are we going to learn to give up the next fight against "insert chosen food demon here" and actually just take responsibility for our own health and behaviors? If it's not artificial sweeteners, it's sugar, fat, cholesterol, meat, not meat, not enough water, too much water...yada yada. It's our BEHAVIOR around what we put into our bodies.

    It's not the diet coke, it's the ten a day behavior. It's not the cookies, it's the cookies for every meal behavior. We seem to have improperly bought into this societal idea that it's always "something else's" fault. It's not. I don't give a hoot about diet sodas because I don't like them, but if I wanted to drink them I would.

    I think there are far greater things to dedicate my time and health to, beginning with my own mind/body/spirit and what that means for me and my responsibility to myself (but that's me, and hey...I'm not you). So, yes, I do think I know what I'm doing. Thanks for asking.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    What bothers me most about this is not the fact that none of it is backed by scientific proof, which it isn't, but that it's the product not the person. When are we going to learn to give up the next fight against "insert chosen food demon here" and actually just take responsibility for our own health and behaviors? If it's not artificial sweeteners, it's sugar, fat, cholesterol, meat, not meat, not enough water, too much water...yada yada. It's our BEHAVIOR around what we put into our bodies.

    It's not the diet coke, it's the ten a day behavior. It's not the cookies, it's the cookies for every meal behavior. We seem to have improperly bought into this societal idea that it's always "something else's" fault. It's not. I don't give a hoot about diet sodas because I don't like them, but if I wanted to drink them I would.

    I think there are far greater things to dedicate my time and health to, beginning with my own mind/body/spirit and what that means for me and my responsibility to myself (but that's me, and hey...I'm not you). So, yes, I do think I know what I'm doing. Thanks for asking.

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Saw Huffington Post pushing Hyman
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I avoid the Huffington Post at all costs unless I want to go on a rage and throat punch everyone I meet.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    What bothers me most about this is not the fact that none of it is backed by scientific proof, which it isn't, but that it's the product not the person. When are we going to learn to give up the next fight against "insert chosen food demon here" and actually just take responsibility for our own health and behaviors? If it's not artificial sweeteners, it's sugar, fat, cholesterol, meat, not meat, not enough water, too much water...yada yada. It's our BEHAVIOR around what we put into our bodies.

    It's not the diet coke, it's the ten a day behavior. It's not the cookies, it's the cookies for every meal behavior. We seem to have improperly bought into this societal idea that it's always "something else's" fault. It's not. I don't give a hoot about diet sodas because I don't like them, but if I wanted to drink them I would.

    I think there are far greater things to dedicate my time and health to, beginning with my own mind/body/spirit and what that means for me and my responsibility to myself (but that's me, and hey...I'm not you). So, yes, I do think I know what I'm doing. Thanks for asking.

    I completely agree with you on this. However, we all have to understand that it is the mantra of Huffington Post and her followers to place the blame on someone else. If she preached personal responsibility she would lose all of her readers.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Xylitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.
    LOL. I love when people talk about chemicals, all the while having absolutely no idea what a chemical is.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Xylitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    I don't see mean-spirited attacks. I see people giving the OP some sane, sensible advice.

    Artificial sweeteners are probably not the cause of your husband being a physical mess - you say he turns his nose up at your "healthy" food, so I would wager that he has poor eating habits: he probably eats too much and possibly doesn't get his micronutrients and it's doubtful he moves enough. Blaming diet soda for all the ills in the world is misguided.

    Eat a balanced diet, hit calorie/macro/micro goals. Drink a diet soda if it gets you through the day. Move more. And leave the scaremongering and scapegoating behind.
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