So you think you know what you are doing? #1



  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    I refuse to accept nutritional or scientific data from an article which also includes the words "I love Taylor Swift."
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Xylitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    Complains about mean spirited attacks.

    Bashes the ever loving **** out of her own husband.

    Wait... someone married her...? :huh:

    It's okay. He's slowly killing himself with toxins. It'll be over soon.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I'll give you 3 reasons why I'm not even going to open that article:

    1-2. Mark Hyman
    3. HuffPo.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'll give you 3 reasons why I'm not even going to open that article:

    1-2. Mark Hyman
    3. HuffPo.

    Haha, you said Hyman.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Capitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    I'm sure all his problems are because of his diet coke habit.

    Can anyone say "variables?"
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I'll give you 3 reasons why I'm not even going to open that article:

    1-2. Mark Hyman
    3. HuffPo.

    Haha, you said Hyman.

  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Capitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    I'm sure all his problems are because of his diet coke habit.

    Can anyone say "variables?"

    I would say the one variable that we can depend on is her flaming her husband on a public forum in front of hundreds of strangers. #winning
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I've lost 70 lbs overall and kept it off for nearly 14 years. I drink diet soda pretty regularly. Diet soda doesn't seem to be the problem.

    All the rum I pour in the diet soda might be an issue, but not so far.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Because the Huffington Post is the place to get unbiased advice on nutrition.


    Here's a hint. The modern media captalizes on shock value. They find poorly done studies, generate headlines that incite an emotional reaction, and then generate speculation based on those poorly done studies. The reality is, journalists don't really know how to interpret studies, nor do they really care if they are interpretting them correctly.
  • NotShena
    NotShena Posts: 172 Member
    Mmmmm.... tasty tasty Coke Zero.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Capitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    I'm sure all his problems are because of his diet coke habit.

    Can anyone say "variables?"

    I would say the one variable that we can depend on is her flaming her husband on a public forum in front of hundreds of strangers. #winning

    #husbandshaming #wifeoftheyear
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm surprised at how often a simple question turns into a mean spirited attack on our members.

    The diet soda issue is not new. In fact my husband drinks copious amounts every day and he is a physical mess. Looks like a 9 month pregnant man. His health issues are many and having lacked nutritional education he sees no relationship to consuming chemical laden water instead of pure spring water, turns his nose up at the healthy food I make. Did I say he has become one rolling ball of a physical mess.

    All you scientific clinical study lovers must have stumbled across reports that the body doesn't distinguish between the type of sugar consumed .... sugar is sugar ultimately whether white, chemical, or my personal choice xylitol. The body metabolizes it all the same. Xylitol, my choice limited to 2 teaspoons a day, and made from birch sap benefits dental health and is the only sweetener permitted on the Lyme Inflammatory Diet. Thank goodness.

    Inflammation is your body's enemy. Foods laced with chemicals, fake ingredients, bad fats cause inflammation and make you susceptible to colds, flu, cancer, infections and numerous diseases' including obesity and interfere with your ability to recover quickly from injury and illness.

    Think of food as your body's most important medicine. If it's possible to scrap soda completely from your diet and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily you can start the eliminate all the toxins from chemical laced foods from your system. I wish you the best of luck.

    You should probably ask your lawyer if he drinks diet products. He could die before your divorce is final.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Because the Huffington Post is the place to get unbiased advice on nutrition.


    Here's a hint. The modern media captalizes on shock value. They find poorly done studies, generate headlines that incite an emotional reaction, and then generate speculation based on those poorly done studies. The reality is, journalists don't really know how to interpret studies, nor do they really care if they are interpretting them correctly.


    People see the word "toxin" and freak out. There's a reason it's used so heavily by the media and companies that want your money. It's a buzzword. Your kidneys have a job. Their job is to "get rid" of your "toxins." So I guess if you really wanted to "cleanse," you should research dialysis and donate your kidneys to someone who will actually use them.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Here what happen when you drink a diet coke. So once you went to bed, the Splenda Fairy come and use her magical wand that create calories out of cosmic radiations.......This is totally what happen
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Here what happen when you drink a diet coke. So once you went to bed, the Splenda Fairy come and use her magical wand that create calories out of cosmic radiations.......This is totally what happen

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    src: huffpost

  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    *looks up from chugging her diet pepsi*

    *looks down at weight loss ticker*

  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    You can pry my Diet Coke from my cold, dead, *refreshed* hands.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here...

  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Because the Huffington Post is the place to get unbiased advice on nutrition.


    Here's a hint. The modern media captalizes on shock value. They find poorly done studies, generate headlines that incite an emotional reaction, and then generate speculation based on those poorly done studies. The reality is, journalists don't really know how to interpret studies, nor do they really care if they are interpretting them correctly.


    People see the word "toxin" and freak out. There's a reason it's used so heavily by the media and companies that want your money. It's a buzzword. Your kidneys have a job. Their job is to "get rid" of your "toxins." So I guess if you really wanted to "cleanse," you should research dialysis and donate your kidneys to someone who will actually use them.

    Two brilliant posts. So of course I'll piggyback them.

    Anyone's doctor ever told them they have too many toxins in their body? Anybody ever lose a loved one and the cause of death was an overabundance of toxins?

    This is voodoo. Hokum. Nonsense masquerading as science.

    It's essentially no different than saying a person suffers from an imbalance of bodily humours, and that went out with the ancient Greeks.

    The toxins wrecketh my humours. Doth thou have a leech about thine person that thou might spare, mayhap, good Sir?
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