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I run because...

Posts: 1,350 Member
It makes me happy
I want to live longer
It's cheaper than therapy
Runner girls have nice butts and legs (or so say the men I know)
I can



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  • Posts: 172 Member
    To burn calories so I can eat more food!
  • Posts: 629 Member
    To burn calories so I can eat more food!

    ^^this.... 100%
  • Posts: 214 Member
    I love food.

  • Posts: 2,289 Member
    Because it's cheaper than therapy!'s my stress relief.
  • Posts: 3,845 Member
    It keeps me lean and burns all the calories.
  • Posts: 13,049 Member
    The car is slower.

  • Posts: 14 Member
    It relieves stress, makes me feel invigorated.

    There are days where I have to force myself to go out and run but I never regret it.
  • Posts: 509 Member

  • Posts: 13,254 Member
    I can!
  • Posts: 11 Member
    To feel alive.
  • Posts: 4,433 Member


    ^ this is so me!

    1. I like the feeling I get from running
    2. I enjoy the quiet time
    3. I like the calories it burns
    4. It's helped my cellulite go bye bye for the most part
    5. My daughter runs too and it's something we share
    6. - 100. because I can
  • Posts: 6,592 Member
    My profile pic says it all.
  • Posts: 6,553 Member
    it would take forever if I walked.

  • Posts: 9 Member
    to clear my mind.
  • Posts: 624 Member
    I run because...

    I like food.
    It's something I can do anywhere.
    It clears my head.
    I can always improve something.
    I like getting t-shirts when I do a race.
  • Zombies!!!


  • Posts: 1,899 Member
    Just in case

  • Posts: 56 Member
    I love the calorie burn
    to have a runners body ;)
    cheaper than therapy
  • I run because there are some days where I just want to enjoy the outdoors. It's something that makes me feel awful and great at the same time. Plus, it's honestly the best simple cardio workout when you don't have time to do anything fussy. Just about half an hour around the track or the city does the job. Plus, I find that I sleep way better at night because it exhausts my body so it knows to rest. I find myself sleeping better on the days I do run than the days I don't.

    Also, I run so I can die slightly healthier than most people.
  • Posts: 9,611 Member
    To burn calories so I can eat more food!

    Yep…this…cause I don't really like running at all. :)
  • Posts: 1,335 Member
    I run because of the dogs... and the bees... and the dogs with bees in their mouth that, when they bark at you, shoot bees out!
  • Posts: 444 Member
    I'm not a runner yet, but a jogger. Partly for the reasons others listed, but mostly I jog because I love the boost it gives to my self esteem. I still struggle with inner demons from time to time, but the progress of going longer and the sense of accomplishment is so satisfying to my soul.
  • Posts: 1,302 Member
    Runner girls have nice butts and legs (or so say the men I know)

    If we're talking in absolutes (only a runner, or only a lifter)

    A girl who lifts has a nicer butt and legs than a girl who runs.
  • Posts: 1,323 Member
    -mollifies the pain of FM
    -releases stress
    -gives energy
    -is free
    ...but most importantly:
    -keeps me in shape for skateboarding :smokin:
  • Posts: 1,885 Member
    Just in case


    That poor lady needs a better bra. Owie. She'd be a good workout buddy, though. She's not only faster on the uptake than her friend, she pushes her toward safety before she takes off running.
  • Posts: 2,480 Member
    -I like having a healthy cardiovascular system
    -I like having a low resting heart rate
    -I like burning 14-18 calories per minute
    -When I am in shape to run long distances, I am in shape to do everything else
    -I like exercising outside
    -I like running shoes, running socks, compression sleeves, running sunglasses, dry-fit tech fiber shorts and shirts, smart phone running apps, heart rate monitors with Bluetooth capabilities, music playlists, and headphones
    -I like the feeling of lining up in the middle of thousands of people a few minutes before a race starts
    -I like being labeled as a "runner", because they are generally a great group of people
    -Running and waddling are mutually exclusive tendencies.
  • Posts: 9,248 Member
    Because it's cheaper than therapy!'s my stress relief.

    This and I want to survive the zombie apocalypse....
  • Posts: 357 Member
    I like the way I feel the moment I take that last step and start cooling down. And also because I can.
  • Posts: 238 Member
    I refuse to eat less.
  • Posts: 13,254 Member
    -I like having a healthy cardiovascular system
    -I like having a low resting heart rate
    -I like burning 14-18 calories per minute
    -When I am in shape to run long distances, I am in shape to do everything else
    -I like exercising outside
    -I like running shoes, running socks, compression sleeves, running sunglasses, dry-fit tech fiber shorts and shirts, smart phone running apps, heart rate monitors with Bluetooth capabilities, music playlists, and headphones
    -I like the feeling of lining up in the middle of thousands of people a few minutes before a race starts
    -I like being labeled as a "runner", because they are generally a great group of people
    -Running and waddling are mutually exclusive tendencies.
    Yep, this about covers why. Ohhh and I'm a medal *kitten*


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