Back again!

I have used this site over the past few years and have had great success . I love all the support ive gotten in reaching my goals. I have currently lost almost 170lbs and only have about 30lbs left before i hit my goal! I am having some trouble with this last bit of weight...any suggestions?


  • mlyn627
    mlyn627 Posts: 104 Member
    I don't have any suggestions for you as I just started my journey, but just wanted to say WOW great job on the 170 that's incredible!!
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Well keep doing what your doing because its seems to be working ^_^ congrats on you weight loss thats no small feat by any means. If you stick with a certain amount of calories for a couple weeks and you see absolutely no change in weight or body composition something as simple as reducing you cals just a tiny bit or moving just that much more in the gym might help. Sorry I dont have more info but best of luck to you if you can lose 170 you can lose 30 ^_^