Too scared to weigh myself

Have been trying very hard for the past two weeks. Planned to make Friday my weigh in day, now I don't want to weigh myself in case the number has stayed the same - or gone up.

I know I'm whinging and I need to grow up, just wondering if anyone else gets like this.


  • klacy1205
    I was too at first. I weigh myself and do my measurements once per month. I focus more on eating healthy and making exercise part of my routine instead of worrying about what the scale says. My first weigh in was pretty successful. That has been my motivation to keep going.
  • VSAdreamer
    VSAdreamer Posts: 11 Member
    Daily. Sometimes I end up not doing it cause I dont want to feel like a failure if I gain/mantain
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    If you're always scared, you will never see your success. Your fear will be standing in the way of your success.

    Try to remind yourself of the hard work you've done in the past 2 weeks. Try to remind yourself of the reasons why you're on this weight loss journey. Keep trying!!!

    Having said that, weight loss and body transformation doesn't only show on the balance. In fact, sometimes it doesn't show there at all. Take your body measurements, exercise and you'll see the changes in your body in inches rather than pounds :)

    No matter what, don't give up!
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    LOL, yuppers every Thursday night when I know I count my Friday weight.... (Sometimes Saturday if there is something wacky with Friday's weight)

    BUT I also do my measurements every Friday too and keep an eye on that. Right now I am not really losing weight but I'm losing inches and I find that I'll lose inches first and the weight will catch up going down in a couple weeks.

    Don't be scared.... just know that you are doing what you can and what will be will be. Sometimes the numbers go up and sometimes they stay the same. But, I'd personally rather know what's going on than being in the dark!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    The scale only provides scientific feedback, it is not a judge of character or your value as a human being (priceless, btw). You need to know where you are so you can find out if you are headed in the right direction for where you want to be.

    In answer to your question. Yes. Other people get like this about weighing in. But they do it anyway. Get the feedback and move on.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Once you start losing weight consistently, you will look forward to weigh-in day so you can celebrate your success!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from. And you know what? It is ok.
    I have not been losing weight but I know I am losing inches and that is ok right now. Eventually the scale will catch up with me. I am gaining muscle. The weather has gotten colder here and I pulled out a pair of jeans.... And we all know that it is a scientific FACT that clothes tend to shrink when they are left in the closet over a season.. :-)
    Well the jeans fit and were a bit loose! The same will happen to you. Hang in there. This is a journey to a better healthier self. Not a sprint. If you don't feel like it. Don't step on the it when you feel better!
  • cat_monster
    cat_monster Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for all your replies. Only one day until I find out how it has gone.
  • Ataraxia81
    Ataraxia81 Posts: 63 Member
    I check my weight daily because I like to know where I stand and what I need to do constantly to make adjustments. It's hard sometimes to not get discouraged, but as long as you know you are doing the right things and making the right decisions, you're good.
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    Regardless of what the scale says, it sounds like you've been making better choices for yourself. You have a two week victory regardless of what the scale says. Realize now that sometimes the scale is not your friend. Sometimes you may want to take a sledge hammer to it. But it is not the whole story. Take your measurements, or give it a little time and you'll see a change in your clothes. Having to buy new clothes is better than anything the scale says!

    Congrats on that two week effort! That is what you should be proud of.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I was afraid before I really started the journey. I kept putting it off and saying if I exercise a little more I'll like the number better, next week. I finally had to do it when I met with my trainer for the first time. It sucked. I was surprised. But then you move and get better!
  • RealMarkD
    RealMarkD Posts: 92 Member
    If you've been working hard, and you're doing what you feel you need to do, there's no need to worry about the scale. Keep the big picture in mind.
  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    Once you start losing weight consistently, you will look forward to weigh-in day so you can celebrate your success!

  • Nikki08079
    Nikki08079 Posts: 5 Member
    sometimes i am too.But im more interested in wanting to know what i lost. You will be ok. Have a set day each week and dont think about it.I close my eyes, take a deep sigh then look down. Try it. Gd luck
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    I used to get totally stressed out over weighing too. Especially for women, weighing weekly or less can be devastating. I recently started weighing on the 15th and last day of the month. I've only had one weigh in so far and lost 10 lbs! I also measure every two weeks so if I have a crappy weigh in day, I can still see how many inches I've lost.

    Do what works for you, but the weighing anxiety can't be doing you any good.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    The scale only provides scientific feedback, it is not a judge of character or your value as a human being (priceless, btw).

    Everyone struggling with weight issues should have to read this line on a daily basis. Thanks for posting the reminder! :flowerforyou:
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I only weigh every couple of weeks, at most. I'm consistently working out and eating pretty well. I don't want to feel like it isn't worth it just because the scale didn't move. I just keep striving for a healthy lifestyle and let the weight loss happens as it will. With or without me watching.
  • crystallynnl
    crystallynnl Posts: 100 Member
    I am afraid as well to weigh myself.
  • LinOtt
    LinOtt Posts: 82 Member
    Maybe you shouldn't weigh at all! Maybe you should measure instead.
  • TheCherryMama
    And a reminder to all who weight too much:
    - The human body can fluctuate 3-7 pounds on a daily basis.
    -Muscle weighs more than fat.
    -Women, we got lady things that affect us.
    - Measurements are best to track.
    - If you weigh do in the morning, naked after your loo break (we are the lightest and tallest when we wake in the AM.)
    -The head weighs 8 pounds ( lol, what you don't do that..j/k..)