I need better support..

So rewind to 2012..I lost 20 lbs on mfp. I had a good group of supportive friends that made doing this easier. Now today 2014 I gained it all back and some. I have 30lbs to lose to where I will feel healthy again. I just feel like I need a better support system. I dont go to gyms, or fitness classes i have gym equipment at home and only workout alone. Those friends are now long gone from 2012. Really all I have is my husband and best friend who support and encourage me. I actually had family delete me on here. Apperently working hard and doing well is too intimidating and they chose to see what I was doing and feel bad about what they weren't doing. So instead of encouraging me and see what I was doing as motivation they just chose to delete me. ****ty right? So now I log everyday I do my workouts and I feel pretty much all alone. I just really want some great hard working people who will support, encourage, and motivate me. When I commit to something i am all in. These killer workouts that my family saw and deleted me are how I roll. I want to push myself and kill the workouts. I just want friends to be here with me through this. Friends who get it and also like the encouragement and support. This **** is not easy on your own ????


  • pandalove1120
    pandalove1120 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand the lack of support, I will support you. :)
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I'm not new to mfp, and used to run a LGBT support forum of over 2000 members many years ago, and one of the things I found with motivated people, and I don't mean this to sound a bad thing as it not, but, they tend to put across things as a dictation rather than an advice.

    Many people if not most people if they had your level of dedication to be all in and kill it, why would they even need to be here?
    The fact they are here shows they looking for ways hopefully easy ways even though they know it never going to be easy, to get the weight off.

    One of the reasons I don't share my results, I know what I want to achieve, I doing it at my own pace, and if I look too much at how others are doing I know it will affect how my own long term plan will be, but if I can help others out with general advice and tips I will.

    But if say for example, there is a group of 20 friends.
    You probably get 1 or 2 like yourself who is super motivated.
    maybe 4 or 5 who are moderately motivated.
    13 to 15 who want to do something but not quite at that point where they ready to go all in.

    Ya all start at same point.
    All super ready to go ya all run say 400m of track
    the not ready group falter, need to stop and rest
    the moderate group run another 400m with the dedicated couple.
    then the moderate group think we need to rest, the 1st group look ahead and think OMFG we'll never catch them up, might as well give up.
    But the moderate group stopped too so they look back and shout, come on, walk up, we'll wait for you, we need a rest also, so it motivating but not dictating or overpowering.
    The dedicated all in group just keep running, 400m more, look back and think mmm we'll keep going, sure if they see us carry on it will motivate them.
    Then ya run even more and more before you even realise it, the dedicated group so far ahead there is no way rest can catch them up, so more chance of other 2 groups staying as a group than with the dedicated group.

    At end of exercise, you all meet up.
    dedicated group so super happy as they made it to the end, their full of it, and rightly so, they did awesome, but others there listening thinking ok for some, couldn't you see we was struggling yet just left us behind.

    But it easier to just not be friends over time than actually say something and cause upset.
    "Apperently working hard and doing well is too intimidating and they chose to see what I was doing and feel bad about what they weren't doing. So instead of encouraging me and see what I was doing as motivation they just chose to delete me. ****ty right? So now I log everyday I do my workouts and I feel pretty much all alone. I just really want some great hard working people who will support, encourage, and motivate me."
    Hope you understand what I trying to say and not take it wrong way, as not trying to put you down or anything, just having dealt with vulnerable people over the years plus been in similar situations myself on both sides of the equation.

    Really hope you find a good group of super all in kill it people to be by your side.
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    Except for the part were just because im motivated doesnt make me an overachiever, meathead, body builder, jerk that thinks they know it all. I am overweight, I am very uncomfortable with my body. I am highly motivated to change this because I am sick of feeling bad about myself. So im taking charge and changing it. If you didnt want to be apart of helping support me then why even comment? I was looking for friendly people who also would like some encouragement and support. No worries I found them ;)