What do you do with a sweet potato?

italysharon Posts: 195 Member
That's it! How do you like to cook a sweet potato? Thanks!


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    For a while there, I would just wash the skin, stick it with a knife a few times and throw it in the microwave to mostly cook it (can't remember how long - 6 minutes maybe). Then I'd wrap it in foil and it'd continue cooking for the hour or so it took me to get to work and then I'd unwrap it and eat it just like that. That was kind of bland though so it got old after a few weeks.

    Now, I peel and cut it up into small pieces and throw it in the crockpot with my steel cut oats, apple and spices. Yum!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    You can bake them (in the microwave even if you poke it full of holes, but I'm a big chicken so I prefer not to risk the odd explosion). But I like them boiled. Wash potato, cut off ends if you want, cut potato in half if it won't fit in your pot. Then put in pot, fill with water until potato is covered, bring to a boil, let it boil a few minutes, lower to a simmer, and cook 30 minutes or so, until a fork goes through easy if you like it really soft, otherwise, it can be a little firm in the center.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Stab with fork. Multiple times. Bake at 350° from 40-50 minutes, depending on size.

    Baking it makes it a lot more yummy and more flavorful, imo. Once cooked and cooled, wrap in foil and you can take it anywhere as a snack!!
  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member
    This was posted awhile ago by another user. I made it &... amazing! I only used 3 sweet potatoes & got about 4 servings at 330 cals each.

    Cranberry Sweet Potatoes (slow cooker) :

    1/2 cup of butter melted
    1/4 cup of orange juice
    1/4 cup of brown sugar
    2 tsp of cinnamon
    1/2 tsp of salt
    5 lb of sweet potatoes wash peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces
    1 cup of sweetened dried cranberries

    Combine all ingredients into crock pot stir to coat sweet potatoes with butter mixture cover and cook on high 3 - 4 hours till sweet potatoes are soft mash sweet potatoes serve warm
  • drepublic
    drepublic Posts: 180 Member
    I cook 5 lbs of sweet potatoes at a time in an oven. I cut off the ends, lance them two times with knife. Put them in at 500 degrees for about 45 minutes until really soft (potatoes are small). I usually have 6 lbs of chicken in the oven with the potato. Once cooked I divide out 6 oz portions (or whatever my meal plan calls for) into containers with 6.5 oz of cooked chicken (or whatever my meal plan calls for). I add veggies to each container. All this makes just over 10 meals that end up in a freezer in stacked Tupperware. Highly efficient way to prep many meals.

    I eat the sweet potato plain and soft, taste like a desert to me but fuels my evening weight training workout.
  • jcalex
    jcalex Posts: 1 Member
    Steam, Baked/microwave.
    Also you can thinly slice it and bake for 10- 15 minute depending on how crispy you want for a healthy snack. yum
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    Bake or microwave for me. I stock up on the pre-wrapped ready to microwave sweet potatoes....which is really lazy, but they're much easier to keep at my desk at work.

    Throw a teaspoon or two of coconut oil on, dump a ton of cinnamon on. Delicious.
  • kalthyallen
    Sweet potatoes are great grilled on the grill! Just season , wrap in tin foil and cook away.
  • Soapytime
    Soapytime Posts: 36 Member

    I cut them and toss with some olive oil to lightly coat then salt and pepper them. Freshly ground pepper is the best. Bake for amazing sweet potato fries.
  • Ahdillard
    Ahdillard Posts: 42 Member
    I cook 5 lbs of sweet potatoes at a time in an oven. I cut off the ends, lance them two times with knife. Put them in at 500 degrees for about 45 minutes until really soft (potatoes are small). I usually have 6 lbs of chicken in the oven with the potato. Once cooked I divide out 6 oz portions (or whatever my meal plan calls for) into containers with 6.5 oz of cooked chicken (or whatever my meal plan calls for). I add veggies to each container. All this makes just over 10 meals that end up in a freezer in stacked Tupperware. Highly efficient way to prep many meals.

    I eat the sweet potato plain and soft, taste like a desert to me but fuels my evening weight training workout.
    GREAT IDEA!!!:happy:
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    We buy sweet potatoes all of the time because of this one simple recipe with two variations:

    Cut sweet potatoes (we technically use yams, the more orange-y ones) into rounds

    If you're going to BBQ, microwave them first, until mostly cooked; otherwise, throw onto a greased pan (we spray olive oil)

    Spray the round with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and cayenne pepper (muy caliente!)

    If BBQing, throw on the grill over low heat, get them a little browned / blistered and they're good to go; otherwise, bake in an oven at 400 F for about 30-40 minutes (depending on how thick / thin you sliced)

    Eat with ketchup, malt vinegar or Idaho's favorite fat-boy condiment, FRY SAUCE!
  • sophiek1964
    sophiek1964 Posts: 79 Member
    I bake them in the oven. Then mash them with a bit of butter, maple syrup, orange juice and salt.
  • onelovejenn
    I love sweet potatoes and I have started to eat them often. Here are a few ways I prepare them. . .

    -washed and poked a couple of times and put in micro

    - "Hasselback" I wash them and cut almost all the ways through width wise, stopping just short of the skin and put in oven

    - I use them in stir frys, I get my wok very hot and throw them in(no oil required). When they are almost ready I sprinkle seasonings on them (cayenne, red pepper flakes, onion/garlic pwdr, salt, pepper, etc.)

    - I cut them up French fry style and put on cookie sheet sprayed with Pam and another quick spray with Pam on top and bake
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    Sweet potatoes = :sick: But the only way i will eat them is cut in sticks or wedges, fried and have sea salt on top of them! Not the healthiest:wink: but it helps with the taste lol
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I just bake them in the oven and then eat with sour cream, salt, and pepper.

    I've also made sweet potato hashbrowns, which were okay. And I like sweet potato fries. But I don't like any of the sweet versions-- no marshmallow topped casseroles for me. :sick:
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Mashed with butter and honey
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    cut into slices (like large fry size) pre cook half way (boil, bake, microwave) then toss them on the grill! Yummy!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Mashed with cinnamon
    Baked with butter and chives
    Sliced real thin and cooked in bacon fat (like chips)
    Cut into fries, tossed in olive oil, and flour, baked until crispy
    Mashed, then fried into sweet potatoe cakes, serve with bacon and eggs

    Makes a great shepards pie.
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    Man, I love sweet potatoes! And I'm the only one in my family, so they're all MINE! haha :)

    If I'm not baking them and serving with a little bit of butter and cinnamon + a dash of salt, I love to make this recipe-
    They are smoky and spicy and sweet- ohhh so good. I cut down on the butter and also add a dollop of light sour cream on the side.
  • songwriter1
    I use to cook my sweet potatoes in the microwave all the time, until I discovered I've been missing out on how much better they taste when you cook them in the oven.

    I always wondered why my potato didn't taste as good as the ones that you get in the restaurants until I finally took the time to bake some in the oven. Oh my goodness, what a BIG BIG difference in the flavor, the sweetness, the texture, everything. There really is a difference when you cook them in the oven verses the microwave.

    I cook about 6 at time in the oven, then I mash them up, just as you would mash up white potatoes, put just a tiny bit of butter and serve as a side dish. Or I will eat them just as a regular baked sweet potato. My Entire family loves them.

    Hope this helps.