Anybody wanna start 30 day shred with me??



  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    Hi guys,

    I have done this, and would just say

    a) it's great
    b) it's not so great for weight loss - it might be better to log in your measurements on a Monday rather than weight - it toned me up no end, but didn't speed up weight loss.

    Hope that's helpful rather than off putting- I absolutely love it and do level 3 as and when xx
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    Ok.. M super proud of myself... Worked a 12 hour shift last night... Drove 50 minutes to get home... Ate some dry frosted mini wheats... Fed the baby... AND did my workout before climbing into my bed since I'm back at work again tonight!! So no excuses ladies... We spend 20 minutes standing in front of the fridge/ cabinets trying to decide what to eat!!! We can do this!!!!

    Welcome newcomers!!! I'll add your names and weights when I'm on something other than my phone!! Lol

    Thanks for the tip about measurements.. I'm monitoring those throughout the weight loss journey.. I'm down about 8 inches... What about everybody else, are you monitoring your inches? Or just the pounds? :-)
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    Day 3 DONE!!! I'm really starting to enjoy it woohoo lol
    I'm monitoring inches as well but I do other things on top of the 30 day shred. For instance today I did 45mns of elliptical training before an hour of step aerobics.

    Good luck everyone:flowerforyou:
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    I just bought the DVD...what does everyone log it as in their exercise diary?
  • jenblwr
    jenblwr Posts: 53
    Is it too late to join? I've just done my second day...and my start weight is 152lb.
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    I just bought the DVD...what does everyone log it as in their exercise diary?

    I log it as Circuit Training.
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    It's never too late to join!!! I just finished day 4!! I'm struggling through the cardio in round two.. I have to keep pausing for 2-3 seconds during the jump roping. :-(. And I've decided I'm gonna buy some 5 lb weights.. I can make it through the chest raises with the 10lb weights.. But only half of the first of each set of the bicep curls and shoulder raises... And half of te first set of squat press thingy ma jigs!! Lol

    I'm scared of level 2!!!!!
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    Day 4 down!! I heard level 2 was harder
  • julluv
    julluv Posts: 27
    I would like to join!!!! I saw the pics posted of the MFP member who did it and looks fantastic! So I dug it out in my closet and I really wanna get through the 30 days this time! I think I got through one or two last time! So maybe having a group will help me keep going!!! My starting weight is 164! hopefully you can actually lose the 20bs advertised on the dvd case!!! Good luck all!!!!!!
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    I'm so excited at the group we have formed!!! And I'm so ready for weigh in on Monday!! haha I really wanna do my measurements.. But I'm making myself wait!!! 6 more days until we go to level 2!! Has anyone even snuck a peak at it?? My husband keeps trying to get me to do it right after I finish my 20 minute set.. Does he not see me huffin and puffin?!?! lol I'm loving the burn and the satisfaction I feel at completing it each day. It takes some push tho.. This morning all I wanted to do was sleep!!!

    How is everybody else doing?? Do I have everybody's weight correct?

    DAY 5 TOMORROW!!!!!! :happy: :sad: :happy: :sad: I feel bi-polar with that statement! haha

    Teran0612 -182.4
    LoseItCorinne - 165
    ninyagwa - 303.5
    loushep -192.0
    deesgrl04 -132
    maher2006 -143.6
    lulloa -174
    morningstar2 - 134.2
    krenee425 - 169
    mogenfire - 154.5
    Jenblur -152
    Julluv - 164
  • this is perfect! i wanna join too! starting the program tonight
    Starting weight and highest weight-161lbs :(
    and im recording my measurements but just for my waist (at naval), my upper arm, and upper thigh, because that where i wanna see the inches melt off
  • FitqueenT
    FitqueenT Posts: 120 Member
    Day 5 down!!!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I would also like to join you ladies..I will go out and purchase it tomorrow :)
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    I'm so excited, I just completed my day 4 & what a difference! I can now do all the jumping jacks without my tendinitis making my feet feel aflame! Looking forward to day 5!
  • Its "that time" for me.. I get really terrible cramps and i am out for today.. I feel horrid about not doing it but there is no way i can peel

    myself from this couch and do it... Heating Pads and Ibuprofen are about the only things on my agenda.. Is this going to effect

    anything for me? Should i start over with my 30 days? or should i just count it as a missed day and continue?
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    Don't start over!! :-) just keep on going!!!

    I'm still huffing and puffing all the way through cardio... BARELY fit last nights workout in at 1130... I find the jump rope to be the hardest to make it through.. I have to stop for 2 seconds two or three times in that first long stretch... I can do the 30 second stretch at the end just fine. I seem to breeze through round 3... Finally realized it was because she just has you do them all for 30 seconds rather than a minute. I've also noticed my body isn't as sore afterwards.. I still can't use the 10lb weights on all the exercises.. Only the chest ones, when your laying on your back. Push ups will be the death of me I'm sure... Still doing modifieds... I'm so out of shape!! I can't imagine doing a regular one by the end of this 30 days.. But looking forward to when I can!!!

    Does anybody have netflix? They have a lot of workouts on their watch it now selection.. You can watch it from your computer... But we can access it through the Wii or XBOX. Anyway, they have a Crunch Bootcamp video that I LOVE. Its 30 minutes long, but goes by quick to me. I had quit doing it when we started shred.. Mainly because it was my nights to work, and it was hard enough to make myself do one a day.. Plus I knew I would take my breaks up and down the stairwells... Anyway, I've decided on my off days I'm gonna do both.. If I can find the time!!

    I'm starting to look forward to level 2.. Not the harder work out, but the fact it means we are progressing!!!! :-)
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    I'm so excited, I just completed my day 4 & what a difference! I can now do all the jumping jacks without my tendinitis making my feet feel aflame! Looking forward to day 5!

    Good for you!!! What a great job!!! :-) I've been reading your blogs, and am super excited and proud for you!!!
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    this is perfect! i wanna join too! starting the program tonight
    Starting weight and highest weight-161lbs :(
    and im recording my measurements but just for my waist (at naval), my upper arm, and upper thigh, because that where i wanna see the inches melt off

    Glad to have you join us!!!!
  • Teran0612
    Teran0612 Posts: 263
    Ugh!!! So it's almost 4am.. After only having a few hours sleep since Thursday.. I laid down around 6 last night to take an hour nap... Needless to say I just woke up.. And I missed getting my 20 minutes in! :-( I originally said I would just do it twice today.. Once first thing, and then again before I went to bed... And then I remembered I have to work tonight!! So in the next 12 hours I have to: First, go back to sleep, then get up, feed the baby, cook breakfast for my family, clean house, workout, do laundry, fix lunch, get babies down for a nap, lay myself down for a nap, get up, shower and get ready for work, pack my lunch... And some how try and fit in another workout in all that!! :-)

    Tomorrow is weigh in day.. I jumped on the scale just now, and haven't lost anything.. Boo! But I know I have built muscle.. But I still like to see those numbers drop!! And no, I haven't lost any inches this week either.. I know I'll see results... My scrubs are fitting looser tho! :-)
  • I don't believe I've sweat like this EVER.. LOL

    I'm scared and excited to weigh-in tomorrow.. While I did fall off the "eating right" trend, i've been pretty good about the workout piece... so hopefully that cherry pie was worked right off!

    Glad to read everyone is going strong and hanging in there. Definiitely keeps me motivated!
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