Does it matter what you eat ?



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    In. SO IN!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Does it make a difference if you eat 1,500 calories at McDonalds or 1,500 calories of clean food when losing weight ? I know, clean food is better for your health, but I'm just asking in terms of losing weight, does it matter if I eat 1,500 calories of burgers or 1,500 calories of salad and apples everyday ?Cause someone actually lost 37 lbs eating only at McDonalds:
    I agree with everyone else that purely for weight loss it does not matter. I will however add to this. If you ate 1500 calories of McDonalds I would say that you would probably have a high probability of eventually not sticking to your diet. 1500 calories of fast food is likely to be much less satiating then if you ate fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fiber, etc. While 1500 calories is 1500 calories, you need to think about the likelihood of adhering to your plan as well. If the amount of food you get is going to be insufficient for your appetite then your odds of eating more then 1500 calories increase.
    Agree with all this.

    That having been said, I don't eat especially "clean" and in fact just ate a gigantic pumpkin cupcake...and I would do it all over again. :wink:
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    Agree with posters above. I personally lost fat by eating treats and fast food in moderation; however, for athletic performance purposes, I prefer to eat "clean" satiating foods most of the time. One time I ate two Boston cream donuts before a workout. Worst decision ever. I felt awful lol.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    A bunch of people will pick on you for using the word "clean." Some get very personally offended by that word and throw temper tantrums over it, lol.

    I don't think I ever "pick on" anyone, let alone for using the term "clean" for food. However, although I didn't happen to even notice it this time until Kalikel commented, it's true that I think it's an unfortunate and quite silly word to use to describe food. Usually what people mean is "nutrient dense" food, but it gets confusing because some use it to mean food that is not whatever arbitrary thing they've decided people shouldn't eat, like anything containing grains or added sugar or even dairy or saturated fat or the like. It's confusing and relies on the premise that others are eating "unclean" foods, which sounds a bit Levitical for a discussion of nutrition.
    The first time I saw the word, I thought it was some fad diet word. I have since come to learn that the definition varies as much as the definition of "moderation." Different people use these words in very different ways. Nine times out of ten, the word "healthy" could be substituted for "clean", but not always.

    Lean, white meat is clean to many, but not to vegans. Etc. it does get confusing.

    If you've picked on anyone or thrown a temper tantrum, I haven't noticed it. But it happens. Someone says "clean" and the fur starts flying. The mocking begins. You must have noticed this. I think people should be warned.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Alright, I'm posting an opposing opinion here...

    It sure does. Fruits and veggies will keep you full for a longer period of time, and you won't experience sugar crashes or vitamin deficiencies.

    How is that an opposing opinion? No one said it doesn't matter for satiety--many (including me) said that it probably does. But the question assumed that satiety was not a problem and the calories in question were, in fact, achieved.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    One weekend I was craving fast food so I went to A&W. One teen burger is 400 cals. So that day I ate a teen burger for every mean and stuck to my caloric goal. It was a heavenly day with that satisfying feeling of "I'm going to eat naughty fast food all day and you can't stop me MOAHAHAHAHA!". But with absolutely NO guilt afterwards because I came in under calorie goal and it had all 4 food groups lol. It felt like the ULTIMATE cheat as I had only just started getting back into watching my calories. I was maybe 2 weeks in?