5'4-5'6 girls!



  • melmargirly
    melmargirly Posts: 59 Member
    Here's the thing... Pregnancy will get ya if you're not careful! I worked my butt off and lost 40lbs, pre-pregnancy and gained 60lbs during pregnancy HA!... btw I have the most beautiful 9mth old girl that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world! :love: She is my inspiration to getting back into shape and taking control... She loves her stroller rides while mommy takes a jog!


    Starting Weight: 196
    Current Weight: 175
    Goal Weight: 135
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member

    SW: 183
    CW: 148
    GW: 130/135 (I'll see how I feel when I get there!)
  • Hi!

    I'm 5'5

    CW 151
    GW 130 or less

    Haven't been 130 for a LONG time. Was keeping up a fairly comfortable weight of around 136 to 141 for about 5 years, but in the last year, I've gained the extra weight and feel uncomfortable and unhealthy. Working on this now! :)
  • MystifiedFluff
    MystifiedFluff Posts: 50 Member
    5' 6"
    SW: 266
    GW: 185

    Though supposedly I should shoot for 154, that seems far too low and I'd be quite happy being 'overweight' as long as I'm healthy. Honestly anything under 200 would make me happy.
  • I'm 5'6
    SW: 141
    the last 2 lbs are taking so long though haha!
  • Equilibrium19
    Equilibrium19 Posts: 5 Member
    CW: 108-110 (small framed,so I'm looking "normal",not skinny xDD ) ,pear shaped
    GW: I'd be happy if I drop 5-10 lbs,BUT it's not so important to me.
    I'm here just to balance my diet and to get one fit,firm body.
  • MistyHiker
    MistyHiker Posts: 175 Member
    5'-4" here

    SW - 320
    CW - 240
    GW - don't really know - doctor said shoot for 170 first.
  • I'm 5'4
    CW 162
    GW 140
  • pink_mint
    pink_mint Posts: 103 Member

    CW: 178 (this is my highest weight)
    GW: 140

    I guess everyone is different because I look ill at 115. I look gaunt and skeletal. I was there and a little below when I was a drug addict. 140 is just about right for me. I look quite fit at that weight. But like others have said, I want to try to not be so fixated on a number.
  • HazelMcNutty
    HazelMcNutty Posts: 85 Member
    I'm about 5'5

    CW - 152
    GW - 135 or maybe 130. I just want to get below 140 and then I'll see how I look/feel. I want to get back into lifting and wish I could be a farmer again.. Those days I weighed quite a bit but was super skinny, it was just a lot of muscle.
  • I have a medium frame. I always thought I was a large frame but after I lost some weight I realized I had fat around my wrist making it seem bigger than it was.


    HW: 202
    SW: 170
    CW: 146
    GW: 115-125

    I'll see how I feel at 125 and decide if I want to lose more. I have wide hips but my chest and shoulders are so tiny. It'd be real nice if the fat on my *kitten*, hips, lower belly, and thighs would start disappearing. It's weird being able to see my rib bones in between my breasts but still having a lot of fat on my lower body.
  • I've always been pretty curvy my whole life. Big butt and thick thighs even at my smallest (125 pds). Gained a lot after high school and during my 7 year relationship. Recently my doctor told me I have pre-diabetic stats.. high sugar etc. So that has really shoved me in the right direction and now I'm determined. Have already lost 2 pds in last 6 days. There are so many girls on here doing awesome that are around my height and weight! That's definitely inspiring me to push myself.Slowly but surely! lol
    Current Weight: 197
    Goal Weight: 150
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    Height - 5'5"
    CW: 129
    GW: 120
  • Sirinya55
    Sirinya55 Posts: 79 Member
    5'5 1/2
    CW 123
    happy with my weight :smile:
  • MeganZeman
    MeganZeman Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there, I'm 30 yrs old
    Just under 5' 7" with an athletic build... Eh hem, a squishy, athletic build when I started ;)
    SW 170
    CW 147
    GW 140
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    age 50
    18% bodyfat
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    5' 5.5"
    CW 133-135 depending on the day
    GW 129.9

    I'm actually not unhappy with my weight, have some extra baggage I'd like to remove/reshape from my middle. Focusing on toning, strengthening with a slight deficit. If I don't hit the 120's its fine.
  • shoegal_81
    shoegal_81 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there,

    Age 33

    5' 6"
    SW 161
    CW 153
    GW 135-140

    I usually get to 149 and give up. Would love to get under 140 but to be honest if I can comfortably fit into a uk size 10 (us size 6 I think) I'll be happy. Currently a size 12-14.
  • cottony
    cottony Posts: 109 Member

  • 5'4"
    SW 237
    CW 164
    GW 145

    Not 100% sure about goal weight. Never been this small. We'll see.

    If you would have told me in January I would weight 164 in September I would have said you are nuts! So happy with my progress. YAY!: bigsmile: